Hank The Tank
Neo Member
Thanks to server maintenance I've actually tried the campaign... 
mbmonk said:Yea. I think it is legit: http://www.destructoid.com/ea-s-origin-may-be-glorified-spyware-causes-mass-upset-209745.phtml
Supposedly the EULA on the PC version has caused an uproar awhile ago. I guess it's just been accepted by people at this point. It's seems weird.
I was all about the PC version, but I am contemplating the PS3 version or skipping it completely, if this is true.
Tracking what programs I install and uninstall? Really? This is getting insane. I could just be way late to the party though.
ii Stryker said:Spotting is much more crucial now too. Not only for ground forces but especially if you want your pilots to be more effective.
The first thing I do, if I'm not fortunate enough to pilot an aerial vehicle myself, is spot the enemy air vehicles for my own teams pilots.
i7-930 + 5870 + 8gb ramzephervack said:What kind of machine do you have?
Fraps and the ingame FPS counter say that i have between 90fps to 70fps but something just feels off, it just doesnt feel completely smooth and the changes in fps are pretty distracting, i am considering doing the 30fps trick you have there, any more info on how its done?
If people don't care after reading about the program scanning that guy's tax return directory, then they won't ever care. I certainly do not.Sysgen said:Thought there would be a bigger blow back from this but perhaps not because the thread is also for consoles.
KingOfKong said:I hope they increase spotting bonus because as of now not many people spot.
Spokker said:If people don't care after reading about the program scanning that guy's tax return directory, then they won't ever care. I certainly do not.
CozMick said:Medics are a great way to level up in Conquest, just sit back behind a squad, watch them die, revive, repeat, easily a few thousand xp in one game without a single kill![]()
If you want to level up fast then just play Metro Conquest and go Medic and heal/revive, can make 5k a round easily.
Though it depends on the map, mode and player count, remember that Battlefield 3 is not Call of Duty, so there's less emphasis on kill kill kill to be a valuable member of your team. By reviving, sharing ammo and medkits, laying down suppressing fire, spotting, transporting, and being around to help capture points, you can be one of the highest scoring players on your team with very few kills. Hell you can have the most deaths and least kills of your entire team and still make the top of the scoreboard if you play your cards right.
Lanbeast said:It's incredible to me just how few people take advantage of spotting. I sort of agree with some of the issues surrounding mortars being too powerful, but almost every time I try using it the only kills I get are from my friend spotting guys for me. No one else does it.
CrankyJay said:Erm, I've been one hit by a tank in a jeep. Maybe it depends where you hit it.
1, 2, 3, 4ElyrionX said:Uhhh, there isn't an option to assign a "last weapon used" button? What the shit DICE?
ii Stryker said:Mortaring on Grand Bazaar is an excellent tactic for offense or defense(at least while playing rush)
Try to counter Mortar.
Most mortar teams like you say, sit in one spot and spam. This makes them very easy to counter mortar (and kill).
It appears that most players are unaware that the mortar can be picked up and moved. I only fire 2 mortar rounds from the same location and then move. Mortars are only effective with direct hits and splash damage is relatively small.
I find that most players are morons and ONLY attempt to go down the ONE narrow hallway to the second B mcom. This chews through respawns quickly. Rarely will you see a team attempt to go around to A first and get in behind the defenders, which is a better tactic.
MMaRsu said:Wow reading on all these issues here, im glad I didnt buy it at launch..
derFeef said:1, 2, 3, 4
works great![]()
ii Stryker said:DICE really has balanced the MP very well for teamwork. If you're fortunate enough to get on a team that understands this and everyone is spotting, its quite magical.
MMaRsu said:Wow reading on all these issues here, im glad I didnt buy it at launch..
Patrick Bateman said:What is going with these servers on PS3 today??
MMaRsu said:Wow reading on all these issues here, im glad I didnt buy it at launch..
Maybe try disabling v-sync in game and forcing triple buffering with d3doverider? I also have a 5870 and this seems to work well.dark10x said:i7-930 + 5870 + 8gb ram
If I disable v-sync I see framerates much higher than 60, but I can't deal with tearing.
I noticed that, even at 60 fps, there was often the feeling that things were a bit "off". It was not the buttery smooth 60 I'm used to despite FRAPS reporting otherwise.
Anton Sugar said:I can only speak for PC, but anyone saying the MP is unplayable is greatly exaggerating. MP is unrefined but spectacular, ATM. There is plenty to complain about, but nothing game breaking: no big bugs, no glitches, no exploits, no weapon that beats all the others (yet). There are some shitty maps in certain modes and some baffling omissions/decisions for the UI and general design, but the game is absolutely playable and enjoyable.
ElyrionX said:I'm getting a strange bug where my spawn beacon causes whoever spawns at that location to parachute in. Hilarious for the first or second time but absolutely annoying after that. And it wasn't map-specific. It first started at Kharg and again at the next map, Canals.
Souljiro said:Counter mortar is fun because like you said most people spam and stay in the same area. I just get into a different angle sit up my mortar and watch the kill pop up. People don't seems to let their team know when they need to counter mortar.
papersleeves said:Geez I am so.fucking.bad at this game. My K/D ratio and terrible (like .6 or something) and I lose matches way more than I win them. I am only level 5 and it seems to take forever to level up because I barely do any point after each match.
It feels like I have to stuck to either sniper or vehicules in order to stay alive a bit longer than I am used to.
Fuck me...
mxgt said:Don't worry about your K/D, this isn't a COD game.
Capping points, supporting team mates and disabling vehicles is more important and gets you more points.
I think the problem he has (and myself to some degree) is people talking about awesome KD ratios and posting shots of scoreboards where the top 3 guys always have a 2.0 KD ratio. I wish DICE would have gotten rid of it.mxgt said:Don't worry about your K/D, this isn't a COD game.
Capping points, supporting team mates and disabling vehicles is more important and gets you more points.
BadTaste105 said:I know right, me and my three friends are getting horrendous lag and we disconnect during a match, so pathetic.
I'm almost always in the top 4 and I rarely even go 1/1.I think I'm at .85 or something overall. If you play focusing on teamwork and objectives you can pretty much always top the scoreboard and still have fun without being a killing machine.derFeef said:I think the problem he has (and myself to some degree) is people talking about awesome KD ratios and posting shots of scoreboards where the top 3 guys always have a 2.0 KD ratio. I wish DICE would have gotten rid of it.
Darklord said:It's as bad as many other BF game at launch. No worse.
MMaRsu said:Wow reading on all these issues here, im glad I didnt buy it at launch..
Anton Sugar said:That's not a bug. If it's placed outdoors, you parachute in.
derFeef said:I think the problem he has (and myself to some degree) is people talking about awesome KD ratios and posting shots of scoreboards where the top 3 guys always have a 2.0 KD ratio. I wish DICE would have gotten rid of it.
Yeah, I agree. It's been pretty damn great on PS3, aside from the VOIP and Tehran Highway lag issues. Other than that it's smooth and pretty balanced.ii Stryker said:To me, playing on 360, this has been their best BF launch yet.
When the servers have gone down they've usually had them back up in about 30 minutes. I will occasionally get some intermittent rubberbanding. But its not so bad as to make the game unplayable. It only appears to happen on certain maps though. Tehran Highway mainly, which is odd.
The point is that fans knew what to expect.boris feinbrand said:That isn't exactly flattering though.
Yep. There were some other dice employees that were level 40+ O_OAnton Sugar said:![]()
Because they were great in the beta with their starting weapons and anytime a weapon appears to be effective, Dice nerfs the shit out of it. See: UMP.ElyrionX said:Wait....what?
What the fuck? Why is the recon class so fucking gimped in this game?
Did they ever nerf the M60 in BC2? I can't rememberStallion Free said:Because they were great in the beta with their starting weapons and anytime a weapon appears to be effective, Dice nerfs the shit out of it. See: UMP.
BadTaste105 said:I know right, me and my three friends are getting horrendous lag and we disconnect during a match, so pathetic.
Some weapons are unnerfable no matter how hard they might try. Sir Carl was another hilarious example of this.derFeef said:Did they ever nerf the M60 in BC2? I can't remember![]()