lazybones18 said:What's the key for switching fire modes for the main guns again?
lazybones18 said:What's the key for switching fire modes for the main guns again?
Ysiadmihi said:
Jesus Christ I hope so!Be Advised: We will be starting server maintenance and improvements for PC, 360, PS3 in ~30 minutes. Outages will last 1 hour. Over.
Raide said:Have DICE mentioned if they have any plans to add the Onslaught mode from BC2 into BF3?
BigJiantRobut said:Anyone else having weird issues today? Nothing on my computer's changed but I've been getting the disappearing HUD/disappearing teammates/disappearing gun bugs a ton today.
Dilly said:The fire mode switch is such a great addition which makes me wonder why not every FPS has it.
BigJiantRobut said:Anyone else having weird issues today? Nothing on my computer's changed but I've been getting the disappearing HUD/disappearing teammates/disappearing gun bugs a ton today.
Dilly said:The fire mode switch is such a great addition which makes me wonder why not every FPS has it.
boris feinbrand said:Yeah, after playing Goldeneye on Wii I thought that switching firing mode should be standard in all FPS games with modern weaponry. Good to see that DICE included that as well.
So you killed every single enemy with a knife headshot? Or just the ones you had to? Also what was the time you got?Spl1nter said:speed run with only headshots, with the knife.
Nothing more satisfying than headshotting a pilot and watching the helicopter crash and burn. Done it twice so far.J-Rock said:I just sniped a helicopter pilot with a headshot. feelsgoodman.jpeg
Orgun said:Feels great when you come upon a group of dudes crawling along the ground...and then proceed to knife every single one![]()
That knife yesterday was the most brutal thing ever. I had four other guys lined up in my sights you SON OF A...Orgun said:Feels great when you come upon a group of dudes crawling along the ground...and then proceed to knife every single one![]()
i've seen that on 360.snack said:Anyone else getting hot green flashes in game. It's weird and annoying!
skip the 3rd and 5th bases of Valley Run, *bam*, 5 section Rush map!TheSeks said:There's no way you can combine those two into a Rush map unless you want them to take two hours to complete a round.
you can put out 6 while you're alive. if you drop a 7th, the 1st disappears. they stay after you die. there's a mine bug too, if you're killed and respawn, you can put out 6 more mines, and the original 6 don't disappear. rinse, repeat...Corky said:If I die as an engineer with anti-tank mines out, will they still be there like in bc2?
they disappear when you respawn.n0n44m said:interesting about the mines still being there ...
from a little testing I did yesterday it seems you can have 2 active claymores as a support (only get 1 when spawning) , planting a third makes the first disappear.
I wonder if claymores stick around after you respawn as well?
ow and the mortar is awesomebut I can see how it frustrates the other team when they haven't got a counter-mortar available. I don't even get that many kills with them though, but loads of kill assists
Docks flag at Kharg is the worst for that because there's no ladders to get to the roof, but it's in the capture zone!excaliburps said:Same with Op Firestorm. The two buildings in B! DICE needs to make it so that those on the friggin' roof don't get the base! Such an imbalance.
Also, Dr. Pepper codes are separate for PS3, PC and Xbox? I'm going to ask my cousin to get me a can or two in the US. Should I specify which kind?![]()
if you get the ribbon it counts.Dilly said:I absolutely hate it when i join a server and the first thing I see is 'your team lost'. Does it actually count in the stats? Because it happened like 4 times already.
EatChildren said:Sucker punching a full Growler with a single engineer rocket is so satisfying.
EatChildren said:Sucker punching a full Growler with a single engineer rocket is so satisfying.
mcrae said:so what kind of buff do you guys think the jets will be receiving?
ive encountered some extremely good pilots. makes me sad how much i suck :/
mcrae said:so what kind of buff do you guys think the jets will be receiving?
ive encountered some extremely good pilots. makes me sad how much i suck :/
Spl1nter said:You cant teach talent and skill.
Wrong. Gunner and pilot can both carry flares and each on their own cooldown. Optimal setup would be jammer + flares, making the helicopter virtually immune to missiles.doomed1 said:I'm pretty certain that only the driver gets and controls the flares. The gunner's loadout would only reflect things from the gun and possibly passive stuff like Stealth.
J-Rock said:Yeah, this is great. I've done it a few times. Usually a bunch of snipers on a rock. A few rounds ago I came across 3 snipers after flanking and sneaking behind. Knifed the the first guy but that fucker let out a child like sqeal and the other two suddenly jumped up. Had to shoot them both instead. Was really wanting to knife them all. That guys pussy scream fucked it all up.
CozMick said:How are people adding BF3 to there veteran status?
All I see is this....
No BF3 in sight![]()
Patrick Bateman said:
Dilly said:How can you change your dogtags? Or is it only with special pre orders?
CozMick said:Some are pre order bonuses, but most are unlocked by setting certain goals with weapons or objectives.
Dilly said:Do you have to select them somewhere to show up or is it done automatically?
console you can do it in game, pc use said:Do you have to select them somewhere to show up or is it done automatically?