Berserk |OT| - Big men, bigger swords, OFF THE BOAT - Berserk #344 24/6/2016

This chapter - specifically the lines about Falconia just being another stepping stone for Griffith - has made me return to the idea that Griffith will eventually turn on the other members of God Hand down the road. Griffith has a kingdom to himself to ensure the adoration of humanity, which also gives him massive sway over the demons who are yucking it up under his banner. I would not be surprised if he really doesn't want to play nice with Void and Co. and is just waiting for them to outlive their usefulness so he can go Highlander on their asses.

I'm not actually sold on the idea, but it's given me something to chew on.

I think the way Miura presented Guts observation about him gives enough room to think about that possibility (not a conflict against the God Hand, as they are vessels, but the Idea itself). But we know that Griffith's desires are now the Idea desires, something that is still unknown to him. I actually think that Miura might play with Guts expectations about Griffith's behavior and subvert them. The actions that will follow might be very unpredictable cause there's a lot more players involved, namely the God Hand, which we have zero idea about what they want to achieve.

I don't know how much new stuff there actually was, but it's been like 15 years. So a refresher seems appropriate.

The information is way past a refresher. Hell, we got to know that the land was once completely merged. It brings a whole new level of assumptions.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I don't know how much new stuff there actually was, but it's been like 15 years. So a refresher seems appropriate.

This was a lot more than a refresher. We finally seem to be seeing how the world really works and what it means for Griffith's plans.


Uh, guys


I know they've made her skin color lighter and lighter as the series went on, but as of chapter 344, you can't even see it anymore. Caska's straight up white now.

Edit: this might just be a printing error of some kind. She still as a slight shade of brown in the newest chapter. I just saw that and was like "wut"


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Uh, guys

I know they've made her skin color lighter and lighter as the series went on, but as of chapter 344, you can't even see it anymore. Caska's straight up white now.

Edit: this might just be a printing error of some kind. She still as a slight shade of brown in the newest chapter. I just saw that and was like "wut"

Yeah I was going to say something seemed off because she's noticeably the darkest skinned person with Guts. Probably just someone stirring some shit.


Unconfirmed Member
Uh, guys


I know they've made her skin color lighter and lighter as the series went on, but as of chapter 344, you can't even see it anymore. Caska's straight up white now.

Edit: this might just be a printing error of some kind. She still as a slight shade of brown in the newest chapter. I just saw that and was like "wut"

Nah, there is just sth wrong with the scanlation

Getting caught up...I hope this boob witch Morda is a regular. Isidro thinks he's a ladies man, lol got his shit pounded in by some witches. Why is Puck a celebrity in this place? Never mind, dude seems infamous.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Getting caught up...I hope this boob witch Morda is a regular. Isidro thinks he's a ladies man, lol got his shit pounded in by some witches. Why is Puck a celebrity in this place? Never mind, dude seems infamous.

Puck is the real hero.
Puck is the real hero.
Lol. Puck is cool though. Magnifico is the first one to sit down and want some tea...loser. You know Guts has learned to chill the fuck out when he takes off the Dragon Slayer to eat. Lol, the Behelit's favorite food is cheese. Motherfucking Isidro couldn't put 2 and 2 together. Nice info dump though. Hopefully they teach Farnese some new spells. Puck is still Puck. I thought once he got back home he'd change a little, but nope.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Lol. Puck is cool though. Magnifico is the first one to sit down and want some tea...loser. You know Guts has learned to chill the fuck out when he takes off the Dragon Slayer to eat. Lol, the Behelit's favorite food is cheese.

There isn't a coat check big enough for the Dragon Slayer. I kind of wish he just tossed it at one of the Wizard's and was like,"Catch! Take care of this for me!"
There isn't a coat check big enough for the Dragon Slayer. I kind of wish he just tossed it at one of the Wizard's and was like,"Catch! Take care of this for me!"
Since it just cuts through magic shit now, it'd probably chop the old man in half in the process. I like this though, they're finally talking about what the fuck is going on in this demented world. Makes me wonder how fucked up the world used to be a couple of thousand years ago. The Golden Age, as fucked up as it was was really the best time to be alive.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Since it just cuts through magic shit now, it'd probably chop the old man in half in the process. I like this though, they're finally talking about what the fuck is going on in this demented world. Makes me wonder how fucked up the world used to be a couple of thousand years ago. The Golden Age, as fucked up as it was was really the best time to be alive.

Yeah I compared it to a Reverse version of the Lord of the Rings where instead of the magical and fantastical elements of the world fading into obscurity or actually leaving the world for the magical lands in the West you have the magical elements coming back. Not only are they returning, they're seemingly clawing their way back to assert dominance and become a very real and important aspect of the world.
Yeah I compared it to a Reverse version of the Lord of the Rings where instead of the magical and fantastical elements of the world fading into obscurity or actually leaving the world for the magical lands in the West you have the magical elements coming back. Not only are they returning, they're seemingly clawing their way back to assert dominance and become a very real and important aspect of the world.
At least with the Golden Age mankind was just getting fucked man. Now they have to worry about dragons and fucking sea gods and these damn super apostles running around. Man now is just like McDonald's to the big scary shit that's way more prevalent than it used to be. I don't think Tolkien would've ever turned his universe into this.


Lol. Puck is cool though. Magnifico is the first one to sit down and want some tea...loser. You know Guts has learned to chill the fuck out when he takes off the Dragon Slayer to eat. Lol, the Behelit's favorite food is cheese. Motherfucking Isidro couldn't put 2 and 2 together. Nice info dump though. Hopefully they teach Farnese some new spells. Puck is still Puck. I thought once he got back home he'd change a little, but nope.

Puck being Puck maybe lead to them being like "how about exploring the outside world for a few years?" :p


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Guts comes back to a world where Rickert is older than he is.

"Hey Puck, look over there." *They stuff his ass into a sock and throw him onto a boat*

I'm waiting to see what kind of steam punk weapons Rickert thinks up for Silat and Bakiraka. Silat is already a beast on the battlefield, now imagine him with even more advanced and dangerous weapons.
I'm waiting to see what kind of steam punk weapons Rickert thinks up for Silat and Bakiraka. Silat is already a beast on the battlefield, now imagine him with even more advanced and dangerous weapons.
Silat got so badass after Guts punked his ass. Didn't Rickert make a pseudo rocket launcher or flamethrower a few books back?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Silat got so badass after Guts punked his ass. Didn't Rickert make a pseudo rocket launcher or flamethrower a few books back?

Well he learned from Godo who made all of Guts' crazy weapons and Rickert actually made several improvements himself when Guts came back to visit Godo's cave. However yes Rickert designed a firehose type machine but turned it into a flame thrower to use against Rakshas and yeah, a rocket launcher as well.
Well he learned from Godo who made all of Guts' crazy weapons and Rickert actually made several improvements himself when Guts came back to visit Godo's cave. However yes Rickert designed a firehose type machine but turned it into a flame thrower to use against Rakshas and yeah, a rocket launcher as well.
Why doesn't Berserk spend more time with Rickert again?
Those tsundere Tapasa. Won't Rickert Sempai notice us!

Well they are kinda straight from Cho Aniki. Silat's weaponry is already bad ass. Rickert is going to make some crazy upgrades for him now, I bet. Let's not forget about Daiba either though. That old dude is kinda cool too. I think this group will meet up with Guts group eventually to fight Griffith and his army.
Isn't Rickert just running around with a prostitute, a girl and a bunch of weird ass middle eastern men?

Luca and Jerome stayed behind in Falconia, Rickert left with Erica, Silat, and the old Kushan general dude that can control monsters.

Nina probably pushed Joachim off a cliff again and became an apostle or is off riding some goat statue.

Freaking snitch, participate in baby eating goat satan orgies when your diseased while your bff sleeps with gross ass dudes just to get medicine for you

That character was the absolute worst, I can't believe she survived.
The information is way past a refresher. Hell, we got to know that the land was once completely merged. It brings a whole new level of assumptions.
I re-read everything after the eclipse somewhat recently, there's a big lore dump when Schierke is introduced... enough that I couldn't tell you how much I didn't soak up.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I re-read everything after the eclipse somewhat recently, there's a big lore dump when Schierke is introduced... enough that I couldn't tell you how much I didn't soak up.

These last chapters and the next few should be a lore dump on the level of Guts and crew meeting Flora, probably more so as I expect this will be where Miura sets up the endgame for the series. After Skellig shits gonna get real.


I actually emailed Dark Horse Comics after a frustrating search all over the web for volumes 14 & 16, just letting them know how hard and expensive some of these volumes are. I thought maybe with the new anime, other people would be messaging them too and I would add my voice about the lack of prints on some volumes. They actually messaged me back saying they have no plans at all to reprint Berserk manga volumes


Well I didn't expect any different. >_>
Wow that sucks. I'm glad I finished my collection before that. I hope people can finish their collections at some point without paying ludicrous amounts.
Is the story post-Golden Age Arc generally consider better or worse? I'm about to hit vol. 10 (after having watched the anime series), and I just can't imagine where it ends up going.
Is the story post-Golden Age Arc generally consider better or worse? I'm about to hit vol. 10 (after having watched the anime series), and I just can't imagine where it ends up going.

I personally don't think it ever gets as well plotted as the Golden Age again but it has its peaks and valleys.


Neo Member
I actually emailed Dark Horse Comics after a frustrating search all over the web for volumes 14 & 16, just letting them know how hard and expensive some of these volumes are. I thought maybe with the new anime, other people would be messaging them too and I would add my voice about the lack of prints on some volumes. They actually messaged me back saying they have no plans at all to reprint Berserk manga volumes


Well I didn't expect any different. >_>

I'm pretty good at locating these volumes. Just found a 32 for a member. PM me, I've found you a 16. Let me know
Is the story post-Golden Age Arc generally consider better or worse? I'm about to hit vol. 10 (after having watched the anime series), and I just can't imagine where it ends up going.
More weird shit definitely starts popping up, the art gets better and Guts actually starts growing as a character to list a few things. The world gets a lot bigger too.
Is the story post-Golden Age Arc generally consider better or worse? I'm about to hit vol. 10 (after having watched the anime series), and I just can't imagine where it ends up going.

It starts to peak again at the millenium falcon arc, and the troll village is really good as well.

It starts to get a bit tame after that which is why you hear people say it's a bit shounen now. They've toned it down quite a bit on the rape stuff.
Is the story post-Golden Age Arc generally consider better or worse? I'm about to hit vol. 10 (after having watched the anime series), and I just can't imagine where it ends up going.
It's consistently been really good.

Genre-wise it's shifted towards lighter fantasy (it's still dark, but before it was dark as shit), but still grotesque in interesting ways and towards interesting ends.

I honestly don't think the quality has dropped all that much along the way.

Falconia doesn't have enough Guts, no sale


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I love the stuff after the Golden Age because it seems unlike a lot of mangaka he plans things out a lot and doesn't take short cuts, in fact he might drags things out a little too long but man I don't care what anyone says. Seeing where things started and where they are now and seen all the seeds planted over dozens of volume finally come to fruition was amazing. I mean we saw the Skull Knight eating behelits for over a dozen volumes if not more with out a clue what he was doing... then boom Sword of Actuation.

I'd actually say Berserk has a season like structure. It actually starts in the Fall with the Golden Age where things are their most colorful but the leaves are about to fall off the tree's. Then the Winter hits with a viscous cold snap and its cold and brutal for a long long time and then it finally starts to warm up during the Conviction Arc and then its Springtime and everything is growing from the world around the characters to the characters themselves. Now its Summertime and the heat is about to get sweltering and its gonna be a hot one!


I actually emailed Dark Horse Comics after a frustrating search all over the web for volumes 14 & 16, just letting them know how hard and expensive some of these volumes are. I thought maybe with the new anime, other people would be messaging them too and I would add my voice about the lack of prints on some volumes. They actually messaged me back saying they have no plans at all to reprint Berserk manga volumes


Well I didn't expect any different. >_>
This explains why Amazon hasn't figured out a shipping date for Vol 15 in over a month. Man, every manga that I try to collect goes this way for me! I make it a decent way in and then can't find the remaining issues.


And I'm done... for now. Big thanks to Rowena for helping me with getting book 32. I kind of hope they (whoever are redoing the Berserk mangas) don't do the re-releases anytime soon lol. I will say that they do look a hell of a lot better than these American Dark Horse versions. I think it would be best to pass this series off to another company who will do a better job with editing and translating.




Neo Member
And I'm done... for now. Big thanks to Rowena for helping me with getting book 32. I kind of hope they (whoever are redoing the Berserk mangas) don't do the re-releases anytime soon lol. I will say that they do look a hell of a lot better than these American Dark Horse versions. I think it would be best to pass this series off to another company who will do a better job with editing and translating.


Looks great !!!!
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