Yeah, considering how utterly worthless Dark Souls 2 turned out without Miyazaki, I think it's obvious that he's a prerequisite for a good Souls game. Bluepoint make fantastic remakes, but Bloodborne 2 would likely turn out to be a bad carbon copy of the real deal.
I am sure people would be blown away by the visuals and treat it like the second coming of christ regardless.
But yes those of us who aren't so easily swayed probably would notice.
The remaster of Demon Souls already had a bunch of weird changes in the character designs that made them look almost more cartoony and the soundtrack was all over the place.
And that was just a remaster where they basically didn't change anything but what they did change I think was for the worse.
Fat Official comes to mind, he looks way less creepy and more just like a bloated fat dude with the plague.
I also don't like how they gave everything glowing eyes and saturated them so much more, it made it feel less ancient and more cartoony.
I much prefered the more grey and dead feeling of the original it fit the game way more in the remaster they glowed everything up.
Another good example is the spider, it looks far more creepy and pops more than in the remaster.
In the remaster I can just barely even see the face it almost looks like it's just a glowing eye.

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