Joel Was Right
Does anyone have a list of weapons you can unlock during Co-Op? Also, are there any sights you can unlock in Co-Op?
Recently I've been using the 4x scope, but the 7x scope worked just as well. It's just your preference. I typically just find some cover from a distance where I can scan the objective for enemies from a distance and if I see any I'll take them out before moving on. Once they are gone or if I don't find anyone there, I'll run to it and find a safe place to go prone or hide while capping it. I usually take out my pistol since I'll typically be inside a building or somewhere without a large viewable distance, and if I'm in a decent spot I can take them out with the pistol since I see them first.ElyrionX said:Thanks for the tips. When attacking or defending objectives, what scope do you use on the SV98? I guess it helps to have a squad of friends to team with. In public games, it's always tough finding good squads who will work together.
The_Monk said:How hard is the SP campaign in Hard?
Comparing to other FPS's like MW2, Medal of Honor, Black Ops, etc?
Enco said:But why couldn't they fix something like that into the game?
Yes, it has nice features but I don't want to quit to desktop every time I switch server and I don't want to need a net connection to play sp.
zlatko said:Joke easy.
Bloody annoying in some points. I've been standing places before where a scripted rocket/explosion happens and have died, which always feels like a cheap death because there is sometimes no warning where and when that will happen. AI also feels like they cheat by killing you really fast sometimes. Constantly respawning enemies occur until you pass certain invisible gates sometimes. Other than that, it's not too bad so far. Basically - I feel like I'm getting punished by restarting to the last checkpoint when it's not even my fault a lot of the time.The_Monk said:How hard is the SP campaign in Hard?
Comparing to other FPS's like MW2, Medal of Honor, Black Ops, etc?
Disguises said:Bloody annoying in some points. I've been standing places before where a scripted rocket/explosion happens and have died, which always feels like a cheap death because there is sometimes no warning where and when that will happen. AI also feels like they cheat by killing you really fast sometimes. Constantly respawning enemies occur until you pass certain invisible gates sometimes. Other than that, it's not too bad so far. Basically - I feel like I'm getting punished by restarting to the last checkpoint when it's not even my fault a lot of the time.
Mat C said:I really, really like Battlelog personally. I've had it open whilever I've been on the net since I bought the game. Makes it so easy to just dive into a game or tinker with your stats etc.
To be honest while I tend to enjoy online shooters I don't tend to get all that involved with the perks, unlocks and clan side of them. With Battlelog however it just seems to be so convenient to keep your eye on all that stuff on the fly. I like having that as part of my browser experience. It feels like an extension of the game.
I'm impressed with it so far. The only problem I have with Battlelog so far is that I'm pretty lonely on there at the moment and it just highlights how annoyed I am that I can't just access all my Steam friends through Origin/Battlelog.
Ryuuga said:Yeah, it's really grown on me. It had a rough start, but once you get the basic functionality and features down it's very intuitive. I also like the fact that DICE/EA is asking for feedback on how to further improve it.
I find being a medic works well of you have a good squad or better yet, defending the subway stairs lilKentpaul said:I'm playing as a medic ftw, raking in the points as my comdrads fall
any stat update apps for facebook? So when i level up ect it posts to my facebook wall..
jns said:I find being a medic works well of you have a good squad or better yet, defending the subway stairs lil![]()
Anyone?Enco said:Anyone know why I get a weird white noise type sound when someone sprints next to me?
Haha I posted a pic earlier where I went 1-2 and still topped the score with over 4000 pointsDakota47 said:Operation Metro CQ64 is basically a boosting map for assault. Expect at least 4K points without ribbon and other bonuses.
The_Monk said:Really? And is Hard the hardest difficulty?
zlatko said:Hard is the hardest, and on PC I had no issues with it compared to any of the Call of Duty games.
Idk why someone listed respawning enemies... I think there is 1 sequence at the start that does that, but the rest of the game is finite amount of enemies and you basically just do clear the area and proceed onward.
Once you realize oh I can't move around much or at all, and just have to do a pop and shoot then duck to win for all sequences, it becomes super easy super quick.
It makes any CoD campaign on Veteran look like you are doing it on normal.
Anton Sugar said:Really? I find it easy to hit on the second Stinger missile after the flare. You can reload/lock on faster than flares re-gen.
The_Monk said:Thanks for the better explanation. I don't like when I'm trying to be super cautious but they keep coming and coming. If all I need is to take it slow, it's okay but if there is unlimited enemies no matter how many I kill. it sucks a bit.
Thanks mate, I'll have another crack at the server browser this evening. For what it's worth my NAT is definitely open, and I remember BC2 having server issues at launches as well, I've just never experienced the amount of lag I was getting last night before.Toodles said:Both Quick Match and the Server Browser on 360 arew a damn crapshoot each time for me also. My connection is fine though (I'm pretty sure), Open NAT, decent speeds up and down, non-flaky modem. It just feels like I'm not grabbing empty spots fast enough. I thi9nk your Server Browser will auto-default to your region. On the Browser, click RS and it brings a sort toggle up. This is also the only way to search out hardcore and infantry modes too (good luck getting a server though).
zlatko said:Yeah CoD World at War is a nightmare. Forever enemies + grenade tracking to kill you 24/7 made me want to punch my face in.
This is not like that. If anything you can turn it back down to normal if it gets too hard for you, but I found anytime I was dying it was just because I wasn't staying in cover enough, before taking my pop shots. The game is also pretty lenient on check points, although there was 2 sequences I can remember where the checkpoitns were a bit far out.
Yup, I got like 7k from revives/heals one time :lolDakota47 said:Operation Metro CQ64 is basically a boosting map for assault. Expect at least 4K points without ribbon and other bonuses.
CryptiK said:Portal 2 to anyone that has the Amazon Preorder bonus dog tag code!! REALLY WANT!! Also giving away some games for the Dr Pepper codes!
CrankyJay said:Damn, I'm sorry I missed this. What's so important about the Amazon code? I redeemed it but I don't feel any different. =)
RibbedHero said:So, now that we've played the full game, what's everyone's favourite and/or most played class?
Personally I love support due to awesome M249 and the prospect of the mortars.
As far as time played goes though, I'm playing Support, Engineer and Assault almost equally as rockets, mines, heath, and defibs are extremely useful in-game.
Recon doesn't get much love from me, and it seems that it gets very little love from the majority of players (on CQ anyway, don't know how it is in Rush).
The_Monk said:Thanks for the better explanation. I don't like when I'm trying to be super cautious but they keep coming and coming. If all I need is to take it slow, it's okay but if there is unlimited enemies no matter how many I kill. it sucks a bit.
Kentpaul said:anyway to link my facebook to the battlelog
Yep adding soldier customization would make it damn near perfect. I hate having to spend precious game time fine tuning my loadout.Dakota47 said:If they add soldier, weapon and vehicle customization it is perfect.
According to the stats, 84% of my time has been playing Assault. It's really more than that, the time spent on other classes was my friends playing it in my gaff. Really loved Assault in BC2 and will continue to play with it until I've unlocked everything. I'll probably move on to Engineer after that, then Support and finally, ugh, Recon. Once I've everything done, I'll probably spend my time between Assault and Engineer.RibbedHero said:So, now that we've played the full game, what's everyone's favourite and/or most played class?
Personally I love support due to awesome M249 and the prospect of the mortars.
As far as time played goes though, I'm playing Support, Engineer and Assault almost equally as rockets, mines, heath, and defibs are extremely useful in-game.
Recon doesn't get much love from me, and it seems that it gets very little love from the majority of players (on CQ anyway, don't know how it is in Rush).
F#A#Oo said:The lag is this game is pretty ridiculous now...
I hope they do something...also is it possible to do lag-switching? Lastnight I was in a room and anytime I went near an enemy even when i had the drop of them...I would lose in the encounter as they would be somewhere else to where I was shooting...
BeeDog said:Has the Digital Foundry face-off been posted yet? Sorry if old.
In short, the console versions are both excellent, but the PC version blows both out of the water.
zlatko said:I was in a 50 some ping server earlier and my connection was fine, but people were able to open the matrix up and become Neo because bullets were curving around corners to hit me.
Some super fucked up shit.![]()
RibbedHero said:So, now that we've played the full game, what's everyone's favourite and/or most played class?