Especially with this games time based attack schtick
In the overview video, they say you could adjust the combat system. It's not clear if it's options to turn on/off or just that the system is done in a way that you could more or less ignore the timed based parry/dodge and mitigate that with items.
But they say that people who don't like real time element could just play classic turn base and make use of items, etc... and ignore the real time stuff. EDIT : rewatched this section "People who are not into real time, can use item to counterbalance that". So looks like the system is made to reward player who the use the real time sutff to make bonus damage or negate damage, and you can play "old school" and use potion and stuff to heal you etc... Not sure, pure turn based player will like it.
They made many iteration of the system to find a good balance for turn based lover and Real time lover. Now will it have best of both world ? Or will it's unique thing that's not for everybody ? Only time will say.
I am very enthusiastic for this game and I salute their will to follow their vision and to make this game stand out from others, but the combat system is where I have reserve till I play it.