Screaming Meat
Unconfirmed Member
Ludwig is pushing my shit in. Can't seem to get a hang of that second phase.
Ludwig is pushing my shit in. Can't seem to get a hang of that second phase.
Hug the shit out of him like if he was your girlfriend. Staying clsoe to him means that his beams will always miss. Also always try to go to his back so he also miss his swings.
Other than that, just remember when he puts his sword on the ground, he does an AoE around him so go back a bit, and when he puts his sword in the air stay at his back again.
To all you people who are saying you are okay with BB being it's own thing. I would line every single one of you up along a wall and shoot all of you if it meant BB2 would be made. I would cut off my own legs and close the wound shut with a flamethrower. I'd sell babies off a street corner. I am that extreme about this, I have pages and pages and pages of ideas i've been jotting down, of side plots, of bosses, of lore, of just everything and god damn i need a BB2 so badly... Doesn't have to be Fromsoftware, it could be me from my garage if Sony would let me. Just... I need it, oh god I need. it. Sure, a new IP would be cool but it wouldn't have trick weapons or a sick dodge. It wouldn't be the same and I just really need more of the same with a fresh coat of paint. The idea I may never get that?
Ludwig is pushing my shit in. Can't seem to get a hang of that second phase.
Thanks, man.
That's pretty much what I'm doing.
He has this jump-back/double strike/overhead slam move that I can't seem to predict. Normally he roars, then strikes immediately after; this one has an awful delay that catches me out. Can't seem to ever intentionally dodge it, even when I know it's coming! If I happen to dodge the first, I get hit by the second. It's that quick! Then I lose 2/3rds of my health and it all goes down hill...
You never played the DLC before? God I love that second phase.
Attack his sides, each side have its own HPs and stun him after dealing enough damage, once you took him down attack the other side, his second phaase is all about taking a distance and all his legs share the same hp for a quick stun and free vis
First phase is fine. I can get vis, there's just this move that fucks me up every. Single. Time.
That move is random and happens more often when you give him space or when you are in your fourth hit or when he is cornered. Defiled Watchdog have a window , ludwig too but the pressure of the fight makes that window pretty short and sometimes you have see a rare variation which is a non roar frame cancel hit from that move it usually kills me as a coop
I'm about to go in. This is also the first time that I'll be giving the DLC some proper attention.Depth 5 chalice dungeon bosses drop them very frequently.
Doing chalice amygdala again after a year and I had forgotten(or maybe blocked out) that she can one shot you, I dunno but I just fucking hate that shit, spend five minutes and get close to beating her and then bam, fuck up a roll and its good bye. I hope my save file got corrupted when I rage quit :/
There is an easy way to cheese Amygdala and guarantee she won't hit you once. Just get under her crotch and when she jumps, stay completely still. She won't ever hit you if you don't move and you can beat her easily that way.
only just got this game today but really enjoying it so far. Got stuck on the first boss father gascoigne. Unfortunately I cant upgrade my character as all my souls are at the boss from when I die.
I can easily get him to 40% but his beast transformation destroys me.
only just got this game today but really enjoying it so far. Got stuck on the first boss father gascoigne. Unfortunately I cant upgrade my character as all my souls are at the boss from when I die.
I can easily get him to 40% but his beast transformation destroys me.
only just got this game today but really enjoying it so far. Got stuck on the first boss father gascoigne. Unfortunately I cant upgrade my character as all my souls are at the boss from when I die.
I can easily get him to 40% but his beast transformation destroys me.
Do you have the Music Box, by chance? That really helps with his 3rd (Beast) stage.
Nah haven't got it. There's a couple of paths I didn't take. Guess I will have to suck it up and grind abit.
Holy shit I want to quit this now lmao. After trying to grind I've died so many times so lost my 10k souls and the optional boss is a no go yet to.
Don't lose heart. We were all there at one point. My first 5-8 hours of BB were frustrating as all hell, but once I got the hang of the systems and started leveling up (And leveling up my weapons) things started to click.
Ok will search for houses then as I've unlocked all areas now apart from the priest boss that needs killin. I'm broadcasting on YouTube if anyone is bored and wants to help. Stream is bloodborne noob first time
Here are guides for the locations of Blood Stone Shards:
The one area I haven't been is there is a locked gate in that area with the troll banging on the wooden door, opposite from him as you go up the first set of stairs
You need to go to the sewers, there's a ladder that goes to the gate. It's located before the lower area, where the pig is.
Yeah I've been there, must have been another short cut. Nvm I've found no woman in a window, although I did find one old woman asking me for a safe place but I could only say no. I'm gonna try cleric beast first anyway
That's not actually true, I tried that and several strategies and never had any success.
It is actually true. I've done it twice and it's a known tactic. Use 2H Axe's R2.
Seriously this father gas is pure bullshit. Even with the music box that works once he just constantly charges and leaps at you in beast form you can't even dodge is range is so big.
You can dodge him just fine. Here's how I did it:
I'd recommend to move to the upper area after he transforms, as you're less likely to get stuck in the scenery there. Parrying works well against both forms. If you can't get the timing right, you can also use molotovs against his beast form.
Lol after moving to the upper area he was easy, killed him without dying .
How brutal is ng+ for this? At about 127 with a 397 saw cleaver and 440 Ludwigs. The end of the dlc was tough.