That just COD with mechs, nothing new.
Says the person that never played it.
That just COD with mechs, nothing new.
I just hope the sales reflect this. They need a massive shake up to get out of this rut.
Be careful what you wish for though. Sales dipping a bit might give them the message to shake things up a bit, but Activision has a habit and history of dropping franchises like a hot potato once they deem them no longer profitable enough, i.e. Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero.
Besides, they make millions off Skylanders now and Destiny might become a big franchise. I wonder if CoD will actually survive this gen or if it really is the Madden of FPS.
cool man thanks for responding, yeah, i'm judging, it's bad, i admit, some backstory dude is 33 and hates his job, imo he should be looking for new work. not staycationing for a milquetoast cod entry,
i've no problem with cracking out on hobbies, but you gotta handle your other business too
Holy crap. They really grill him.
GameCentral: So the obvious assumption from all this is that the PlayStation 4 is definitely more powerful than the Xbox One, is that true?
Mark Rubin: [acting very embarrassed] I can’t answer that.
GC: You can’t answer it on a technical level or because you’re being diplomatic?
MR: Can’t answer that.
GC: You can’t say whether you’re avoiding the question for diplomatic reasons?
MR: [embarrassed] I just can’t say anything…
[Even the attending PR guy is looking embarrassed by this point]
PR guy: It’s very hard for us to be…
GC: Are the console manufacturers leaning on you to avoid these sort of questions?
MR: [unsure - speaking to PR guy] I don’t know if that…
MR: [even more embarrassed to us] Yeah, there’s things that we… We sign NDAs with the first parties [i.e. Microsoft and Sony - GC] and there are things that we’re not allowed to talk about.
GC: So when John Carmack and Shinji Mikami say the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are almost identical, is that something you could agree with?
MR: Hmm… I would say that’s a bit inaccurate but I wouldn’t be able to tell you any detail of why that’s inaccurate.
GC: For diplomatic reasons?
MR: Yes.
GC: Okay, that’s fine. I think we can all read between those lines. But that’s absurd, how can they not except any journalist, any reasonable journalist, not to ask that question? It’s what everyone wants to know.
MR: [still feeling very awkward] The key thing is we try to focus people away from that sort of thing and try to focus them on the fact that the game is fun no matter what platform it’s on.
GC: Do you think with the next game you make there will there be such an obvious disparity between the two formats?
MR: Unknown… But over time… If you look at Call Of Duty 2 compared to COD 4 there’s a massive graphic difference, they look very different. So I think we’ll get better, yes.
GC: But will that same proportional gap always be there?
MR: Don’t know. Until we get there I honestly don’t know. To be not diplomatic or anything [laughs] we really don’t know. We’ve done as much as we can in the time we have to get where we’re at. Will they close the gap? Will they go off in the opposite direction? Who knows? But for this game it is what it is.
Holy crap. They really grill him.
With the backstory it sounds far more reasonable
Once more, sorry for jumping down your throat.
Is it just me or is the buz for CoD really low this year? I'm used to people talking about it in class on release day and seeing news articles everywhere about the midnight release.
Very interesting. So these NDAs don't allow how to publically talk about the specs...they can't even directly say the PS4 is more powerful.
Holy crap. They really grill him.
Jesus. I feel bad for the guy, but it's good that they asked those questions.
Is it just me or is the buz for CoD really low this year? I'm used to people talking about it in class on release day and seeing news articles everywhere about the midnight release.
Be careful what you wish for though. Sales dipping a bit might give them the message to shake things up a bit, but Activision has a habit and history of dropping franchises like a hot potato once they deem them no longer profitable enough, i.e. Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero.
Besides, they make millions off Skylanders now and Destiny might become a big franchise. I wonder if CoD will actually survive this gen or if it really is the Madden of FPS.
Is this more like MW3 or Blops 2?
GC: So, just finally, I have to ask: why does the PlayStation 4 version look so much better than the Xbox One? Is the resolution really the only difference?
MR: [laughs] Yep, it’s the only difference. The TVs are different on some of them, but… they both have their different rendering engines but they’re as close as possible. It really comes down to resolution. Xbox is upscaled 720, it’s outputting at 1080p but it’s upscaled from 720. Whereas PlayStation 4 is native 1080p. So that’s really the only graphical difference. But it is enough. Some people here are saying they don’t really notice a difference…
GC: Was that the guy with the white stick?
MR: [laugh] But yeah, the PS4 looks really good.
Is it just me or is the buz for CoD really low this year? I'm used to people talking about it in class on release day and seeing news articles everywhere about the midnight release.
New gen, new king.
Hopefully either Killzone or BF4 gain some of the audience from COD.
Mark Rubin – master of diplomacy
A little OT but has Carmack written a single line of code for either next gen system?
I hope so, want this franchise to die, so new ideas can take over the industry.
Is this more like MW3 or Blops 2?
Is MW2 really considered weaker than the games that followed?
Is MW2 really considered weaker than the games that followed? I think that's the last time multiplayer maps worked.
I actually have much more respect for Jason Rubin after reading that! I still think COD:G looks good (PS4, PC) and I want to give it a shot.
This is the first time I actually see most of the mainstream media actually acknowledging how similar the game is compared to previous releases.
You mean Mark.
Jason Rubin is the Crash Bandicoot guy.
There's nothing to feel bad about. This doesn't paint him in a bad light at all, and it's obvious he's a really honest guy and wants to answer those questions if it weren't for NDAs. As the interviewer said, Mark was able to dance around the NDA and provide enough lines to read between. Respect to Mark for that.Jesus. I feel bad for the guy, but it's good that they asked those questions.
GC: So when John Carmack and Shinji Mikami say the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are almost identical, is that something you could agree with?
MR: Hmm I would say thats a bit inaccurate but I wouldnt be able to tell you any detail of why thats inaccurate.
GC: For diplomatic reasons?
MR: Yes.
IGN said maps are more like MW2 (size) than latest CODs
From what I've played so far, it's Black Ops 1 + Modern Warfare 2. It's a breath of fresh air
Kotaku gave it 6.5, man this is bombing big time
Total biscuit just absolutely destroyed this game.
Can't blame him.
Guitar Hero needs a comeback........or I should just say Harmonix should come back next gen with a truly incredible rock band experience.
I love rocksmith and all but just jamming away at 5 plastic buttons is so much more fun as I can pick up my real guitar and just look at tabs and lessons instead of spending $60 on rocksmith.
Is MW2 really considered weaker than the games that followed? I think that's the last time multiplayer maps worked.