Berserk |OT| - Big men, bigger swords, OFF THE BOAT - Berserk #344 24/6/2016


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Ordered volume 1-3 on Amazon since my local comic shop doesnt have any Berserk.

Since Im now watching this 2016 Berserk anime,(which has the worst production values of any show Ive ever seen) I wonder how much it will differ from how the manga tells the story. The show will most likely finish before I get to the same arc in the manga.

Well the first three volumes deal with some of this stuff, mostly the first episode but they cut out a lot and skip over several arcs in Guts time as the black Swordsman.


Maybe that's Punished Guts and the real guts is just doing something else? Lalilulelo are the fucking God Hand.

Let's see...

1. Mechanical arm - Check
2. Secret weapon to go with mechanical arm - Check
3. Past comrades killed and is haunted by the memory - Check
4. Revenge driven - Check
5. Eye patch - Pirate Guts is real, I'll check this

Give Guts a cigar and we're onto something.
Let's see...

1. Mechanical arm - Check
2. Secret weapon to go with mechanical arm - Check
3. Past comrades killed and is haunted by the memory - Check
4. Revenge driven - Check
5. Eye patch - Pirate Guts is real, I'll check this

Give Guts a cigar and we're onto something.
One punch from mechanical arm knocks people da fuck out.
It might have gone unnoticed, but I started to think how Guts was going to survive future challenges if any tree, apostle or army of nobodies kick is ass (3 episodes, 3 ass kicking). They changed Guts. In this adaptation he is an incompetent fighter but has legs made of iron

He chews Guts for a while (even say it feels soft), yet this strong mofo is keeping his legs. They could have went there and make our hero a one handed/legged swordsman but it might have been too much. So they made him have iron legs. I suppose. Or else how do we explain this 3 minutes of leg-chewing?

And he goes out walking two minutes after.

Now Berserk had always Guts being badly hurt, up to nidicolous points, but it's true that the anime should try to maintain a sliver of realism. Maybe have shown how he blocked the mouth with the sword so the teeth couldn't penetrate deep, something like that.
Here we don't have any sliver of realism, as you have indicated we see huge teeth penetrating the thigh and he can go on without problem.


And he goes out walking two minutes after.

Now Berserk had always Guts being badly hurt, up to nidicolous points, but it's true that the anime should try to maintain a sliver of realism. Maybe have shown how he blocked the mouth with the sword so the teeth couldn't penetrate deep, something like that.
Here we don't have any sliver of realism, as you have indicated we see huge teeth penetrating the thigh and he can go on without problem.
Because he's a fucking badass.
Ended up watching the original anime series and I got depressed about the band of the hawk and casca again. Pre eclipse casca would bring so much potential to the team but would make Farnese lose her calling.
If I am somewhat involved with the Berserk publication I would be a bit preoccupied cause this is making a huge disservice to their work. Outside of a few people who might enjoy it (can't really grasp who would, but there's always someone), even those should be quite a minority and would they really jump to the manga after watching this trainwreck? I doubt it.

The movies, well they are shit as Berserk movies, and the animation is very uneven (and bad for a movie production) but it's not an atrocious product. Just an atrocious adaptation. This series is just one of the worst things I've seen, and this is not me being hyperbolic over their awful adaptation of one of my favorite things...this is really bad.

You go online and read people's opinion and it's not like this is criticized. We are way past that point. It's just mocked for being so awful. It's a tad unbelievable someone had the nerve to release a product with this quality.


If I am somewhat involved with the Berserk publication I would be a bit preoccupied cause this is making a huge disservice to their work. Outside of a few people who might enjoy it (can't really grasp who would, but there's always someone), even those should be quite a minority and would they really jump to the manga after watching this trainwreck? I doubt it.

The movies, well they are shit as Berserk movies, and the animation is very uneven (and bad for a movie production) but it's not an atrocious product. Just an atrocious adaptation. This series is just one of the worst things I've seen, and this is not me being hyperbolic over their awful adaptation of one of my favorite things...this is really bad.

You go online and read people's opinion and it's not like this is criticized. We are way past that point. It's just mocked for being so awful. It's a tad unbelievable someone had the nerve to release a product with this quality.

I hope that one day before I pass away, that someone makes a real attempt at bringing the manga into motion faithfully. Hopefully some filthy rich dude will take a liking to Berserk and contract out a superior production company to make it happen.

First. I feel like Kentaro should completely finish the manga.
This is what happens when an Apostle starts chit chatting with Guts

he gets fucked.

I love everything in the gif. The colors are beautiful. How robust Guts looks. How his armor isnt floating in his body. How he seems preoccupied when caught. His grin as he pulls the arm cannon. The effective still art (just compare the utterly bizarre shaky zooms of the dream sequence of the last episode with this). The swing (that swing). As he gains momentum by lifting it and then thrusts it. The closeup of his face as bloods splatters all over the place. Glorious. Simple editing. Simple framing. Well made scene. It's not hard. The whole thing is practically storyboarded already.

Incredible. And so much more could be said.
This is what happens when an Apostle starts chit chatting with Guts

he gets fucked.

I love everything in the gif. The colors are beautiful. How robust Guts looks. How his armor isnt floating in his body. How he seems preoccupied when caught. His grin as he pulls the arm cannon. The effective still art (just compare the utterly bizarre shaky zooms of the dream sequence of the last episode with this). The swing (that swing). As he gains momentum by lifting it and then thrusts it. The closeup of his face as bloods splatters all over the place. Glorious. Simple editing. Simple framing. Well made scene. It's not hard. The whole thing is practically storyboarded already.

Incredible. And so much more could be said.
I lost it at the Farnese boobs part. People like to act like the 97 anime wasn't a good adaptation, but it really was. It's missing the gore, Wyald and some other stuff, but for the most part they put together something that could be respected.
Well, it's a masterpiece next to the two atrocious things that were released. But it's still far from perfect, adaptation-wise. I think the gist is there, and especially the pace. Actions have weight and the audience can sense them. But they also changed a lot. Not even talking about skipping the Black Swordsman (in an episode 1 that also rearranges a lot, although much better than this last one). Even with the Golden Age events there are stuff that is just changed for no particular reason, making it less nuanced. Gambino-Guts relation has some modifications, Grffith-Queen and her motivations, the King obsession with his daughter (something that anime only watchers probably never understand. The last scene of the 3rd episode of the new show is pure non-sense, as to why the king still thinks of Griffith. With so much cuts, to keep that seems like a way to namecall Griffith. Just idiotic.). No Skully is very problematic. The entire rescue is fucked up. No Silaat. And the love scene between Guts and Caska is much better portrayed in the manga.


This is what happens when an Apostle starts chit chatting with Guts

he gets fucked.

I love everything in the gif. The colors are beautiful. How robust Guts looks. How his armor isnt floating in his body. How he seems preoccupied when caught. His grin as he pulls the arm cannon. The effective still art (just compare the utterly bizarre shaky zooms of the dream sequence of the last episode with this). The swing (that swing). As he gains momentum by lifting it and then thrusts it. The closeup of his face as bloods splatters all over the place. Glorious. Simple editing. Simple framing. Well made scene. It's not hard. The whole thing is practically storyboarded already.

Incredible. And so much more could be said.

That looks so badass. I mean I don't know squat about directing an anime but at least I understand what's happening. The part afterwards was so good too. A classical Guts moment of making the Apostles writhe in pain and agony out of spite and anger. Something that is core to Guts's character but this new anime is like "Fuck that, cutting and eating a rabbit is way more hardcore."

I lost it at the Farnese boobs part. People like to act like the 97 anime wasn't a good adaptation, but it really was. It's missing the gore, Wyald and some other stuff, but for the most part they put together something that could be respected.

It gave us the music too. But can you imagine all those scenes from the Golden Age done with this new boobs policy? They would look awkward as fuck.


I lost it at the Farnese boobs part. People like to act like the 97 anime wasn't a good adaptation, but it really was. It's missing the gore, Wyald and some other stuff, but for the most part they put together something that could be respected.
People will use moments like the freeze frame in the GIF above when Guts fires his arm cannon as a reason for why the '97 anime isn't good and I laugh every time. Look at this anime, it's fucking beautiful.

Also, complaints about the lack of Wyald, Puck, etc. are just people missing the point of the Golden Age Arc adaptation. The studio knew they were working on a time period exclusively in the Berserk universe when 'magical' and weird stuff appearing was at an all-time low prior to The Eclipse. The lack of these elements make the events of the first episode (that cause intrigue in the viewer), the encounter with Zodd (that brings about a sense of foreboding) and finally The Eclipse more impactful because they seem to come out of nowhere. Additionally, Puck being replaced by a girl not only makes sense in the context I've mentioned but also because giving Guts a tag-along companion only for them never to appear in the other 24 episodes would be stupid.

The series ends in a deliberately abrupt fashion so that Berserk newcomers think 'I need to know what happens next'. That's what happened to me and many others.

The soundtrack alone justifies the creation of the series.
To me, the Wyald stuff felt like too much in the manga. The only part I really liked was seeing him dragged into the vortex with only the corpse of a sad, withered old man left behind.
To me, the Wyald stuff felt like too much in the manga. The only part I really liked was seeing him dragged into the vortex with only the corpse of a sad, withered old man left behind.
I consider that part the "shit just got real" moment of the manga. Before that you only really had Zodd as that unstoppable thing to contend with and at least Zodd has something resembling restraint and an honor code. Wyald was just like "I'm going to fuck shit up." Even after Guts put the beating on him it still took Zodd dragging his ass into the abyss for him to die. They really didn't have to worry about getting their shit wrecked on the regular by demons that give absolutely zero fucks till then. Before then they just had to deal with "a dude in armor."


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Wyald was also the test and the scene to show us just how far Guts had come as a warrior. He went toe to toe with him even after his sword broke.
Wyald was also the test and the scene to show us just how far Guts had come as a warrior. He went toe to toe with him even after his sword broke.
That and he's the dude that told the Band of the Falcon, "you're savior is a broken fucked up wreck. You see this false god, he's fucked, now go home."


I consider that part the "shit just got real" moment of the manga. Before that you only really had Zodd as that unstoppable thing to contend with and at least Zodd has something resembling restraint and an honor code. Wyald was just like "I'm going to fuck shit up." Even after Guts put the beating on him it still took Zodd dragging his ass into the abyss for him to die. They really didn't have to worry about getting their shit wrecked on the regular by demons that give absolutely zero fucks till then. Before then they just had to deal with "a dude in armor."
I love Wyald and it's a shame he's never appeared in an Anime adaptation but the moment from the '97 Anime when the Midland General proclaims Griffith 'will never fight again, he will never ride a horse nor hold a sword again... Why he can't even stand on his own two feet' was pretty well done, in my opinon. Seeing Griffith's injuries in the cold light of day was a shocking moment. It really hammered home the fact that Griffith's dream was dead and the Hawks were completely done.
I love Wyald and it's a shame he's never appeared in an Anime adaptation but the moment from the '97 Anime when the Midland General proclaims Griffith 'will never fight again, he will never ride a horse nor hold a sword again... Why he can't even stand on his own two feet' was pretty well done, in my opinon. Seeing Griffith's injuries in the cold light of day was a shocking moment. It really hammered home the fact that Griffith's dream was dead and the Hawks were completely done.
Oh I'm not stating that scene wasn't well done, cause it was. I just liked the whole escalation of the demon element of the manga. In the beginning of Golden Age, there's nothing. Then when shit truly hit the fan you have a bunch of apostles appearing showing how outclassed the band is. Before the Eclipse even happened I think half of them were lunch food for Rosine and the slug count.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Picked up the manga again at Volume 23 and have just gotten to "JRPG leader Guts" and the high fantasy shift. I'm at the troll village now.

WOW. I'm loving it so far. It's like this manga keeps getting better on a consistent curve. I absolutely love watching Guts slowly open up again and becoming the a combination of the best of his Golden Age and Black Swordsman selves. The action never stops being engaging and Serpico's wind cape and wind sword are the coolest thing I've seen since the Dragonslayer is first introduced. Isidoro wasting space and Farnese being relatively useless are my only two real complaints so far.

I was upset they didn't take the axe with them and that we didn't even learn its element, and that they didn't get a water/earth elemental weapon... maybe they do later?
To me, the Wyald stuff felt like too much in the manga. The only part I really liked was seeing him dragged into the vortex with only the corpse of a sad, withered old man left behind.

Without Wyald I actually think it's the Eclipse that gets to be too much. Too shocking. Too abrupt. There's an escalation in the story that makes the progression to that horror much more natural.
Picked up the manga again at Volume 23 and have just gotten to "JRPG leader Guts" and the high fantasy shift. I'm at the troll village now.

WOW. I'm loving it so far. It's like this manga keeps getting better on a consistent curve. I absolutely love watching Guts slowly open up again and becoming the a combination of the best of his Golden Age and Black Swordsman selves. The action never stops being engaging and Serpico's wind cape and wind sword are the coolest thing I've seen since the Dragonslayer is first introduced. Isidoro wasting space and Farnese being relatively useless are my only two real complaints so far.

I was upset they didn't take the axe with them and that we didn't even learn its element, and that they didn't get a water/earth elemental weapon... maybe they do later?
If they do get a water weapon it'll most likely go to Isma.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
We will be getting a new episode this week, hopefully no news of a hiatus afterwards! Seriously though we might get a proper info dump the likes of which we haven't had since the group met Flora.
Isidro's got a mini-harem thing going on with schierke and isma. Dude's a playa.
I got the feeling Schierke didn't like him cause Isidro is too immature for her. Schierke does seem to have a thing for Guts though. Is it just me or does everybody seem to have a thing for somebody that will never like them back? Casca with Griffith, Schierke with Guts, Farnese with Guts, Serpico with Farnese...fucking two fold cause of Roderick, Mule with Sonia...cause I think she likes that apostle that turns into a crossbow deer.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I got the feeling Schierke didn't like him cause Isidro is too immature for her. Schierke does seem to have a thing for Guts though. Is it just me or does everybody seem to have a thing for somebody that will never like them back? Casca with Griffith, Schierke with Guts, Farnese with Guts, Serpico with Farnese...fucking two fold cause of Roderick, Mule with Sonia...cause I think she likes that apostle that turns into a crossbow deer.

Don't forget Rape Horse's unrequited love with Farnese.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
And Slann's unrequited love for Guts.

I'm actually curious how that is going to play out as she does seem to be rather infatuated with Guts especially with the merging of the layers of the world and the God Hand being more free to interact with the real world. Maybe Casca and her will have a cat fight over it... I kid I kid.


I got the feeling Schierke didn't like him cause Isidro is too immature for her. Schierke does seem to have a thing for Guts though. Is it just me or does everybody seem to have a thing for somebody that will never like them back? Casca with Griffith, Schierke with Guts, Farnese with Guts, Serpico with Farnese...fucking two fold cause of Roderick, Mule with Sonia...cause I think she likes that apostle that turns into a crossbow deer.

Sonia likes Griffith. Guts like Casca who doesn't like him now.
I'm actually curious how that is going to play out as she does seem to be rather infatuated with Guts especially with the merging of the layers of the world and the God Hand being more free to interact with the real world. Maybe Casca and her will have a cat fight over it... I kid I kid.
I don't see Casca partaking in that fight since at this moment she just wants to snatch apples and get her hair washed by Farnese at this point.
Sonia likes Griffith. Guts like Casca who doesn't like him now.
Everybody likes Griffith. The only people that love Guts are Slann and his Dragonslayer.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I don't see Casca partaking in that fight since at this moment she just wants to snatch apples and get her hair washed by Farnese at this point.

Everybody likes Griffith. The only people that love Guts are Slann and his Dragonslayer.

Guts has had a thing for big swords for a while now...

Guts has had a thing for big swords for a while now...

For the most part the only things that don't betray him. Minus when his sword broke fighting Wyald and during the Eclipse. Dragon Slayer ain't breaking for shit though. If Grunbeld couldn't break it I don't see anything else breaking it then.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
For the most part the only things that don't betray him. Minus when his sword broke fighting Wyald and during the Eclipse. Dragon Slayer ain't breaking for shit though. If Grunbeld couldn't break it I don't see anything else breaking it then.

Its also becoming something more than just a giant sword since Guts has killed so many powerful Astral beings at this point. It was even enough to defeat Ganishka in his fog form which even the apostles couldn't do.
Its also becoming something more than just a giant sword since Guts has killed so many powerful Astral beings at this point. It was even enough to defeat Ganishka in his fog form which even the apostles couldn't do.
Isn't that thing now part of the demon realm cause it's been drenched in so much demon blood or something?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Isn't that thing now part of the demon realm cause it's been drenched in so much demon blood or something?

Its basically an anathema to Astral beings because of all the demons, apostles, monsters and other super natural creatures he's killed with it. I mean he just killed a God so I think one of the end game ideas is he will be able to use the Dragon Slayer against the God Hand and actually be able to hurt them.
I just want Casca back.

We're literally right there. They're ON THE DAMN ISLAND. Miura can go back on hiatus and never come back but just give me one god damn splash panel at the end of a chapter with her having a word bubble next to her head with an actual word coming out of it.

It's been almost 20 god damn years since she's talked. It's time dammit!
Its basically an anathema to Astral beings because of all the demons, apostles, monsters and other super natural creatures he's killed with it. I mean he just killed a God so I think one of the end game ideas is he will be able to use the Dragon Slayer against the God Hand and actually be able to hurt them.
Makes me wonder which God Hand would even die first. Only ones that I can remember even conversing with him were Slann and Femto. He doesn't even have a reason to kill Conrad, Ubik or Void. Yeah sure, you have the Eclipse, but Griffith is the one that fucked with him the most and well Slann tried to fuck him.
I got the feeling Schierke didn't like him cause Isidro is too immature for her.

That's just schierke's tsundere mindset. She's even shown as jelly when she notices isidro is getting frisky with the fish girl. She also tried that with guts for a while, if memory serves. Alas, he used indifference, and it was super effective.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Makes me wonder which God Hand would even die first. Only ones that I can remember even conversing with him were Slann and Femto. He doesn't even have a reason to kill Conrad, Ubik or Void. Yeah sure, you have the Eclipse, but Griffith is the one that fucked with him the most and well Slann tried to fuck him.

Well I'm going to bet Skull Knight is looking to chop Void's big brain in half with his Behelit Blade. Isidro and Serpico and Shcierke will take on Conrad and Ubik.
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