Atilac said:Solfam?
sp3000 said:HAHA I figured they wouldn't bother with nerfing the mortars
JoeMartin said:If they destroy engineer primaries too much I might as well play support.
Terrible as RPG's are at dealing with armor I might as well get C4 and go ninja style. And while we're on the subject of strong guns how about that M60 eh.
sp3000 said:HAHA I figured they wouldn't bother with nerfing the mortars
JoeMartin said:Terrible as RPG's are at dealing with armor I might as well get C4 and go ninja style.
Red Blaster said:Why? They're inaccurate as shit and you show up on the map when you use them.
Interficium said:Except for like, you know, your mines which fuck everything up around objectives.
Darkflight said:Fuck, I can't get a handle on flight controls at all. I still hate jets and think they're the stupidest thing ever so that hasn't changed since BF2, but the copters just feel wrong.
I adored the copters in 2, doesn't help that I just want to practice and not get shot down every 10 seconds. Fucking jets ruin Battlefield.
Atilac said:Can I install ATT at the same time as CCC?
I have more kills with it than any other gun and I can tell you it's not overpowered.KingOfKong said:Scar is OP. didn't really take much for me to figure that out. I guess you need to get used to a new weapon.
vehn said:Noone uses it :/
I could never fly the jets in 2 either, just zoom around my head, no idea how anyone flies them and does anything useful with them, so fast.woober said:At least they're not the infantry killing machines as they were in BF2. Actually, jets were an all-around killer... Nothing ever stopped them.
Kylehimself said:Can you elaborate? When I use inspect element I only get tiny versions of the images.
sp3000 said:Haha whatever you say. I just went 35-2 with them in a game. They are overpowered and pretty much contribute nothing to the team.
It wouldnt be an issue if the many of the maps were all filled with narrow corridors. Too bad the map design in the game sucks and allows for things like this.
Hopefully not, if I can get a handle on the copters it'll be "OMG, I love the copters, all is forgiven DiCE" heh, this is me playing when I'm tired and should be asleep with golden memories of 2's copters in my head still.Foliorum Viridum said:Is this what this thread is going to be like now the first week hype is over? Bitching and moaning about "overpowered" equipment etc?
Cos I gotta tell you, it's already boring.
Lol sure it is. And EA/DICE want the COD crowd. Simple, polished controls. Let the skill come from the kill not from trying to master the silly controls. The least they could do is have a training room for the jets and helos. I hesitate to take them so someone on the team that might be more used to them can grab it. Try not to hinder the team by flying around like a jackass trying to learn the more complex than they should be controls. I'm sure I could eventually get used to them if I just constantly practice during a game, but it just seems odd that everything else controls great with simple controls except those two. They already fly slower than slow and engineers have stingers.En-ou said:The controls are fine. They take getting used to. This isn't an arcade game.
belvedere said:
WoodenLung said:Anyone getting this problem? It usually fixes itself when I tab out and into the game a couple of times but it's really annoying.
Sometimes it will only be like 1/10 of the screen doing the black overlay thing and sometimes nearly the whole screen like that.
WoodenLung said:Anyone getting this problem? It usually fixes itself when I tab out and into the game a couple of times but it's really annoying.
Sometimes it will only be like 1/10 of the screen doing the black overlay thing and sometimes nearly the whole screen like that.
cdyhybrid said:Any sneaky tips for leveling recon? MAV is cool but it's not a TON of points. Do I just have to be Mr. Badass Sniper and get 300+ point Marksman kills?
WoodenLung said:Anyone getting this problem? It usually fixes itself when I tab out and into the game a couple of times but it's really annoying.
Sometimes it will only be like 1/10 of the screen doing the black overlay thing and sometimes nearly the whole screen like that.
timmytheman123 said:BF3 is OP, please nerf dice
Appreciate it, cheers.Metalmurphy said:You need to choose it first so the big image shows up on top, then inspect that. Or just replace the /s/ in the URL with /lb/
As for medals, replace the /s/ in the URL for /l/, weapons and equip have different sizes in the URL:
Red Blaster said:Nothing is really OP from what I've seen, at least nothing like the UMP in the beta. More of the issues are in the fact that engineers can do almost everything and how recon is kind of lame. I think they should move the claymores back to recon.
AuthenticM said:I've said it before and I'll say it again: if they don't fix this, then fuck this game.
mp1st said:Now that a patch has been confirmed for Battlefield 3, were getting more information on which weapons and vehicles will be affected and what issues will be ironed out.
Alan Kerts, Battlefield 3′s Gameplay Designer, reveals that pistols will be getting a bit of love in the near future. A slight improvement in the damage department for pistols is certainly welcome. After nerfing the UMP since the beta, Kerts admitted it [UMP] got the nerf bat pretty hard. Gave it back some power today. Ill be playing to monitor balance. The UMP is unlocked at level 16 and can be used on all kits.
Some fans have been outspoken about the effectivity of the jets asking for improvement. One fan expressed his concerns to Fredrik Thylander demanding they [jets] need a buff. Thylander, Senior Designer at DICE, confirmed they [jets] are getting it [the buff].
DICE is looking into the following issues, besides the usual server problems:
-PS3 users communication problems.
-BF3.exe has stopped responding on PC.
-Teaming up with friends and getting into the same side.
-PS3 input lag.
-Other issues in yesterdays post.
Red Blaster said:Nothing is really OP from what I've seen, at least nothing like the UMP in the beta. More of the issues are in the fact that engineers can do almost everything and how recon is kind of lame. I think they should move the claymores back to recon.
RbBrdMan said:I didn't get to the UMP in the beta but I just unlocked it yesterday so I have no comparison but the damn thing feels like a peashooter definitely not worth a level 16 unlock.
JoeMartin said:It wasn't downright heinous or anything. Just a solid mid range weapon that could be effectively used on any class. An all around good weapon.
vidal said:So what rewards/points do recon get for assisting a Javelin vehicle destruction with the SOLFAM?
I'm guessing not enough to make it worth the recon's time.