Regarding free speech. Aren't we also taught that it isn't wise to mock or provocate dangerous people? Sure, they had the right to do so, but if you are stating that radical islamists are idiots (I'm not saying they aren't) in a cartoon, how smart is this? If Vito Corleone lived in your neighbourhood would you put up a cartoon or a paper on your front window that is making fun of him?
Now these people at Charlie Hebdo were "brave" enough to not only laugh with "non-dangerous" people but also with dangerous ones. Was it worth it? They are dead now

. But not only did the people who took this risk die, people who had nothing to do with this (the two cops at Charlie Hebdo, the 4 people in the supermarket) died because of this too.
I know that for example if Ahmed the cop was my father I would feel 90% anger towards the obvious perpetrators, but would for sure feel at least some anger towards Charlie Hebdo too.