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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Junior Butler
Stallion Free said:
Personally I find it fucking appalling that they consistently have atrocious launches. Is it so hard to prepare?

To me it's 100% better than BF2 and BC2's launches, as I can actually play the game during the week of it's release.

Totally anecdotal I realize, plus my expectations were crazy low to begin with :p.
ashley678 said:
its quite amazing how many guys on here in every battlefield thread before release said this would kill call of duty, or at least sell more. so many guys here praised this game to death on here.

the same thing happens with every battlefield release its plague with hundreds of bugs

What the hell are you talking about? I seriously don't think ANYONE, BF3 fanboy or not, thought BF3 was going to outsell MW3. You could probably count the posts on one hand, that thought BF3 would outsell MW3.

And COD never has any bugs on release? Nor any other big MP game? Get this shit outta here and into the garbage thread.


Mr Sandman said:
'Sup javelin martyrdom and Model 1887 sniper shotties.

As if that wasn't bad enough then we got the radio controlled thermal nuclear explosive car, for 3 kills (2 with hardline) :|


ashley678 said:
sounds like every battlefield game, praised as a call of duty killer before release, and shit loads of glitches when released, and people wonder each time why call of duty is so big, atleast most of the bugs are not existent when released just needs balance.

Jesus christ did you even play MW2?

Game breaking bugs everywhere
ashley678 said:
sounds like every battlefield game, praised as a call of duty killer before release, and shit loads of glitches when released, and people wonder each time why call of duty is so big, atleast most of the bugs are not existent when released just needs balance.

Was Modern Warfare 2 THAT long ago?
Trin3785 said:
stupid question, but on PS3 I cannot get the jets to control inverted. I have all the options selected in the menu for inverted but it says thats for Helicopters only. Is there no way to get inverted controls when in jets?
well, i dunno if it's like this on PS3, but on 360, the normal/invert option is ... inverted!

sp3000 said:
Bad Company 1 had wide spaced flags. It's nothing to do with consoles. It's just DICE having zero idea how to make good maps.

This stupid trend started with BC2 in an attempt to have constant explosions aka COD.
they need to do a BC1 pack with End Of The Line, Valley Run/Deconstruction, Par for the Course and Crossing Over.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Mr Sandman said:
:lol Who said that? I can't recall anyone ever saying that.

Also, the game isn't really that buggy. Neither was BC2 on launch. You want buggy see Red Orchestra 2 (they might have ironed it out by now) or BF3 Beta.

if u could actually search properly at this place then i could find lots of quotes but sadly not.
ashley678 said:
its quite amazing how many guys on here in every battlefield thread before release said this would kill call of duty, or at least sell more. so many guys here praised this game to death on here.

the same thing happens with every battlefield release its plague with hundreds of bugs

Battlefield has been killing Call of Duty since Call of Duty was Call of Duty. No BF game has ever had a smooth release, it is known.
belvedere said:
To me it's 100% better than BF2 and BC2's launches, as I can actually play the game during the week of it's release.

Totally anecdotal I realize, plus my expectations were crazy low to begin with :p.
I am having an amazing time with the game and totally expected to not play until at least Sunday. Sucks that other people are having major issues.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
err ffs... used to be able to play w/o any issues, now all of the sudden I'm lucky if the crash to desktop rate is less than 50%?


Hope they fix the issue where the first time loading a server the game crashes but if you try again it works fine.


Have not put much time into the game yet so my opinion is not well informed but first impressions are that BC2 is a much better, much more balanced, much more fun game.

I absolutely HATE the UI.


Game is fun when it works but there's a lot of problems. Playing with your Live party is broken atm, way too hard to find a server and when you find it, you get placed to different teams/squads.

No idea what's going on with the servers as well, it only gives me a handful of servers even if all my filters are unchecked? And 9/10 out of these servers become full in 1 second.

And I mentioned this earlier but the UI is a joke. I'm not sure how it is for PC with high resolutions but on consoles, those icons are really huge and sometimes placed right above your aim.

This launch so far has been much, much worse for me than BC2 launch. The main problem with that launch was lag but now it's just broken features. Easily patchable though and I hope EA/DICE does something about it fast. Also add more servers FFS.


Me and some dude just went in a tank on Operation Firestorm defence and tore shit up. 18 for me in the gunner seat, 22 for him, 0 deaths between us. Waaaaay too easy to defend those first 2 MCOMs if thats anything to go by.

The Highway map is a bit crap though, you always feel absolutely miles away from the fighting.


My friend can't even properly launch the game because of server issues now, just when we have free time for the game :-/
its kind of scary to think how much fun I am having in this game despite all of the bugs and glitches so far. I fear for my social life once they get everything ironed out and running smoothly.
ashley678 said:
sounds like every battlefield game, praised as a call of duty killer before release, and shit loads of glitches when released, and people wonder each time why call of duty is so big, atleast most of the bugs are not existent when released just needs balance.

Sorry, but this game goes . . . beyond the call.


ashley678 said:
its quite amazing how many guys on here in every battlefield thread before release said this would kill call of duty, or at least sell more. so many guys here praised this game to death on here.

the same thing happens with every battlefield release its plague with hundreds of bugs
Good lord, man.


ashley678 said:
its quite amazing how many guys on here in every battlefield thread before release said this would kill call of duty, or at least sell more. so many guys here praised this game to death on here.

the same thing happens with every battlefield release its plague with hundreds of bugs

nobody ever said that. Ive been following every single post in all BF3 threads, nobody ever said such things.

Now things like BF3 is gonna be a better quality game than MW3 but wont outsell it, yeah. BUT NOT COD KILLER.

Its pretty obvious MW3 will sell very very well. WE ALL KNOW THIS.
ashley678 said:
sounds like every battlefield game, praised as a call of duty killer before release, and shit loads of glitches when released, and people wonder each time why call of duty is so big, atleast most of the bugs are not existent when released just needs balance.

You sure you want to continue down this line of reasoning?


Javelin Suicide Bomber Glitch
Hidden Sentry Gun Glitch
Care Package Super Sprint Glitch
Infinite Care Package/Sentry/Airdrop Glitch
Map Exiting/Elevator Glitches
Last Stand Primary Weapon Glitch
Double Stealth Bomber Glitch

This isn't even including all the JTAG/Hacked lobby glitches, or the glitches that I considered "not game-breaking."

ashley678 said:
its quite amazing how many guys on here in every battlefield thread before release said this would kill call of duty, or at least sell more. so many guys here praised this game to death on here.

the same thing happens with every battlefield release its plague with hundreds of bugs

You seem to be a little confused. You are not on the gamefaqs forums. Take the infantile "platform warrior" shit to the appropriate shit thread.


Press - MP1st.com
exarkun said:
why did people buy the game if so many are complaining about it? I just kind of want to know if SP is fun and if the MP has some great moments. I don't trust anything the journos say about MP since I played the beta.

I'm on PS3 by the way.

Because the MP is FUN! There are a few niggles that really need to be addressed, but the core game is fun.

I haven't done much work in two days because of the game. Now level 16 going to 17 and I'm loving it.

Issues are there though. It's like a tradition with DICE/EA.

Servers need work
Squadding up is pretty much almost useless unless there are only two of you
VOIP sometimes gets so choppy you can't hear a thing, or worse. I've had two instances where the mic icon is constantly on the screen. But I can't talk to anyone. Only way to fix it is to go out to XMB and reload the game.
Sound issues in the game

Also, anyone here having problems with knifing two people that are next to each other? I've had multiple times where i knifed someone, would want to knife the person next to him and it won't go to the stabbing animation and instead do a normal knife swipe. Ugh!

I predict about 1-2 more patches and this game would be so good. I just hate we need those patches.

And DICE, bring Battlecorder with that damn patch! :)
JB1981 said:
Have not put much time into the game yet so my opinion is not well informed but first impressions are that BC2 is a much better, much more balanced, much more fun game.

I absolutely HATE the UI.

I feel the same way, but it might just be because the majority of my matches have been terrible in the K/D department. Yeah, I know it isn't about K/D in Battlefield blah blah, but I used to do WAY better in BC2. I don't know if it's the maps, or players laying in prone, but I just can't find my rhythm and it's frustrating.


JB1981 said:
Have not put much time into the game yet so my opinion is not well informed but first impressions are that BC2 is a much better, much more balanced, much more fun game.

Need to resist tag quote .....

But seriously, BC2 had over a year worth of patches to balance it out and even now I wouldn't consider the medic class to be balanced.

I haven't unlocked most of the guns so it's hard to comment on the balance (and thus I have no idea how you're able to) but so far so good I think.


Press - MP1st.com
KingOfKong said:
its kind of scary to think how much fun I am having in this game despite all of the bugs and glitches so far. I fear for my social life once they get everything ironed out and running smoothly.

Agreed. There are a lot of issues in the game now but nothing too major to make it unplayable but can you imagine once they fix everything up? It would be legendary!

I've been playing constantly for hours now and if I didn't have to sleep, I wouldn't. There progression system is really well-made. I always see on Battlelog that I'm 5 kills away from unlocking X item and that persuades me to play "one more round" just to get it...of course, after that round is done, I see another item/camo and I repeat the cycle again!

Carrot on a stick dangling in front of me? Yeah it's working...
Kylehimself said:
Not a server to be seen on 360.
yeah, i set the server browser to show all rush and cq maps, even full ones, there were 91 pages of servers on 360, 87 at 24/24 and the rest at mostly 23/24 and 99% of the time full by the time you join.

shit is crazy!


Press - MP1st.com
Net_Wrecker said:
I feel the same way, but it might just be because the majority of my matches have been terrible in the K/D department. Yeah, I know it isn't about K/D in Battlefield blah blah, but I used to do WAY better in BC2. I don't know if it's the maps, or players laying in prone, but I just can't find my rhythm and it's frustrating.

You have scopes already? Me and my friends had the same problem...until we got access to sights and whatnot. Makes killing way more easier; especially if you have a muzzle brake and holographic scope.

Give it time to relearn the gunplay. It's vastly different from BC2. It feels like CoD gunplay with a whole lot more recoil.

Also, flashlights, silencers are you friends. :)


Why can't you invert the y-axis? Wtf is this shit? It's been a standard option since time immemorial. And the server issue on 360 (can only find two/three servers at a time) is starting to piss me off as well.

Other than that I'm loving it! Tehran in conquest rocks and looks brilliant.


Trucker Sexologist
Wow, this thread got trolled hard. Even with the bugs, there's no replacement for BF3 this gen, so it's not even worth getting into an internet argument over which FPS can beat up the other FPS.


ashley678 said:
sounds like every battlefield game, praised as a call of duty killer before release, and shit loads of glitches when released, and people wonder each time why call of duty is so big, atleast most of the bugs are not existent when released just needs balance.
ashley678 said:
its quite amazing how many guys on here in every battlefield thread before release said this would kill call of duty, or at least sell more. so many guys here praised this game to death on here.

the same thing happens with every battlefield release its plague with hundreds of bugs
Complaints about bugs go in this thread.

Complaints about bugs as a comparison to CoD go here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=431149


Junior Butler


Seriously guys, take the BF3 vs. Other Major Shooter elsewhere.

belvedere said:
Well, to be fair, not many people play at a resolution [i]that[/i] small, so it doesn't quite take up that much of the screen, but yeah.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
belvedere said:

Wait, that's not how it looks right? On my screen it's still annoying but nowhere near that, does it not scale with resolution?

Also does the hud "jitter" for anyone else when they turn around and stuff?


Neo Member


Did they fix the UI scaling and shrink the size of the weapon? I don't need something taking up like 1/4 of my screen :|
excaliburps said:
You have scopes already? Me and my friends had the same problem...until we got access to sights and whatnot. Makes killing way more easier; especially if you have a muzzle brake and holographic scope.

Give it time to relearn the gunplay. It's vastly different from BC2. It feels like CoD gunplay with a whole lot more recoil.

Also, flashlights, silencers are you friends. :)

It has to do more with my playstyle, I think. In Rush especially, I'm the "GO GO GO" type of player and all the crevices on these maps (the urban ones especially) mixed with prone is just getting me killed left and right. And it's funny because I've played against teams that play like me and they wipe the floor with my team which makes me rage harder.

Oh and I miss the Recon motion sensor ball like you wouldn't believe. That thing helped out with M-COM pushes so much.


Junior Butler
Corky said:
Wait, that's not how it looks right? On my screen it's still annoying but nowhere near that, does it now scale with resolution?

Also does the hud "jitter" for anyone else when they turn around and stuff?

I shrunk it down, but I think the source was @ 1440X900.

It's pretty bad. They should either stack the chat text in a more narrow box, or get rid of the box all together like in the previous games.
Corky said:
Wait, that's not how it looks right? On my screen it's still annoying but nowhere near that, does it not scale with resolution?

Also does the hud "jitter" for anyone else when they turn around and stuff?

It must scale with resolution. Mine is nowhere near that big. Explains why I've been confused at the chat box size complaints.
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