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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Hari Seldon said:
So I was playing the engi last night and my rocket launchers didn't seem to do shit against enemy tanks and apcs. Is there a reason whey they are so underpowered or am I doing something wrong?

Hit them in the rear. One single rocket can disable a tank if you hit it right in the rear end.


Kylehimself said:
I have no idea why anybody would waste a slot on tactical lights.



Spokker said:
And then did someone yell at you for not being good enough at it?

I swear, the stigma over jets is insane. They are useless anyway. It's like another game going in the skies. I just ignore them.

No, I play on 360 and no one communicates unless they're in your party anyway :p It's just frustrating because everyone is trying to fly the jets, making it hard to try again if you mess up and die.


Recently connected my PS3 controller to my computer using motionjoy. I can fly OK with only keyboard, but some practise with the DS3 will most likely give much more fluent control.
TylerD said:

Most tactical lights used are very high powered and concentrated compared to a flashlight. Even in light the use of them in someones face will have their site messed up, but even in dark situations the game exaggerates their power and range.


Played more of the single player and while it has improved somewhat I don't think by much. I did enjoy the levels
and the tank level though. That's also because I simply enjoyed piloting a tank in MP and can be pretty good at it at times.

DICE with for authenticity. Never being in the military myself how true they stay with that intent is up for debate by others but I think on that front it's very good from my point of view. It's noticeably different from other military shooters in feel. However that doesn't make for a great entertaining experience. I'm not hating it but on the fun level it's kinda meh. That's the difference when comparing it with CoD I believe. CoD can be fun. Just as scripted but entertaining. DICE is not able to blend in it's scripting events well (to much waiting, having to be in the right spot to trigger scripts, etc) compared to what IW and Treyarch have been able to pull off. Which is strange to me because I think they did a better job when it came to the Bad Company 2's campaign. As it stands that's the more enjoyable single player for me from DICE (didn't play Bad Company 1 so can't comment on it).

There is to much waiting going on in the single player. If they had you being ordered to do more (open this door, take point, etc) then the experience would have been more entertaining. I've gotten killed a few times by the squad AI actually pushing me into the line of fire because I was in a place where the NPC was scripted to go. Also it's annoying to die by a few bullets but to watch my squad members take significantly more damage and be fine. What the hell.

I know this might sound strange but I enjoyed Medal of Honor's campaign more then I'm enjoying BF3's. Not saying that was great either but as a game I enjoyed myself more. I still have the installer files on my PC so I think I'm going to reinstall it and play some levels between the games back to back just to see if what I'm remembering of it is accurate.
Kylehimself said:
I have no idea why anybody would waste a slot on tactical lights.

I keep one on my sidearm since I usually pull it out during closeup "Oh shit" situations where I have no time to reload. I like to think that the blinding has saved me once or twice in those cases.
I keep getting kicked out of servers after 3 minutes even if I did the PB thing.

I assume it's that servers didn't updated the file?

Edit: Is there any way to know if the "recommended" thing worked? I didn't see any PB update prompt...

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
FairXchange said:
I'm having no issues with hit detection on 360.

Every bullet feels accounted for, at least to me.

There was a point when I was wondering where the bullets were going, but I stopped shooting aggressively and started feathering the trigger more and I was racking up streaks.

The only time hitdetection is off is when the servers are taking a shit, which is to be expected.

Evil Benius said:
I keep one on my sidearm since I usually pull it out during closeup "Oh shit" situations where I have no time to reload. I like to think that the blinding has saved me once or twice in those cases.

Yep, same.
Evil Benius said:
I keep one on my sidearm since I usually pull it out during closeup "Oh shit" situations where I have no time to reload. I like to think that the blinding has saved me once or twice in those cases.

If I see a light closeup. I just shoot at the light. Far away, it gives me a place to aim at.

1stStrike said:
I'm still getting used to actually flying. Tracking targets air-to-air is a pain in the ass, and I fucking hate just having guns. I understand making it so you have to earn it, but jets never take off without missiles and shit in real combat IRL unless they're just training. And even then, they still have dummy missiles equipped! /rant :p

Edit: HAHA I just got my first air to air kill after bitching. Some guy was flying like a retard and I shot him down. 250/300 points, though, so still no flares. FUUUUU

As long as you keep trying to fly, can I be in the opposing team?:p
So the Battle Feed is saying its empty and that I need to follow friends. I have to search for all my friends on its website and add them to show their progress? Very annoying.
Two things: firstly, the AKS (default RU engineer primary) is fucking awesome. I've levelled up through the engineering ranks so much quicker than I did with assault.

Secondly, Battlelog is one of the most genius online gaming frameworks I've had the pleasure of using. It's deeply flawed right now, but has the potential for greatness. I love the statistics tracking in particular, the in-depth match reports, the systems for platoons, profile customisation, and so forth. Just fantastic, my doubts have been assuaged for sure.


Finally got the game, I'm downloading the patch now. After days waiting for the mailman to arrive, I open the package and my copy isn't from the limited edition run. Fuck this, I asked about this, and was told that it was the Limited Edition. Fuck this shit.

EA is being greedy. In BC2 every copy of the first run of the game was limited edition. I heard in the OT that only 25% of the first run on BF3 was Limited this time. Why punish the first buyers? We are buying this shit new!!! I pre ordered my copy more than a month ago.

I'm fucking pissed.

I will end up buying the back to Karkand map pack, because BF is irreplaceable to me. But they are milking a lot of new players to the series, who are buying new copies at launch and that don't have the same attachment to BF as me. Perhaps EA should try to cater those players instead of trying so eagerly to get in their pockets. COD is just around the corner you know?

I can't believe I paid $103,65 dollars on a regular copy. Damn...
Meus Renaissance said:
So the Battle Feed is saying its empty and that I need to follow friends. I have to search for all my friends on its website and add them to show their progress? Very annoying.

One of the most annoying things I've found so far. It should automatically populate your Battle Feed with your XBL or PSN friends that have played the game.


JJD said:
Finally got the game, I'm downloading the patch now. After days waiting for the mailman to arrive, I open the package and my copy isn't from the limited edition run. Fuck this, I asked about this, and was told that it was the Limited Edition. Fuck this shit.

EA is being greedy. In BC2 every copy of the first run of the game was limited edition. I heard in the OT that only 25% of the first run on BF3 was Limited this time. Why punish the first buyers? We are buying this shit new!!! I pre ordered my copy more than a month ago.

I'm fucking pissed.

I will end up buying the back to Karkand map pack, because BF is irreplaceable to me. But they are milking a lot of new players to the series, who are buying new copies at launch and that don't have the same attachment to BF as me. Perhaps EA should try to cater those players instead of trying so eagerly to get in their pockets. COD is just around the corner you know?

I can't believe I paid $103,65 dollars on a regular copy. Damn...

I feel the same way, I was frustrated because I didn't preorder the game since I thought it would be like BC2, I did get a limited edition but I had lucky came accross a copy.

I feel they should have released the limited edition for the first run of copies instead of a select amount.


Mammoth Jones said:
I played the campaign on PC for about 30 minutes until it crashed to desktop. I'm using a radeon 6870 stock w/ catalyst 11.9 drivers.


I have the same card and the game runs fine. Make sure to use the latest BF3 specific drivers from AMD... They are up to 11.10 Preview 3 right now.


Junior Butler
Spokker said:
I still think it's good for distracting the enemy. I like using it in the alley on Grand Bazaar.

Yeah, I set 2-3 charges with it last night on Kharg. It's still useful but it was nice leaving it near an MCOM to either reset or disarm.


PjotrStroganov said:

As long as you keep trying to fly, can I be in the opposing team?:p

Hah, I've mostly got the hang of it now. I can fly around pretty well, dodge lock-ons and shit... the actual hard part is shooting people with guns :p

Once I get the fucking missiles it won't be so bad, but at this rate it'll be a week before I even get flares unlocked lol
Foliorum Viridum said:

I really want to try the tactical light since it seems to be good (read: whenever I'm blinded by one I die) but I'm too scared because I know I'll forget about it and blind half of my own team by mistake.

Yeah on one hand it is awesome how the beam shines all over when someone is running, but damn is it annoying when a teammate blinds you running by. I wish it would default to off when you spawn.
Menelaus said:
This is probably old as dirt, but first time I've seen it!


Same happened to me earlier except I was running out of those same buildings right towards the debris that was coming towards the exit of the door. It just missed me.


Dan Yo

Can't join any games with my friends on the 360 version. Is this because the servers are getting hit or is this something they need to patch?
Gah takes forever to get this game started.
1. Install first disc
2. Install second disc
3. Download 140 MB patch
4. Install texture pack
5. Enter code for multiplayer skins
6. Enter code for online pass.

Finally ready to play!
Kaffarov mission, Blackburn part
Dima: If you don't shoot him, millions will die.
Cole: Get down on the ground!
I've pressed both the left mouse button and Z, and even E and space, but it always ends with me getting shot and mission failed.

Ok, I spammed the above buttons throughout the entire scene and managed to get a shot off.
But now nothing's happening and I can't move.

Ok, this time the game decided to load the next level.

That sucked.


VibratingDonkey said:
Kaffarov mission, Blackburn part
Dima: If you don't shoot him, millions will die.
Cole: Get down on the ground!
I've pressed both the left mouse button and Z, and even E and space, but it always ends with me getting shot and mission failed.

Ok, I spammed the above buttons throughout the entire scene and managed to get a shot off.
But now nothing's happening and I can't move.

Ok, this time the game decided to load the next level.

That sucked.
I just shot Cole and was done with it.
I hope they patch in a bomb or something for the jet. They are totally worthless outside of racking up pts as an engineer with stingers. I have not had a jet kill me nor seen a jet affect the game in any way other then ambient noise.
StalkerUKCG said:
Seriously can they patch the menus to remove that distortion crap everytime i highlight/select something its horrible on my eyes.

I don't know whose bright idea this was but it's horrible, especially when you flick through the options really quickly. Quick, simple, efficient UIs, people. We really don't need effects on them.
KingOfKong said:
I hope they patch in a bomb or something for the jet. They are totally worthless outside of racking up pts as an engineer with stingers. I have not had a jet kill me nor seen a jet affect the game in any way other then ambient noise.

I assume that 99% of people who play this game have no idea how to utilize the jet. I'm one of them.
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