I was responding to the usual argument about if so many portable cameras where are the pictures ??
I am interested, and as far as I am concerned UFO/UAP sightings still crop up and still are not answered, all I am asking is for someone to give us definite proof to what they are instead of saying what they aren't.
but this has been going on for a long while , look at "ghost rockets",
why are various countries interested in UFO/UAP?
I concede some governments are testing advanced tech in the open and this provides a way to deny it.
thought some craft seen are so far in advanced of what we have, I wanna know who is/what controlling them.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok... i smell what you're cooking. Read it the wrong way. Other governments disclosing their documents/their security concerns/their own programs are the only real insight we have. But it seems that the US/UN is the head of the worldwide treatment of the issue.
My only problem with the advanced tech, is that it is so damned advanced. Why can't people start to use these systems in their every day lives. We are paying taxes for all of this. Government pays nothing, neither do these corporations building the devices. So yea, if its us. I want the tech. No reason we should still be having fossil fuel cars if these people are jumping through electromagnetic fields, or plasma engines, or whatever else they've hired people to research all these years. The proof is in the 1% of UFO/UAP(

) being captured on film/radar. That tech is flying around. The tech exists. Who owns it? Probably the country spending trillions on black projects that tax payers can't know about.
What we know is that UFO/UAP's are a threat to certain countries. The usa pretends they aren't even an issue, yet, unclassified documents point to the fact that the military is most definitely interested in them, as they are a threat. I just want my 40 acres and a free-energy generator. Capitalism won't let that happen, which is probably why military tech behind these craft, are staying put. I just love to see the rest of the world disclosing the shit, as well, something is here. What it is? Who knows, but we don't even officially research it. Just claim everyone is stupid that sees one. Its hard to claim entire military/governments are insane the more they reveal information about the ufo/uap.