I'm 4 shards away from being a level 29 Titan. I am a very competent player, typically being top 3 in crucible and I rarely (if ever anymore) die in matchmade strikes. Nearly all my gear is full upgraded, I have a consistent120 Mbps internet connection (so disconnects aren't a problem), and I always finish what I start.
I still have never done the raid nor have I done a weekly Nightfall.
I can only commit to big events like nightfalls or raids on weekends. I have tried casually to find groups available when I am, spending a few hours on GAF, with no luck. I've made some new friends on Xbox, but unfortunately have never done the raid.
These comments are complete and utter bullshit from Bbungie. They can just make the requirements higher if they want (ie. currently the raid level is '26', but make it so you cant join a matchmaking raid unless you are 28+). I am a good player, high enough level to play the raid and nightfall, but forgive me for being 29 years old, working full time, studying at nights, and devoting 70 hours to game when I can, but not having an additional 30 hours to devote to assembling parties online. For christs sake, they don't even have a LFG system
in the fucking game like any other MMO. Even that would make things more reasonable. Instead, people have to resort to online webforms or private websites.
I am so happy I didn't buy the DLC/season pass. $20 for 1.5 hours of story, 1 strike, and a raid+nightfall that I will never do. There are a bunch of problems with Destiny as a whole, but all Bungie has to do is implement matchmaking for Nightfall and Raids and I will plunk down $35.
Sorry for the rant. Despite the issues, I really like this game and just want to fucking play the raid
