Think he meant the other hunter in that area, not Djura.
Was wondering if he was talking about the one that tries to kill you on sight that is on the platform below the guy with machine gun.....
He isn't right?
Think he meant the other hunter in that area, not Djura.
Was wondering if he was talking about the one that tries to kill you on sight that is on the platform below the guy with machine gun.....
He isn't right?
I assume he meant the rando hunter on the lower level, not Djura up top. It's an intriguing mystery tho.
So which can go befriend?
Also when can you interact with the doll again?
Djura is the guy who can be befriended later on, not sure how much more you want to know more than that since from what I've read you're nor super far into the game
As for the doll bit not sure what you mean? She gets new dialogue from time to time.
I beaten like four bosses before losing my save. Wondering when I can level up.
So to befriend you justHe bum rushes you though..don't kill him and run away?
You can level up whenever you want inside the hunters dream when you have enough blood echoes. Not sure what else you mean there.
Just to make sure we're on the same page, Djura is the gatling gun hunter who can be befriended later on. It can be achieved after you beat an option boss and open up a shortcut to come back through Old Yarnham and as long as you don't kill anything on the way back to him he won't attack you and can be spoke to
I have like three thousand, yet I can't speak to her yet.
So the guy on the platform you must kill. The gatling guy above that platform you can befriend. Right?
I have like three thousand, yet I can't speak to her yet.
So the guy on the platform you must kill. The gatling guy above that platform you can befriend. Right?
That seems weird, should be able to level up if you've collected 1 insight.
Correct on the 2nd point, tho you don't have to kill the other guy but yeh there's no downside to it. It doesn't change anything.
ok forget about what I said regarding playing after work
I am addicted and its because of you Gaf.
Now back to the matter, questions:
1. I like the saw cleaver, is there another more powerful version available later or I can just continue upgrade the initial one?
2. I never upgraded my pistol (hunter). is there any reason to? I only use it for stun and it seems to be doing fine.
3.I've seen people referring to pizza cutter, is it the saw cleaver? is it that bad?
4.I've met a hunter after father gascoigne, while the machine gun guy was shooting at me. I killed him, went back to hunters dream and later return to the area but he did not respawn. Was there anything particular with him?
This game...sooo good.
How do you get to BSB before seeing him?
Oh, the statue have her eyes open? BTW in the end how did she commit?suicide
]I kinda want to get into bloodborne again. I never finished it. But I feel like my skills might be better after Dark Souls 3.(admittedly, I got too scared during the spider part)
I love the lore and setting but was wondering if anyone wanted to co-op the entire thing with me? Is that even possible?
What the hell just happened?
I just got beaten by a witch with a body bag and woke up in a different place.
600$ T-T
In Cathedral Ward right at the top there are big doors, that's a place to go and there are paths either side of them that also go somewhere. Suggestion:Also, should I be going through Cathedral Ward or is there somewhere else on the streets of Healing Church Workshop I'm supposed to get to first? Or what about Yhar'gul/Hypogean Gaol - is that the natural next area following Old Yharnam?
It's a bit rough going there when you first find it, but the area is worth looting now, the boss might be difficult right now, but not out of the question - you don't miss the boss by leaving it until later, but it might be way too easy if you come to it too late. Worth a try in other words!I've also been to Yhar'gul and had a quick look around after I got taken by a snatcher. Cool area with really cool music, luckily I found the lantern while running around so I could make it out. I'm really struggling when engaging in combat with snatchers. Is that supposed to be that way given my current level (33)?
I'm really struggling when engaging in combat with snatchers. Is that supposed to be that way given my current level (33)?
Thanks guys - one question on the backstabs, how do they work in this game exactly? Is it a case of holding R2 to charge up a big attack from just behind someone? I think I read that somewhere. I've been trying that but no luck. It doesn't work like in Dark Souls, does it?
If it is like souls, kind of yes.
And I think you get an insight for killing a boss as a summon.
Not really what I mean I think.
Can I play the full game co-op?
Anyone want to do co-op with a mic?
Suppose to happen. I assume you already beat blood starved beast right?
So how do you get the ribbon for your messenger if you already killed?the giant boar
It respawns. Just go kill it again.
So I need to talk to that girl again? Or just break theand reset the area, then kill thebroochboar
It depends on how far you are into the game.
If you don't give her the brooch, you can't progress the quest until after a certain boss. If you do give it to her, there is a different boss gating the quest progress.
I'm not sure if you can even get the ribbon right now.
New save only beat up to.father g
NoDoes Nightmare of Mensis have snakes?
So while exploring, I reached 2 bosses: the ligthning beast in unseen village and the girl that transform in the cathedral.
Which one do you think I should tackle first?
Also is Ludwig's sword any good? I see it for sale in the shop.
Amelia is probably be a bit easier at your level, but it doesn't matter much. And Ludwig's sword is arguably one of the best weapons, especially if you raise both Strength and Skill. If you prefer to focus on just one stat, though, there are better options.