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Bungie on Destiny's lack of story, the new raid, and Destiny 2


I voted with my wallet when DmC came out, and I'll vote with my wallet with Destiny's dlc and Destiny 2.

What Bungie is doing with the game is a practice I can't support. As far as I'm concerned, I'll never touch my 30s again and I'm fine getting off that silly treadmill slot machine.


How surprising, the Destiny regulars all yelling about how matchmaking would ruin their game again as if the looking for group websites or threads aren't just posts consisting of:
"we need people for raid"
"can I join?"

Hell, just make it so you open a lobby for matchmaking in raid instead if idiots want to interview and ask for the raid experience and gaming history of every person that joins.

I dont think anybody was yelling... Not sure what to make of your 2nd comment in regards to LFG/LFM posts
New PS4 exclusive Strike boss fight


Boss fight start at 17:30

There is zero new mechanic in this boss fight except 3 orange shields upgrade for the boss.



Bungie really love them bullet sponge bosses -_-


You should see the new cock-blocks put in place for The Dark Below

All exotics getting bumped to new damage #, but with a huge cost:
7000 Glimmer
Weapon (Maxed or Wherever it's up too)
1 Exotic Shard (cost 7 Strange Coins from Xur or Dismantle an Exotic, which will net you 1 or if Dismantled a full maxed bubble 2-3 (not sure on this), only when he shows up and has that same item for you to upgrade)
Your new weapon starts out higher than when it was fully maxed, but now you have to fill up all the bubbles again and lose the perks the weapon you got used too

Also ranking up factions got overhauled and locked down from people burning their marks and getting way too ahead
Now you need a commendation (rank up, might be RNG), then you can use that commendation to either purchase 1 armor or 1 weapon of your choice, have to repeat if you want something else...
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense going the path they're on unless they're desperate to pad things out. I mean, what other game completely overhauls its leveling system 3 months in to make it more difficult? Changing what's isolated in the new DLC is at least understandable but impeding the progress of newer players too? Who does that?

That doesn't even get into their insistence on using an NPC who is only available for not even a weekend and adding more RNG too it.

I don't wanna dismiss you, but gaffers are raiding all day everyday. When they still can't get a spot or two (rarely) they fill it on DestinyLFG. I never would've thought that I could raid until I hit up the GAF community thread.

Butttttttt if you are on Xbox it's harder on Gaf. Most people are on ps4.
I don't know why that made me laugh. Maybe there should be an asterisk on who DestinyGAF can actually help.

Destiny is the only game I've seen all kinds of people put dozens/hundreds of hours into and do nothing but complain about it.
I tend to do all sorts of weird things to create my own "fun" in online games (I don't play that many).

In WoW, I have:
- Grinded Cenarion Circle reputation for weeks doing the same old dumb random set of quests, going through bug tunnels, handing in materials, and killing summoned monsters. All that just to get enough reputation for a weapon.
- While killing thousands of enemies in Blade's Edge Mountains, I ended up collecting over 4000 Apexis Shards just to get my Badge of Tenacity.
- Wanted to get 1 million gold for no reason in particular. So I decided to cut gems, put them in the auction house and undercut anyone in my way. I went as far as finding my competition on the Undermine Journal website (they track auction house listings) and added all their alts to my friends list to track whenever they come online. This also allowed me to find any other obscure avenues of making gold.

In Warframe:
- There wasn't much to do so what I normally did was collect gear and level them to the max. Then at some point, I really wanted some of the top mods at the time because a lot of builds were centered around them. So I spent hours and hours farming specific maps to get them which I eventually did. However, I barely made any progress on my gear which put me further behind because of how quickly they like to push out new items. (This was before mod trading was implemented)

Now, I actually liked WoW a lot more than I did Warframe. I had plenty of complaints about Warframe but still ended up spending a significant amount of time once I set a goal to do something. It's quite easy to fall into that trap (even if it's stupid!).

In Destiny's case, it's a very popular, $60 product. Many players may want to see all that's available in the game that they paid for. The most highly regarded piece of content, the raid, still requires a large time investment to participate in. There could also be many things to criticize about the game and still like it.


8 hours a day for 7 days a week is about 12.5 weeks, which would be more accurate for this person's avg. A couple people have mentioned their hours on Bungie differed (and was fairly less) from destinystatus so there could be that.

I wonder if destinystatus counts tower, orbit and flying time hahaha. I have 142 hours playing time via Bungie, but 198 hours via destinystatus.com

I used 5 days as the regular workweek. Either way, it's still damn ridiculous.


New PS4 exclusive Strike boss fight


Boss fight start at 17:30

There is zero new mechanic in this boss fight except 3 orange shields upgrade for the boss.


The other Strike, we already know, features an oversized Wizard, and only a single new mechanic (not even technically new, because poison circles were already used in VoG).

Hilariously embarrassing is the best way to sum up the current state of the game. Bungie just doesn't get it.


I can only commit to big events like nightfalls or raids on weekends.

Raid fair enough, but plenty of the nightfalls are done within 15 or 20 minutes, quicker if it's the nexus like this week.

It's never difficult to find 2 for a nightfall on a Tuesday. I often end up doing it 6 or 7 times due to helping others later in the week.

Best advice: add gaffers, add anyone who plays well in a strike, add anyone who does well in PvE such as a public event. Just add as many decent players as you can. When you have 3 pages of friends a raid, a nightfall, a weekly, a daily, whatever, they are all never far away. Just stalk your fellow players and fire out invites with a message more meaningful that "play destiny" and you'll do fine.
The logic of not wanting to put matchmaking into the raids because somebody might get called away for dinner or somebody might not realize that raids are supposed to be somehow special or harder is getting ridiculous.


I would love to see some of you attempt the RAID with randoms. Results would be hilarious. Having to rely on 6 strangers to be able to 100% communicate with each other is too tall of a task. I 100% see why there is no matchmaking in the Raid and support Bungie's decision.

Right... I've done this several times. And the group did quite well. Just give us the fraking option Bungie! If folks don't like it they will be free to not use it. Geesh.
That site must be counting wrong. Bungie.net says I've played for about 110 hours, but their site says 160 hours.

Pretty sure that site includes idle time in orbit. It says I've played for 800 hours and no way is that possible. Destiny tracker has me at ~300 which is more reasonable.


The game could be so much more

Trust me, I didn't put in close to 700+ hours into this for shits n' giggles

Problem is there is deep combat/mechanics in this game, problem is you have to reach end game to go, "WHY ON EARTH WASN'T THE WHOLE FUCKING GAME LIKE THIS!?"

To me so far the game fills up my time nicely, no game has ripped me away and made me forget Destiny

Bungie did do a good job building a foundation, it's just these cracks keep appearing and trying to plaster them nonchalantly isn't cutting it

You would think this game would get updates out like a mofo to keep it evolving, these monthly+ updates are too fucking long for a community to accept in the long run
Player start to get upset and lose focus on playing your title due to your delays/miscommunication/silence

I put in work to get all 3 of my characters to where they are
I have helped at least 100+ GAFfers through these 3 months and randoms too
Fuck I would solo Nightfall/Weeklies for peoples alts that were 25+ and get them the strange coins/engrams/drops

Game does have a rewarding factor, if you get to the top don't always admire the view, try to always looks down and give a helping hand and get someone else to the top
Wish there was more moment like that in Destiny =/
I agree with everything you said. You have also helped me a few times as well. :)



The other Strike, we already know, features an oversized Wizard, and only a single new mechanic (not even technically new, because poison circles were already used in VoG).

Hilariously embarrassing is the best way to sum up the current state of the game. Bungie just doesn't get it.
I think it took them longer than they expected to create the game content. The assets are extensive and were done a long time ago. However, the amount of activities is limited, and that seems to be time constrained. The game should've been released with all the expansion content already in it. I think that would've given people plenty of content to churn through. I expect much better from the sequel. That said, I'm still quite pleased with the original. I wouldn't have played as long as I did if I didn't. PEACE.


Right... I've done this several times. And the group did quite well. Just give us the fraking option Bungie! If folks don't like it they will be free to not use it. Geesh.

this 100%.

Right now if you want to raid, you basically have to go online and beg for random people. Lots of groups do this and finish the raid. The only difference is now you have to invest up to an hour not playing to try to get a group, when matchmaking would get you the same result (random people) in a matter of minutes. You don't have to plan your life around the raid, don't have to beg people on forums. People who still want to do that can. NOBODY LOSES WITH MATCHMAKING OPTION.

Why does it rankle bungie and some people so much that most people want the option to quickly and easily get in a group? The one time I was able to do a raid it was from spamming online and eventually ending up in a group of 6 people who were all strangers.

Sure we wiped a couple times, but the raid isn't that hard on normal. Any 6 people with mics can do it.

Just make it a requirement to have a mic plugged in to initiate matchmaking and put in a vote to kick feature.

There is not a single reason to gate the raid like it is now, except to appease some people's sense of elitism.


I understand the arguments for no matchmaking, but I really don't understand how anyone thinks implementing it would take away their opportunity for using an organised group.

Had a new daughter arrive just after the raid released, gaming time has been zero. Now that she's sleeping well would love to jump in again, but when I can start is so unpredictable, matchmaking would be perfect.

Even adding matchmaking to dailies and weeklies would be a great start for me.


I gave them the benefit of the doubt with no early reviews. I defended the game despite the pathetic story / lack of content for such an "epic" game. The mechanics themselves kept me happy, along with the belief they would not be dumb enough to never implement proper matchmaking. Now its clear I wont ever be able to do a raid without begging for people to play on a message board - screw that.
That's all fine and good but please don't market the game with "rich cinematic storytelling" right on the back of the box

Oh yeah?

Question: Was that a failure?

Answer: No

I think deceptive marketing was a selling point. They can't get away with that exact same model for Destiny 2 because we know better now. But they knew exactly what they were doing and chose to do it. Bungie has talent, but I don't care what their next project is and i wish them and their families the best. I wouldn't be surpirsed if, instead of "learning from their mistakes of false advertisement", they learn how to pull one over on ya again. Bungie has shown their hand and it consists of (accept it or not) a "fair" level of bullshit.


How they can improve story when first game that should be base is completely mess on that field? They will reboot Destiny with Destiny 2? :D


I gave them the benefit of the doubt with no early reviews. I defended the game despite the pathetic story / lack of content for such an "epic" game. The mechanics themselves kept me happy, along with the belief they would not be dumb enough to never implement proper matchmaking. Now its clear I wont ever be able to do a raid without begging for people to play on a message board - screw that.
You at least have a great option here on GAF. You can find someone in your timezone who works a similar schedule to you. Add them to your friends list and link up. I feel for people doing it through less communal sites. PEACE.


Giving a great deal of this game purpose is to own meaningless virtual items, I stand by my word.

I know it is not a popular opinion, no even among game designers, but I'm quite certain with time more voices are gonna start questioning the morality-ethics of designs like Destiny or WOW. This are very well documented psychological tricks to build addiction, is not like "they don't know".

It is not a casualty people experience this love-hate relationship with these games, they don't enjoy playing them... yet they keep doing it, just like a harmful drug some would say.

Don't put words in my mouth, I'm not calling out the users. I'm calling out draconian design models that are not exclusive just to video games, the same techniques are used by casinos.
It's a game. I'm not addicted I enjoy it. If you find yourself being unhealthy turn it off. That's what adults do. If they are the kind of person to be addicted they will just get addicted to something else if not a video game.


I'm not a fan of Deej at all. He says they are sensitive to what the players want but they still haven't added matchmaking.

Don't want to add matchmaking to the raid fine, whatever. But the weekly and nightfall should have matchmaking.

Deku Tree

I'm not a fan of Deej at all. He says they are sensitive to what the players want but they still haven't added matchmaking.

Don't want to add matchmaking to the raid fine, whatever. But the weekly and nightfall should have matchmaking.

100% disagree and I do those activities 3x per week each.
Despite the numerous flaws with Destiny I like it a lot.

I was disappointed with it, majorly so. And I still am. I do like it though.

Destiny 2 will probably be fantastic.


100% disagree and I do those activities 3x per week each.
Why? Those just need 3 people and don't need much communication since strikes are just kill missions. I've completed many a nightfall or weekly by randomly inviting a rando I saw running around the same area. Of course, I could solo them too, but sometimes that's more work than it's worth. I think matchmaking would work well for those two activities. Dailies too. PEACE.


Despite the numerous flaws with Destiny I like it a lot.

I was disappointed with it, majorly so. And I still am. I do like it though.

Destiny 2 will probably be fantastic.

It's the most conflicted I've felt about a game, ever - and I've spent more time on it than any other game in recent memory now.


You at least have a great option here on GAF. You can find someone in your timezone who works a similar schedule to you. Add them to your friends list and link up. I feel for people doing it through less communal sites. PEACE.

Might be a better option but is certainly not a great one. If they had an in game lobby to team up I would give it a whirl I'm sure, but chasing people around message boards is just stupid.
100% disagree and I do those activities 3x per week each.

I would like the option to. I had fun doing the nightfall with 2 people total more, but a few times i was having trouble finding a person to do it with and wasted some good time and would have definitely did matchmaking. But to be able to bypass and do it with just 1 other person or whoever is in your fireteam already, would definitely be needed.


I don't buy the "not wanting matchmaking" crowd, the raid itself has barely any difficulty. Even WoW 5man dungeons have more intricate mechanics than what Destiny raid has, assuming someone actually does them with the needed tactics. Oh well, see you in Destiny 10 when the game might actually have something interesting.


Does anyone even care about the story? I think beyond the first day, most people I know who played didn't know/care about a single thing. All they've done since is loot grind over and over and over.

Additionally they promised a great PvP experience, and yet it's been really unbalanced and boring, here's hoping for more objective modes, and a better nod to their Halo roots. Who knows though people will probably hype it as the best sequel in the history of gaming in the lead up.

Edit: Here's hoping they find some way to bring in raid matchmaking for those who would want it. I don't understand the resistance. If you have 5-6 friends, cool, keep raiding. But sometimes you just need an extra person, or are alone and you need someone to raid with. Maybe have it unlock after you've completed it on hard mode once etc. Let users decide if they want to match up with strangers or not. At least allow the option. I know they've said it'll never happen, but I'd still want to be hopeful that they'd consider it.

uh. yes? It has tremendous story potential, yet it was all gutted. Instead we got "I don't have time to explain" and "the children are frightened"

When I read the full story behind the Vault of Glass raid in a post on here (the Vex were attempting to literally integrate themselves into the fabric of time so they could control it, plus quite a bit more backstory) I was blown away. Suddenly parts of the game actually made -sense-.
uh. yes? It has tremendous story potential, yet it was all gutted. Instead we got "I don't have time to explain" and "the children are frightened"

When I read the full story behind the Vault of Glass raid in a post on here (the Vex were attempting to literally integrate themselves into the fabric of time so they could control it, plus quite a bit more backstory) I was blown away. Suddenly parts of the game actually made -sense-.

Check out YouTube. PlanetDestiny and this guy I think SirWallen or something like that do lore videos. I sit there and listen (they speak over disconnected PvP clips) and am enraptured by the story. I wish there were novels. Then I realize "where the fuck was all that in game? Shit I didn't even know the enemies had factions."


Boy. This must be your first mmo.

Destiny isn't an MMO. It's not massively multiplayer. And if it were an MMO it would be the most content barren MMO at launch I've ever played.

Check out YouTube. PlanetDestiny and this guy I think SirWallen or something like that do lore videos. I sit there and listen (they speak over disconnected PvP clips) and am enraptured by the story. I wish there were novels. Then I realize "where the fuck was all that in game? Shit I didn't even know the enemies had factions."

The lack of a novel or two ahead of the launch is actually what first made me "worry" about Destiny. I was 100% sure there was going to be this big ramp up of lore ahead of the game coming out, and it never happened.


New PS4 exclusive Strike boss fight


Boss fight start at 17:30

There is zero new mechanic in this boss fight except 3 orange shields upgrade for the boss.


I'm working right now. Is the boss fight essentially the nexus mind boss fight but with a different coat of paint?

Different shield shape, different arena structure, and he moves around the area much more than in the Nexus fight. But otherwise, it's essentially the same boss. Long life meter, rotating shield, constant adds spawning in, etc.

Disappointing. My biggest wish for the new bosses were that they would be interesting for some reason other than their health meter.


I'm working right now. Is the boss fight essentially the nexus mind boss fight but with a different coat of paint?
Yes, though the baby nexus now has a double shield that covers about the same total area as before. I assume this is a miniboss. PEACE.


I don't buy the "not wanting matchmaking" crowd, the raid itself has barely any difficulty. Even WoW 5man dungeons have more intricate mechanics than what Destiny raid has, assuming someone actually does them with the needed tactics. Oh well, see you in Destiny 10 when the game might actually have something interesting.
I was against matchmaking before, but changed my stance after reading all the comments. The difficulty is there, it's just that everyone knows the tricks to make it easier now. I imagine a blind run through a raid is s nightmare with matchmaking though. PEACE.
Destiny isn't an MMO. It's not massively multiplayer. And if it were an MMO it would be the most content barren MMO at launch I've ever played.

The lack of a novel or two ahead of the launch is actually what first made me "worry" about Destiny. I was 100% sure there was going to be this big ramp up of lore ahead of the game coming out, and it never happened.

Definitely a lot of potential for stories to be told in the universe through novels or even just comics. The fact that they don't exist is testament to how quick the "story" that is there was thrown together and how unsure of they were of what lore (ie the stuff in the Grimoire) they planned on keeping from previous iterations. This is Activision and Bungie we're talking about. No way they didn't want to do some universe building/expanding money opportunities.
Playing Dragon Age: Inquisition is immensely refreshing, from an RPG/story perspective. There are bad fetch quests in it, but the good ones make smart use of the story/conflict in that zone and give you a world where your actions have impact.


All the game needs for my wife an I to get back in is matchmaking for raids.

If it had that I'd gladly pay for every expansion.


Even WoW 5man dungeons have more intricate mechanics than what Destiny raid has, assuming someone actually does them with the needed tactics. .

WoW 5-man dungeons are almost all completely tank n' spank with a trivial targeting system and someone constantly healing the group. The game also has a 100% reliable communication system, whereas in Destiny you have all these jerks without headsets or chatting off in their own party. Atheon's teleports and the Templar's shields require you to at the very least be vocally coordinated.

Run a bunch of random Tiger Strikes and watch how often people are not talking (much less listening). See how often people just randomly seem to go AFK or end up dicking around while the other two of you take on a challenge. People bringing that mentality to a raid will just screw up the experience.
WoW 5-man dungeons are almost all completely tank n' spank with a trivial targeting system and someone constantly healing the group. The game also has a 100% reliable communication system, whereas in Destiny you have all these jerks without headsets or chatting off in their own party. Atheon's teleports and the Templar's shields require you to at the very least be vocally coordinated.

Run a bunch of random Tiger Strikes and watch how often people are not talking (much less listening). See how often people just randomly seem to go AFK or end up dicking around while the other two of you take on a challenge. People bringing that mentality to a raid will just screw up the experience.

Filter options for microphone, whether or not they've cleared ther raid before, number of times the raid has been cleared, etc.

There are ways to do raid matchmaking, intelligently.
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