lol what there's a big ass line all the time in union squareWho eats at Chipotle anymore?
Jesus chipotle so i gotta deal with salmonella, diarrhea and now credit card fraud.
There should be a huge warning label like on the front door lol
lol what there's a big ass line all the time in union square
That was devastating, the shops were basically empty in Tribeca after that, it's gotten better over time though.My local Chipotle used to have a big line consistently but got cut in half after the E.Coli drama.
Oh for fuck's sake.
My store is on there and I probably ate there during the time it specifies. What the fuck do I do? It's like this shit happens constantly.
Jesus Chipotle.
Give me free burritos and we're even.
It is crazy for me as a Canadian to think that magnetic strips are still the norm in the USA. Tap is starting to become the norm here in Nova Scotia which is a step even beyond the chip reader
Oh they actually have credit cards you can tap like apple/android pay? lol. dang. Yeah I have never seen that in America... I have several CC and none have that, would be nice.
I hate the chip because it takes longer to authenticate than a stripe. I'll still prefer it for the security benefits though. Apple Pay is the best and fastest for me. But even here in the Bay Area i'd say probably only 1/4 of the places I visit accept it.
It's quickly becoming unacceptable. If they only accept a swipe then that tells me they are cheaping out, and that they don't value the safety of their customers.
It is crazy for me as a Canadian to think that magnetic strips are still the norm in the USA. Tap is starting to become the norm here in Nova Scotia which is a step even beyond the chip reader
Fuck all these places. I carry cash most of the time for this very reason.
lol what there's a big ass line all the time in union square
I live in a third world country and all my cards were upgraded to chip years ago. NFC readers are starting to appear over here too. I wonder why America is behind on this.
Went to a Chipotle for the first time last month. Store has only been open for maybe nine weeks. I'm not compelled to ever go to one again. My girlfriend and I were there for about 30-45 minutes. The joint wasn't exactly hopping. We had to search to find a table that was clean enough to consider eating at. The whole time we were there, not a soul ever came out to clean up a single table. That, coupled with the overall mediocrity of the food sealed this as a one-off thing. There is much better food in much better establishments than Chipotle. Frankly, I would rather have had Taco Bell. :shrug:
I wrote the company a complaint. They responded (which was nice) and offered me two free burritos. Which I'll never use, but it was a decent gesture.
I wrote the company a complaint. They responded (which was nice) and offered me two free burritos. Which I'll never use, but it was a decent gesture.
I've seen that here, only debit cards require pin while credit cards require signature. Although, some places like subway won't require signature for credit cards if the payment is below certain amount.It's massive. And also people don't take to change well. Capital One for instance offers chip cards now, but they don't offer PINs with them claiming they're too hard for customers to grasp. So we get signatures instead. Which is useless overseas. And really useless in general. Or even if PINs are offered, card issuers don't enforce them or prioritize signature over them.
Fat chance we'll get other technology common overseas anytime soon. It's a mess.
Oh they actually have credit cards you can tap like apple/android pay? lol. dang. Yeah I have never seen that in America... I have several CC and none have that, would be nice.
I hate the chip because it takes longer to authenticate than a stripe. I'll still prefer it for the security benefits though. Apple Pay is the best and fastest for me. But even here in the Bay Area i'd say probably only 1/4 of the places I visit accept it.
It's quickly becoming unacceptable. If they only accept a swipe then that tells me they are cheaping out, and that they don't value the safety of their customers.
Oh they actually have credit cards you can tap like apple/android pay? lol. dang. Yeah I have never seen that in America... I have several CC and none have that, would be nice.
I hate the chip because it takes longer to authenticate than a stripe. I'll still prefer it for the security benefits though. Apple Pay is the best and fastest for me. But even here in the Bay Area i'd say probably only 1/4 of the places I visit accept it.
It's quickly becoming unacceptable. If they only accept a swipe then that tells me they are cheaping out, and that they don't value the safety of their customers.
A lot of places in the bay area have the tap to pay units. You just need a credit card that you can tap with. When I was with Wells Fargo, my basic debit/credit card was tap enabled. If you see three little waves ))) on your card, you can tap.
A lot of places force the chip if the chip is on your card.
Stores are held responsible for 100% of the loses someone takes if their data is stolen by means not regarding the chip. Unless this hasn't passed yet, can't remember.
goddamn it. I have used 1 CC and 2 debit cards at a location that was hit right near where I work.
I don't know about Chipotle but this is a HUGE issue on Miami, specially for brazilian tourists.
I went to Miami with my wife to shop for baby stuff last year and six months later someone used my CC data to buy stuff online on US sites. My credit card was charged 52K dollars before someone from the bank noticed that there was something wrong.
I'm pretty sure my card was cloned at a Walgreens close to the place I rented.
They usually use stolen credit card data on the weekends because banks are closed and it takes more time to detect the fraud.
That thing takes so much longer and is so much more finicky, it's not difficult to imagine why.
And look what happened here! You likely can find a better Mexican place or a better fast-casual place in town other than settling for Chipotle.