Berserk |OT| - Big men, bigger swords, OFF THE BOAT - Berserk #344 24/6/2016


I've been reading the manga while travelling recently and enjoying it a lot. Like seriously, this stuff is fantastic, though it can be a little hard to stomach at times.

I'm on Volume 28 or so now. If you told me during the Golden Age arc that this would end up turning into Guts and his harem adventures at one point, I wouldn't have believed you. But here we are I suppose. Not sure how I feel about his currently party right now. Except for Serpico. Serpico is great.
At least Berserker Armor is awesome.


This chapter was part exposition, part character resolution.

This may be the first time Guts has just out and talked about Griffith in a very long time. It's good that he does, but man, that's gotta be painful. Same thing with being so close to curing Caska and then being told to wait. It's for the best, probably, but still.

We finally hear about the full ramifications of Griffith's actions atleast. There was no doubt whatsoever that there was something shady going on, but now we know just to what extent Griffith fucked over the rest of the world so he could have his kingdom.

But according to Guts, that's not even the end of his ambitions. I mean, I guess he's more guessing this based on his knowledge of Griffith's character, but it's the same question I've been asking: Now that Griffith got his kingdom and what he wanted, what comes next? I still don't know what, but now I know Griffith's ambitions continued to grow with his power. Is the whole world next? The Astral Realm?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This chapter was part exposition, part character resolution.

This may be the first time Guts has just out and talked about Griffith in a very long time. It's good that he does, but man, that's gotta be painful. Same thing with being so close to curing Caska and then being told to wait. It's for the best, probably, but still.

We finally hear about the full ramifications of Griffith's actions atleast. There was no doubt whatsoever that there was something shady going on, but now we know just to what extent Griffith fucked over the rest of the world so he could have his kingdom.

But according to Guts, that's not even the end of his ambitions. I mean, I guess he's more guessing this based on his knowledge of Griffith's character, but it's the same question I've been asking: Now that Griffith got his kingdom and what he wanted, what comes next? I still don't know what, but now I know Griffith's ambitions continued to grow with his power. Is the whole world next? The Astral Realm?

It seems the God Hand are using Griffith's dream of a kingdom of his own to guide along their greater plan of fusing the different layers of the astral and real worlds together. I believe they called it returning to the age of Myth where things like Dragons and Trolls and Elves lived alongside and often dominated mankind. It seems that all those smaller spiritual tree's like the one Flora lived in were actually parasitic tree's that fed on the power of the world tree to keep it from becoming to powerful. So basically those tree's help keep the barrier between worlds strong but Griffith has been destroying them all to make the World Tree as mighty as it once was.


I've been reading the manga while travelling recently and enjoying it a lot. Like seriously, this stuff is fantastic, though it can be a little hard to stomach at times.

I'm on Volume 28 or so now. If you told me during the Golden Age arc that this would end up turning into Guts and his harem adventures at one point, I wouldn't have believed you. But here we are I suppose. Not sure how I feel about his currently party right now. Except for Serpico. Serpico is great.
At least Berserker Armor is awesome.

End-game for the Berserker armour is Skull Knight tier. But I don't know if that's enough to defeat the God Hand. We shall see how powerful the Sword of Actuation is.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
End-game for the Berserker armour is Skull Knight tier. But I don't know if that's enough to defeat the God Hand. We shall see how powerful the Sword of Actuation is.

The Sword of Actuation wasn't very useful against Femto. Also the Skull Knight warns Guts about the dangers of the Berserk Armor so I don't think he wants anyone going down the route he did.
To completely merge the worlds and be the king of both realms. That seems to be what he is trying to achieve.<The way Miura wrote this chapter made me think if he's wanting to allude to the possibility of a conflict with what lies deep in the astral realm, but that seems very improbable. I think the plan will become clearer when we also get to know exactly what the rest of God Hand will achieve.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
To completely merge the worlds and be the king of both realms. That seems to be what he is trying to achieve.<The way Miura wrote this chapter made me think if he's wanting to allude to the possibility of a conflict with what lies deep in the astral realm, but that seems very improbable. I think the plan will become clearer when we also get to know exactly what the rest of God Hand will achieve.

These next few chapters should be an incredible and long awaited info dump. We haven't even met the Elf King yet and already we're getting some huge pieces of the puzzle, we just don't know how they fit together.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Need Guts to awaken his rage again
His crew getting alittle to comfy with him

It all depends on what the Beast does. It seems Guts and it have come to a sort of agreement but its damn near literally a deal made with the devil, worse a devil of his own making so its not even like its some supernatural force he can use magic to get rid of, well as far as we know.


End-game for the Berserker armour is Skull Knight tier. But I don't know if that's enough to defeat the God Hand. We shall see how powerful the Sword of Actuation is.

This is coming from a newbie to the series, but I wouldn't mind if the series ended with Guts dropping his revenge entirely. I highly doubt it'll end like that though considering it'll probably piss off most of the fanbase.


It all depends on what the Beast does. It seems Guts and it have come to a sort of agreement but its damn near literally a deal made with the devil, worse a devil of his own making so its not even like its some supernatural force he can use magic to get rid of, well as far as we know.
Indeed. It's like his rage is still there as a form of the armor-dog. It's just doesn't show on his face anymore and what's this talk about letting go of his ambition with Griffith?cmon now

Griffith's idea is to fuck every other place with demons and rule the place where the tree is protecting the humans?
This guy


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This is coming from a newbie to the series, but I wouldn't mind if the series ended with Guts dropping his revenge entirely. I highly doubt it'll end like that though considering it'll probably piss off most of the fanbase.

I don't think it will happen even if Guts wanted that just so he could settle down with Casca. For one I don't think Griffith is going to let an entire village of seemingly powerful magic users and the seat of the Elf King to just keep existing. From what the Guru's are saying Griffith is destroying the spirit tree's around the world and decimating the forest so he can empower the world tree.

It might take a while but I have a big suspicion we're going to see an Armada of ships manned by apostles and what not arriving at the shores of Skellig to burn it to the ground and kill everyone there. Of course they will arrive probably not expecting Guts and crew to be there and Hell, I'm sure the Skull Knight will show himself at this juncture.


Man, I preferred old Farneze



Plus the general art direction and tone feel almost completely shounen right now


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

Plus the general art direction and tone feel almost completely shounen right now

Well from the sounds of it Miura is still adjusting to the switch to Digital. Also we know Farnese is gonna need to keep up with Casca so she's doing the duck lips now!
I think it's fine, you can see the transition from hand drawn to digital is confounding him slightly. Once he adjusts it'll be better.

Plus it means we might be able to get chapters faster.

Story wise, thank fuck he's finally sitting the crew down and talking to them about Griffith. They've been with him for long enough now that he should kinda explain that to them given that it's likely they'll be fighting him soon.

He needs to actually talk with other people that aren't Skull Knight about his past so at least one other person can Good Will Hunting him.


She won't just cut you, she'll set your ass on fire, or depending on how advanced the magic she knows she'll summon a water spout to fuck up your house.

Didn't know you were that hardcore
Just make sure she doesn't kill you

Leave Slan for me ;_;
This is coming from a newbie to the series, but I wouldn't mind if the series ended with Guts dropping his revenge entirely. I highly doubt it'll end like that though considering it'll probably piss off most of the fanbase.

Guts will give up his revenge. His armor will not.
Does Guts even get fucking mad anymore besides when he uses the McGuffin Armor? Someone convinces him to wait a while when he reaches his goal of HEALING FUCKING CASCA and he can talk about Griffith and his history and ambitions without getting pissed.



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I can't wait till Isidro finally realizes Guts is the 100 Man Slayer. I'm surprised he hasn't put 2 and 2 together yet and figured it out with all the hints dropped.
Does Guts even get fucking mad anymore besides when he uses the McGuffin Armor? Someone convinces him to wait a while when he reaches his goal of HEALING FUCKING CASCA and he can talk about Griffith and his history and ambitions without getting pissed.

Guts lives a hard life, probably sucked the pissed out of him.
I am aware of what i am getting into

Guts wanted her to be Griffith instead lol
Does Guts even know Slan's name?


He will see Griffith and even the witch won't be able to bring him back from Wolf Batman mode

Jump to him trying to bite Grifffith in the face while being force pushed
Guts lives a hard life, probably sucked the pissed out of him.

Does Guts even know Slan's name?

Not sure
Probably knows Void's from circumstance with Skull Knight fight
He will see Griffith and even the witch won't be able to bring him back from Wolf Batman mode

Jump to him trying to bite Grifffith in the face while being force pushed

Not sure
Probably knows Void's from circumstance with Skull Knight fight
Griffith sure does hang out with a bunch of weirdoes, except Mule, that' dude's just boring.


I will say as a newbie to the series, my favorite character is probably Nosferatu Zodd. He better be playable in the Musou game.


Dude needs to drop his jesus act and start using his powers like it's DBZ
Even Toriko is doing more hype shit than this ''god''
I will say as a newbie to the series, my favorite character is probably Nosferatu Zodd. He better be playable in the Musou game.



I'm trying to avoid this thread in case I accidentally read spoilers; but I just wanna say that I found this song today on youtube and it's straight ripping off the music of Berserk >_>

It looks like a very small channel but my friend was messing around Shazam while I was giving him a listen of Berserk music and it came up with this.

On another note, my first shipment of volumes up to Vol. 20 is here
, 21 should be arriving next week and then the week after another batch up to volume 36, so hopefully I can read them in one go. It's such a pain to collect these volumes though, especially when I cannot find volume 32 anywhere ($111 on
I really liked that Guts was able to openly talk about Griffith and a bit of what happened without flying off the handle. That's the kind of growth I'd love to see continue, ending hopefully in a rejection of the beast trying to take him over.

Didn't like that Farnese found time to get a collagen injection while heading up a flight of steps. You goofed bad on that panel Miura. XD


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
So now that everyone has a chance to read the new episode this seems to hint that at one time the creatures and astral world existed alongside humanity and maybe lorded over them some time in the past. It seems the Griffith's ascension to the God Hand and then rebirth into the world was to basically start the merging of the layers together and doing that in any way possible.

The most direct way seems to involve Ganishka turning into his giant god form and when Griffith used the Sword of Actuation to cut open Ganishka, all that astral energy and essence that he had inside of him and made him transform in such a way was unleashed on the world directly. Ganishka basically became the World Tree in a sense. All the smaller spirit tree's are basically parasites that syphon off energy from the roots of the World Tree to keep its branches from stretching across all the different layers of the world and connecting them together. However Griffith has been burning most of the Spirit Tree's to ash thus strengthening the World Tree. Of course this is one of the reasons the branches can be seen stretching across the sky.

Like I've said in other threads on this, the God Hand and so forth, look to be trying to pull a Reverse Lord of the Rings where all the magical and supernatural creatures began to fade away or move on into the West. The fantasy world in Berserk is trying to surge back to the fore and once again become a very real part of the physical world. This of course is bad for humanity since we are normally no match for these supernatural creatures however the fact that Griffith wanted a Kingdom to rule now gives him a safe haven for humanity at the bottom of the World Tree. Now this could be just what he always wanted or something worse as we know that humanity's group unconscious is able to control affect the universe around them in very distinctive manners.

We don't know enough yet but my theory might be that King Gaiseric ruled during this time of Legend, and he somehow caused the separation of the Physical plain and the astral world and that the God Hand have been trying to reverse that all this time.
I'm down by two chapters. I don't know where you guys read this stuff at.
every scanlation site I use is fucked in some way. Last one malwared my work computer.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm down by two chapters. I don't know where you guys read this stuff at.
every scanlation site I use is fucked in some way. Last one malwared my work computer.

Reddit is usually the source for most people. I actually usually go to the forums where they often break it down to insane degrees. They can be rather obnoxious over there so be careful if you ask a dumb question as they will make it known.
Reddit is usually the source for most people. I actually usually go to the forums where they often break it down to insane degrees. They can be rather obnoxious over there so be careful if you ask a dumb question as they will make it known.
I only really talk on here though.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I only really talk on here though.

You can still view their forums. They have several Japanese members who buy Young Animal Issues and basically dissect everything before we even get the translated version. Usually pretty accurate but they're Berserk nerds that make me look fucking stupid. I rarely speak over there either lol Feels like ever theory ever has already been discussed a dozen times... probably has hah


This chapter - specifically the lines about Falconia just being another stepping stone for Griffith - has made me return to the idea that Griffith will eventually turn on the other members of God Hand down the road. Griffith has a kingdom to himself to ensure the adoration of humanity, which also gives him massive sway over the demons who are yucking it up under his banner. I would not be surprised if he really doesn't want to play nice with Void and Co. and is just waiting for them to outlive their usefulness so he can go Highlander on their asses.

I'm not actually sold on the idea, but it's given me something to chew on.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This chapter - specifically the lines about Falconia just being another stepping stone for Griffith - has made me return to the idea that Griffith will eventually turn on the other members of God Hand down the road. Griffith has a kingdom to himself to ensure the adoration of humanity, which also gives him massive sway over the demons who are yucking it up under his banner. I would not be surprised if he really doesn't want to play nice with Void and Co. and is just waiting for them to outlive their usefulness so he can go Highlander on their asses.

I'm not actually sold on the idea, but it's given me something to chew on.

That also puts Guts on the spot. Help the actual savior of humanity defeat literal devils or say fuck it and go Berserk on his ass and chop him up good and fuck humanity.

Edit: This is one theory I have but for all we know Griffith and the Godhand have something much worse for an even greater goal that means gathering humanity or as much as possible into one place.
This chapter - specifically the lines about Falconia just being another stepping stone for Griffith - has made me return to the idea that Griffith will eventually turn on the other members of God Hand down the road. Griffith has a kingdom to himself to ensure the adoration of humanity, which also gives him massive sway over the demons who are yucking it up under his banner. I would not be surprised if he really doesn't want to play nice with Void and Co. and is just waiting for them to outlive their usefulness so he can go Highlander on their asses.

I'm not actually sold on the idea, but it's given me something to chew on.
He'll sacrifice the God Hand to something else for UNLIIIMMMIIITTTTEEEDDD POWWWAAAAHHHHH!!!!


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
He'll sacrifice the God Hand to something else for UNLIIIMMMIIITTTTEEEDDD POWWWAAAAHHHHH!!!!

I kind of can't wait for Guts to return to Midland and be seen by the common folk as the Antichrist and he will certainly look the part with the Dragonslayer and the Berserker Armor going wild and killing all comers. Then we get Griffith as Jesus Christ Superstar and the two clashing on an epic scale. Everyone against and hating Guts even as he's the one on a mission to save the world from who know's what the Idea of Evil has brewing.
I kind of can't wait for Guts to return to Midland and be seen by the common folk as the Antichrist and he will certainly look the part with the Dragonslayer and the Berserker Armor going wild and killing all comers. Then we get Griffith as Jesus Christ Superstar and the two clashing on an epic scale. Everyone against and hating Guts even as he's the one on a mission to save the world from who know's what the Idea of Evil has brewing.
Gattsu, humans hate him, demons want to eat him and God wants to fuck him.
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