I think she was just tired or had allergies.
I get tears when my eyes are dry.
Sarah tends to not really get mad at anything from what I seen. Brad/Brian/Jake/Dave I seen get really emotional.
The % is based on a more simple Y/N, would you recommend the movie. The critics themselves choose this (rotten or fresh) independent of their actual review and score. Some reviewers will pick rotten even with a 6/10 score or a fresh with a 5/10 score.
Good game is debatable. I was never that invested with the mechanics in the first place. I mean, if you loved the shooting there's certainly a "good" multiplayer game in there for you. That was never the reason for liking this universe, just to have a F2P like horde mode experience. For me it was just serviceable.
Chobot, the dumb galaxy map mini game, Kai Leng, all the stupid ptsd visions nonsense, galactic readiness crap, etc. drag it down. It's terribly inconsistent, and not the "everything's great but the ending" experience some people want to make it out to be.
All of that still gives it more substance over what we got initially in ME1. Kai Leng's problem was that he came out of nowhere not the character itself.
So I just saw it and boy do the critics have it wrong, this film was still very entertaining and I give it a 8/10. Lex taken out of context for the trailers did the movie more harm than good, he played his part well.
Fuck the hate
Movie was perfectly fine
Miles better than age of ultron or man of steel and what more could you possibly expect?
It is super disappointing that a bunch of asshole executives somewhere thought it was a good idea to spoil the whole fucking movie before release though.
Fuck the hate
Movie was perfectly fine
Miles better than age of ultron or man of steel and what more could you possibly expect?
It is super disappointing that a bunch of asshole executives somewhere thought it was a good idea to spoil the whole fucking movie before release though.
This is really embarrassing. Is it that hard to just say the movie was good to YOU! You have to put down other movies instead of letting it stand on its own?.
I actually think it's fine. Ranking systems are so subjective and fiddly. I don't need to know how much critics think I'm going to like something, I need to know the critical consensus on whether or not it's worth watching, and that's what they're trying to convey with the tomatometer. They're saying 30% of critics think it is. It's simple and elegant.
We don't need another metacritic, they're doing a fine job for people who are more interested in actual grades.
This is really embarrassing. Is it that hard to just say the movie was good to YOU! You have to put down other movies instead of letting it stand on its own?.
Just watched it. It has some issues, but it isn't nearly as bad as some folks are making it out to be. I liked it better than a lot of the movies that Marvel has put out lately (basically all of phase 2 sans Winter Soldier and Guardians and even some phase 1 stuff). In other words, its squarely in the middle of the pack in terms of comic book movies over the past few years. I think I liked MOS more, but that may have had a lot to do with the trailers spoiling the hell out of this movie. The fights in MOS were better, for sure. But it was great seeing Wonder Woman on screen and the trinity fighting together. I thought all of the performances were solid. The weakest link was Eisenberg (he had a pretty cringe worthy scene at the end) but I also liked some of the elements he brought to Lex so I wouldn't say it was completely bad.
I didn't have a problem with Batman
basically being the Punisher
. Makes sense that he would go dark after fighting maniacs for 20 years. At some point he must have realized that actually
killing the villains saved lives in the end. I know it is against his character but I always kind of rolled my eyes at that aspect of him in the comic.
Wonder Woman's theme music was great.
The worst part for me were the
Bruce Wayne dream sequences. The one with the double dream was really bad, especially the 2nd part.
. Matter of fact I felt like everything up to that part was good. But from then on up until the fight it drags. I also feel like we didn't need to see the Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg. It felt completely out of place. I also felt like they shouldn't have
hinted at Superman's return. Folks know he will be back...no need to show it. I would have liked to have his return come out of left field in the Justice League climax or something like that.
Also there are plot holes... the biggest being the one
where Superman seemingly knows where Lois is all the time but not his own mother?
- Fuck the critics. It doesn't deserve accolades, but the rating and the company it's with is laughable. This is more watchmen tier than any other thing.
- This movie should not be hated, it tried to do great things, specially for a "blockbuster" (it is not.)
- It has a heart. I'd describe it as a labour of love from a mad lover.
- Editing sucks, really sucks, it's perhaps the worst made movie I've ever seen. But people should see it. it's a story worth telling.
- The DC will redeem it
What is this horseshit. I think it's far from being a good movie. Hell I don't even think it can be called decent with the state it's in but there are a few legitimately great things within it.
As there were in a couple of the prequel films too tbh. You are being way too myopic on this subject
- Fuck the critics. It doesn't deserve accolades, but the rating and the company it's with is laughable. This is more watchmen tier than any other thing.
- This movie should not be hated, it tried to do great things, specially for a "blockbuster" (it is not.)
- It has a heart. I'd describe it as a labour of love from a mad lover.
- Editing sucks, really sucks, it's perhaps the worst made movie I've ever seen. But people should see it. it's a story worth telling.
- The DC will redeem it
Yes, the critical score is fine, if a bit low. But a 30/100 RT score means you should be a 70% sure of it not being worth seeing. That's simply ridiculous.
BTW, this thread sucks. Condescemption: The thread.
I will say, despite its faults, there was really nothing, imo, that prevents the Cinematic universe from improving upon it and being better overall films, except maybe Batman
Yes, the critical score is fine, if a bit low. But a 30/100 RT score means you should be a 70% sure of it not being worth seeing. That's simply ridiculous.
Yes, the critical score is fine, if a bit low. But a 30/100 RT score means you should be a 70% sure of it not being worth seeing. That's simply ridiculous.
BTW, this thread sucks. Condescemption: The thread.
I think people should invest their time in this movie. it brings a new angle for CBM. It's not even trying to ape Nolan like MoS, this is whole new beast. I liked that.
I actually think it's fine. Ranking systems are so subjective and fiddly. I don't need to know how much critics think I'm going to like something, I need to know the critical consensus on whether or not it's worth watching, and that's what they're trying to convey with the tomatometer. They're saying 30% of critics think it is. It's simple and elegant.
We don't need another metacritic, they're doing a fine job for people who are more interested in actual grades.
I'm just saying that they should change the big % to something else so that it doesn't confuse people. Otherwise (new) people keep seeing it and think of it as how good/bad the movie is.
- pacing was odd, with several scenes that made absolutely no sense such as Affleck's "dream" sequence
- regarding the pacing, the way many scenes were cut was just horrid and lazy
- cinematography was nice, Snyder's films always look good, he has a great visual style
- Wonder Woman was amazing, but underutilized. She needs her own film.
- Hated the ending
- The CG on
was a bit wonky
- Lex Luthor sucked. Really bad casting decision. Everyone else was great.
- crazy action
Yes, the critical score is fine, if a bit low. But a 30/100 RT score means you should be a 70% sure of it not being worth seeing. That's simply ridiculous.
BTW, this thread sucks. Condescemption: The thread.
The consensus is that the movie is joyless and just not fun to watch. That's on top of the obvious issues like the editing. Not surprising at all that critics are saying to give it a pass.
But after Snyder and his producing partner Deborah Snyder met with Eisenturd and became more acquainted with his particular personality, the director though hed make for a better Lex Luthor. There were other possibilities, of course, including Bryan Cranston, who had been rumored for the part early on
The RPG/powers mechanics, the writing pre-crucible, companion dialogues were all better not just the gunplay. movement, and agility.
This was all significantly worse in ME1. ME3's repetitive side-missions still had more variety than the single cut/paste environment from ME1.
All of that still gives it more substance over what we got initially in ME1. Kai Leng's problem was that he came out of nowhere not the character itself.
I guess I just prefer the feeling of isolation, and respect the world building and ambition in ME1 even it was still deeply flawed. It followed a better story thread and was a satisfying experience. Are they just so much better than running around in corridors is that much more satisfying?
Mass Effect 3 was, surprise, the third game in the series, so time to figure out some of these things they had. Maybe I take for granted some basic improvements, but that's to be expected when you account for 2 games they delivered already.
Then the dumb compromises, heavy focus on unimportant details and other such things I mentioned just made me less interested in revisiting the story or the gameplay. It definitely showed me bad lessons were learned and the developers, out of some misguided pride in their not so good writing chops or publisher pressure, or whatever else couldn't deliver where it counted. 1 and 2 are better than the sum of its parts, 3 isn't, and the parts aren't that great either.
I was there for the world and the story, and I got some good things out of it even in 3, it just so happened to die a horrible death in the end.
I think people should invest their time in this movie. it brings a new angle for CBM. It's not even trying to ape Nolan like MoS, this is whole new beast. I liked that.
The consensus is that the movie is joyless and just not fun to watch. That's on top of the obvious issues like the editing. Not surprising at all that critics are saying to give it a pass.
I think people should invest their time in this movie. it brings a new angle for CBM. It's not even trying to ape Nolan like MoS, this is whole new beast. I liked that.
I'm of the belief that if you enjoy blockbusters then snyder movies are always worth a watch. They are rarely ever good but he's reaching far beyond his grasp and has a lot of ambition and he does sneak in great stuff amidst all the shit. And his visual sense is on point.
You're never in for a generic experience like most summer movies that can be skipped. Likely not a good one tho either haha.
Like even though I somehow enjoyed this movie less than jurassic world and ant man and a few others it felt like less of a waste of time than those to me.
In my view, being a "real fan" means you can understand criticisms and hope that the production team will improve them. There are Marvel movies I'm not big on, but I wouldn't go around and accuse critics of having an agenda. If no one says anything, the genre can't improve as a whole.
What is Jonah Nolan doing these days? Write him a black check if need be, Cause this ship needs to be righted with people who know what the fuck they're doing.
Superhero films Batman v. Superman is better than:
- Spider-man 3
- Amazing Spider-man 1 & 2
- X-men Last Stand
- Wolverine Origins
- Deadpool
- Fantastic 4 (all 3 of them)
- Dark Knight Rises
- Batman Forever
- Batman and Robin
- Iron Man 2 & 3
- Ant-Man
- The Spirit
- The Green Lantern
- The Green Hornet
- Superman Returns
- Daredevil
- Elektra