Did somebody say Poutine?

Did Charlie Hebdo made fun of the Nice attack? Serious question.
at least one of their cartoonists didDid Charlie Hebdo made fun of the Nice attack? Serious question.
Why does this little French magazine still cause outrage? Like, I've seen webcomics way more offensive than what they do
Why does this little French magazine still cause outrage? Like, I've seen webcomics way more offensive than what they do
The first two are already in the OP ( left then middle ) :
The third one would be :
After the disaster
The Red Army Choir conquered a new audience.
( I'm not sure the literal translation 'conquered' is really the right word to use in english in this context )
The Charlie Hebdo writers have the right to joke about it and the Russian military and people have the right to be offended by it.
The first two did make me laugh.
True but government and military officials should be above making statements about a satirical magazine from one country. By getting wound up about it and making it worldwide news more people get exposed to the cartoons.
It's a form of propaganda. By selectively reporting and responding to outrageous foreign news and media outlets, it paints "the other side" as an vile enemy at worst, a hypocrite at best.
Oh, it's time for a new Charlie Hebdo thread already?
I certainly understand why anybody from Russia would be pissed and outraged by these drawings but Charlie mocked their own attack so... Why wouldn't they joke about everything else?
And looking at these drawings, they're not really mocking the victims but are using the situation to shit on Poutine, which is more than fair game.
The one about the singing 'aaa' is certainly mocking the victims. If it was your family member you would be outraged. Its a disgusting 'comic'
Obviously a joke at your expense is not funny to you. I think it's humorous, but if that was a family member I wouldn't like it at all. Doesn't make it a bad joke.
Obviously a joke at your expense is not funny to you. I think it's humorous, but if that was a family member I wouldn't like it at all. Doesn't make it a bad joke.
The one about the singing 'aaa' is certainly mocking the victims. If it was your family member you would be outraged. Its a disgusting 'comic'
Curious - Did Charlie ever mock the terrorist attack on their own office?
Poutine is fucking delicious. I don't care whether he believes in democracy or not, I will follow his orders anywhere.
Smoke's reuben sandwich poutine 4lyfe
Did somebody say Poutine?
First cartoon: Anti-France works even on public holidays: "We get double pay!"
Second cartoon: Radicalization: Here's what happens when you stop drinking
(this is a joke on drunk driving deaths, as well as the fact that most Jihadists didn't have a religious lifestyle at all before their radicalization)
Third cartoon depicts a firework (since this was National Day) made of blood
You call that poutine?! This is poutine:
Err yes it does...
happened quite a lot outside the US, and even in the US. Gilbert Gottfried had a decent piece on it. It is ok for comedy to be disgusting.This is tasteless!
Imagine people making fun of the people who died in the WTC attacks.
After the cartoon about the earthquake in Italy, nothing surprises me about Charlie Hebdo anymore.
They're just terrible.
You don't need to imagine, CH did that too.This is tasteless!
Imagine people making fun of the people who died in the WTC attacks.
After the cartoon about the earthquake in Italy, nothing surprises me about Charlie Hebdo anymore.
They're just terrible.
Hebdo is basically the 4chan of magazines.
Did they?You don't need to imagine, CH did that too.
Smoke's reuben sandwich poutine 4lyfe
How do they stay in business? Who is this for? Who actually finds their work tasteful or funny? Are the people of France that shitty as well?
It's not about mocking the victims. I keep reading this, this notion that Charlie Hebdo punches everyone and everything. But really most of the time it's not so much mocking as it is a way to find a bit of humor inside tragedies and awful things that happen in the world.
They take something horrible, they make a jest out of it, and the average leftist frenchman reading this with his morning coffee has a little giggle. It's a way of coping with awful news. A lot of french humor is built on this notion, one of the pinnacle of french bande dessinée is this comic called Idées Noires (Dark Thoughts) which depicts some horrible stuff from a depressed mind and turns it into morbid jokes. It's not about mocking, it's about coping, making light of dark subjects.
It's fine to not like that type of stuff, but I believe that most people that have a problem with it either lack the context of what a satirical leftist french newspaper is supposed to be, or is simply not the target audience.
82 people died and their joke is that amongst them was a choir?
Tasteless jokes I can live with if they're directed at deserved targets, but this isn't one of them. And it's not even remotely witty or funny.
How do they stay in business? Who is this for? Who actually finds their work tasteful or funny? Are the people of France that shitty as well?
I know it's shocking, but there are people who understand and enjoy satire.
Did they?
First cartoon: Anti-France works even on public holidays: "We get double pay!"
Second cartoon: Radicalization: Here's what happens when you stop drinking
(this is a joke on drunk driving deaths, as well as the fact that most Jihadists didn't have a religious lifestyle at all before their radicalization)
Third cartoon depicts a firework (since this was National Day) made of blood
I always feel the need to point out, in these threads, that you can't really expect to fully understand satire in a language that you don't understand. So much of it is about wordplay and irony that dies when translated.
Smoke's reuben sandwich poutine 4lyfe
I try to find the humor in the darkest of times in order not to go fucking insane (which has been needed a lot this year).