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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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1stStrike said:
Agreed. I really don't like 64 player maps. 32 is just right.
I love 64 player battles but most of the maps are just designed so poorly that none of them are any fun to play on. Even BC 2 had awesome 32 player conquest maps. It's rather depressing.


Red Blaster said:
95% of my 200 hours in BF2 were on 32 player servers (on 64 sized maps). Rounds lasted twice as long.
Almost sounds like the 64 player count shouldn't even be considered a bullet point by you guys.


cackhyena said:
Almost sounds like the 64 player count shouldn't even be considered a bullet point by you guys.

Most BF3 players are not concerned with bullet points of the PC version over the console version.
I thought the detail in these two screens I took is just absolutely thrilling, and no matter the level of detail or amount of action going on, at the res that I'm playing absolutely Maxed the game doesn't skip a beat!

Pure eye sex.




Massa said:
Most BF3 players are not concerned with bullet points of the PC version over the console version.
I was playing last night ( 360 ) and noticed some shitty textures on some crate or something where I was waiting for the round to start. I immediately thought about how little it matters in the grand scheme of things. Not only because of how much the whole of it comes together to look so good with lighting, shadows, etc. But how when you are in the thick of it...not one lick of it matters.
Seep said:
The screen tearing in that vid is horrendous.

I had to stop half way because of his horrible playing, run out blindly into the enemy side and he gets pissed that he dies mmk.

EDIT - those pics are fuckin enormous bro.

cackhyena said:
I was playing last night ( 360 ) and noticed some shitty textures on some crate or something where I was waiting for the round to start. I immediately thought about how little it matters in the grand scheme of things. Not only because of how much the whole of it comes together to look so good with lighting, shadows, etc. But how when you are in the thick of it...not one lick of it matters.

Except you said yourself you noticed it. I agree that it's not something game breaking but it's just something that makes you stop for a second and go, wow, that looks like shit and takes you out of the experience a little.


64 players is amazing on maps like Caspain and Firestorm but on some maps it feels really crowded. Grand Bazar for example. All things even, the more players the better but the maps have to be designed with the player count in mind.


Campaign glitch?

Playing on Normal I finished a mission and was on the next one, decided to get a certain achievement on the previous mission so I quit the one I'm on and go back to play the previous one and get the achievement. Now I go back to the mission I was last on and I can only play it on Easy, no normal. Weird..


Finished the campaign today. There are moments where the game is pretty good. However overall I would consider it forgettable, dull, and a generally poor experience. Graphics, sound, and size of the levels are amazing. However enemy and friendly AI was all over the place. The story in general was bad in many places. There are holes, certain things are simply not explained or don't make any logical sense. The transition from event to event is simply bad in some cases. Voice work is okay though. I said it before but I'm certainly sure of it now. Medal of Honor and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, certainly not works of art themselves, were far more enjoyable and superior experiences overall for me.

Mulitplayer is still crashing on me. Each and every time it happens my position on being done with buying PC games after BF3, because I'm tired of dealing with this with games, gets stronger and stronger. I'll still play BF3 since it's been bought.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Server is full.

Server is full.

Kicked from server.

Kicked from server.

Kicked from server.

Kicked from server.

Then I get into a game; and my mouse has the strangest acceleration. I've tried V-Sync off, V-Sync on, forced triple buffering, disabling motion blur and AA/AF... nothing works. I don't know what it is; but my aiming is 100%, most *certainly* off. It seems I'm a weird one, as nobody else seems to have the problem except a small few. Luckily, DICE has said that it's releasing a "mouse fix" here soon, and I'm really hopeful that works. Because, as it is, I can't get a kill for the life of me; and it's just not worth playing. I played both the Alpha and the Beta, for a good 15hrs each, and neither of them had this problem.

But, I try to persevere, and decide to go for a vehicle. The vehicles are jittery as all hell. Again, the Beta was *nothing* like this. It's like lag... but it's not...

But, of course, there is the actual lag. I just can't seem to find a 64 player server that can stay under 100ms ping for the life of me. I'm getting *ridiculous* lag spikes in every single game I play. 32 player servers seem better; but that kind of defeats the point.

Booted from game/Kicked from game/Kicked from administrator/Crash to desktop

And then I'll go back to BattleLog, and the stupid thing says the match is ready, I join, and it launches single player :-/


Sorry, I know most everyone is really loving the game, and I'm happy for you all. But I just need to vent. There's not any one *terrible* or game ruining hitch that's driving me away; but it's all these small things adding up that are just driving me away from the game.

Compounded with the silly omissions that were purposeful - things like no queue when joining a game, or no ping indicator in game, and I'm just getting frustrated.

Is there *anyone* out there like me; or am I in the boat all by myself?

DISCLAIMER: The game seems great! I'm not hating. I just wish I wasn't having all this trouble :-(


cackhyena said:
This almost sounds like some kind of blasphemy for a PC player to say.

You'd think, but...

Sigma Storm said:
I love 64 player battles but most of the maps are just designed so poorly that none of them are any fun to play on. Even BC 2 had awesome 32 player conquest maps. It's rather depressing.

And there you go. Every time I get into a 64 player game it's just too chaotic, rounds are too short and it's just not fun. 32 players is just right, IMO. I stick to 32 player servers for the most part.


iam220 said:
64 players is amazing on maps like Caspain and Firestorm but on some maps it feels really crowded. Grand Bazar for example. All things even, the more players the better but the maps have to be designed with the player count in mind.

I think Grand Bazaar works pretty well with 64 players, but it seems I'm in the minority.

But yeah, I wish DICE had focused a little more on building maps around 64 players even if it meant making 1 or 2 PC exclusive out of necessity.
Any particular reason why we can't go back to the multiplayer menu screen after a match? It's kind of stupid to make me wait 45 seconds to back out when I'm done with a round.


1stStrike said:
You'd think, but...

And there you go. Every time I get into a 64 player game it's just too chaotic, rounds are too short and it's just not fun. 32 players is just right, IMO. I stick to 32 player servers for the most part.
Not really, 64 player servers in previous BF games were incredible. I can't say the same for BF 3.


Sigma Storm said:
Not really, 64 player servers in previous BF games were incredible. I can't say the same for BF 3.

Right, but I don't care about previous BF games as I'm playing BF3 :p

I haven't found a single map that I've enjoyed on 64 players. That's another reason why I avoid the GAF server. I'm of the opinion that two 32 player servers would've been better due to the issues with all the current maps. I'm certain I'm in the minority, though.


zero margin said:
Except you said yourself you noticed it. I agree that it's not something game breaking but it's just something that makes you stop for a second and go, wow, that looks like shit and takes you out of the experience a little.
The point is, it doesn't matter to me. Not enough. So all the bullshit about graphics at the end of the day...just...ugh. Shit looks good enough. At least for these aging consoles.

What really matters to me is how fucking useless I feel as a sniper on all these maps compared to BC2. I don't get it. Why couldn't I start out with a similar sniper rifle to the one they started you out with in that game?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
ColonialRaptor said:
Pure eye sex.


I'm hoping by next year I can afford to build a new rig.

I can run at high now but would love to bump up to ultra at 60+ fps. For now I just have to settle for my dreams.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
cackhyena said:
What really matters to me is how fucking useless I feel as a sniper on all these maps compared to BC2. I don't get it. Why couldn't I start out with a similar sniper rifle to the one they started you out with in that game?
They just nerfed the sniper so hard from beta. No lube, no warning.

The starting snipers were pro-tier then.
I've been loving the MP in this game. I guess you could call me a fairly casual player so I'm not sure if people here will agree with me, but the fact that snipers seem to be a total afterthought in matches has made this the most enjoyable FPS I've played in a while.

I've never really enjoyed playing as a sniper so I guess I'm pretty biased on the situation, but most of my frustration in BC2 was from getting killed by those damn wookies. Every kill here seems to be from vehicles or someone running around instead of camping on some corner of the map. That's been my experience at least. I still suck at these games, but I don't get as frustrated with this one. Good stuff.

I'm playing on 360. Not sure how PC matches play out.

Edit: Haha, just saw cackhyena's post. I'm sure many people feel differently about this topic.


Stallion Free said:
They just nerfed the sniper so hard from beta. No lube, no warning.

The starting snipers were pro-tier then.

Im using the sks now. Its decent. The mk11/svd/m39 all fire way to slow to be effective.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Spl1nter said:
Im using the sks now. Its decent. The mk11/svd/m39 all fire way to slow to be effective.
Yeah MK11 fire rate wasn't an issue in beta because it was a 2 shot weapon, but here it is like 3-4 and that just wrecks it.
MDavis360 said:
The EOD bot is hard as hell to control...

So much this. It's like watching a drunk ass Wall E stumbling his way toward the M-COMs. If you can mange to straighten the little dude out it's manageable, but gotdamn if you need to turn a corner :lol
Omg the hallway in bazaar with 64 players is a clusterfuck, felt like i was playing quake, in the other hand i got an amazing killstreak using the recon there.


Finished the campaign on hard earlier. People weren't kidding when they said it was bad. Thought the MOH campaign was far better and the storyline there was practically not existent. Surprisingly poor effort even by DICE standards.

Multi is fun though, but I'm oh so bad at it.


Damn that felt good beating the second coop mission. Every game I've played up until now had ended in failure until I
changed the helicopter controls to southpaw . I'm still a shit pilot but I can keep a chopper steady enough now for a gunner to get shots off.
EekTheKat said:
Damn that felt good beating the second coop mission. Every game I've played up until now had ended in failure until I
changed the helicopter controls to southpaw . I'm still a shit pilot but I can keep a chopper steady enough now for a gunner to get shots off.

There's some great ideas in there for the co-op missions, along with some obvious omissions (tank and jet levels). It's a real shame the AI lets the whole thing down.


doomed1 said:
He should really play conquest. Camping in that game is alot harder and if you're on a competitive team, then things like spawn dying and camping is harder to back up.

In the meanwhile, I really, really, REALLY wish I had smoke grenades. I'd even give up a specialization slot to have them. Covering movement would make problem areas in some maps so much easier, but the only specialty that has smoke is Assault, and no one in that class uses smokes.

Sorry for the late reply on co-op. I ended up doing it with AppleMix, and after that I played for a long amount of hours with friends. Another time perhaps?


I agree with a lot of what is being said in this thread on 64 players being rubbish in this game, and it just comes down to map pool I believe. I can't think of one map where 64 just flows. I've found myself sticking to 24 players max games. 8-24 is where I'm comfortable in to be able to do well enough game to game and have fun.

So, my top 3 wanted fixes:

1) Let me change classes/load outs/appearance between games and on battlelog.

2) Fix the spawning in TDM to not be shitty spots, let me spawn on squad mates, and/or give me some spawn invincibility. I shit you not I had a game today where I died 8, count them 8, times in a ROW without ever getting to take 1 foot from where I spawned. It was on the port map with containers. Jesus God. ; ;

3) Let me create my own squad/fix the Join squad glitch. I tried so many times to join my friends, but the join squad button wouldn't show up until like my 30th attempt from leaving and joining random squads over and over. Oh and as a part of this it would be great if the games I get into with friends would keep me on the same team, or at least notify me before I join that, "not all members will be on same team."

There's plenty of other issues I'm sure you're all having so feel free to share. :)


Aside from changing loadouts during loading screens between matches, I think they should add multiple loadouts to make it easier on people who play different modes and also change setups depending on the maps.


Press - MP1st.com
canadian crowe said:
It was such an odd design choice to limit weapon unlocks to each side. I feel like it puts me at a disadvantage sometimes.

You can unlock the opposing side's weapons when you level up. :)

I'm unlocking the M4 for the Russian side now, etc. If I'm not mistake. Using the A-91 for the Engineer which is a damn good weapon.
Finally grinded on the jets long enough to reach my goal, which were the laser-guided air-to-ground missiles. By the time I got them I was pretty much dominating the skies with 10+ jets downed every game, but I was looking forward to being able to like, finally help my guys on the ground by taking out tanks and whatnot.

Unfortunately, they suck. Maybe they're better with guys on the ground painting targets, but my first impressions were that they were incredibly hard to use, require 3+ missiles on a tank for even disable, and leave you incredibly vulnerable to gun runs by enemy jets while you set up your bombing run.

Guess I'll try to get better at the choppers instead.


mr_nothin said:
Having so much fun tweaking all these color correction/vignette/FXAA settings:

Please, for the love of the flying spaghetti monster, tell us how to turn off the JJ Abrams/Die Hard lights, and the lens flares, and the specks of all that crap they put all over the "visor" LOL

Or do what they did for Crysis 2 and make a launcher :D
excaliburps said:
You can unlock the opposing side's weapons when you level up. :)

I'm unlocking the M4 for the Russian side now, etc. If I'm not mistake. Using the A-91 for the Engineer which is a damn good weapon.
It's no so much the weapons, but the scopes that I'm missing.

I'm not really feeling the game at all. Maybe I'm just not a multiplayer fan...


Interficium said:
Finally grinded on the jets long enough to reach my goal, which were the laser-guided air-to-ground missiles. By the time I got them I was pretty much dominating the skies with 10+ jets downed every game, but I was looking forward to being able to like, finally help my guys on the ground by taking out tanks and whatnot.

Unfortunately, they suck. Maybe they're better with guys on the ground painting targets, but my first impressions were that they were incredibly hard to use, require 3+ missiles on a tank for even disable, and leave you incredibly vulnerable to gun runs by enemy jets while you set up your bombing run.

Guess I'll try to get better at the choppers instead.

Use the rocket pods. They do more damage and you don't need to rely on a lock-on.

In reality, the air to ground missiles should take a tank out in 1 hit, but that would be OP for this game. Hopefully in the buff to jets in the next patch this is fixed, though. 2 hits max to take out a tank, IMO. 1 to disable and 1 to destroy. Otherwise, the tank is just going to get repaired before you can even hit it again.
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