Silver Surfer is a must for me. I love Allred's art.
This looks really cool. Had a look online there, and it's Brandon Seifert and Karl Moline? That's a pretty cool creative team. Moline's art was great in Fray, and Seifert does kooky well. I could see this being fun for me and the kid. Lord knows, I need other options from Marvel for their kids books, not into what they're doing at all. Straight up adapting pretty recent episodes of their tv shows for the kids spiderman and avengers comics is such a dunce move. It's as if they didn't consider that if a kid is enthusiastic enough to buy the comic counterparts to the cartoons, they wouldn't have already watched those episodes and thus know the story.
Got my fingers crossed for this Edmondson/Gerads announcement today. Such a good team on the activity. Not too into Noto, but if it turns out Edmondson is steering a Black Widow book in one hand and a Bucky or Punisher book in the other, that'll be really exciting. Could convince me to pick up a few marvel books alongside Hawkeye. Could see those three and Kot's Secret Avengers being a nice little marvel pile.
Anyone here read Vertigo's Fable?
I'm currently playing a game based on the comic and is the comic worth a damn?
Have you checked out Marve's series of Oz books by Eric Shanower and Skottie Young? I have the first 4 and they're brilliant. They're adaptations of the original novels with utterly gorgeous art by Young and coloured by Jean-Francois Beaulieu, who is just perfect for the series. I think they'd be ideal for reading with your kid. The only downside is that it's collected as one long story with no breaks where an issue would end, which would have made convenient chapter breaks.
You know, I've always really wanted to check these out for the full family to be honest haha! I reckon the little un would dig as much as my partner, and myself, probably all for different reasons too. It's just a case of getting started. There's so many of them now, and because the volumes are quite thick, they're a bit pricey. Thanks for reminding me of those though, they had completely slipped from my mind, might look into them as xmas presents. I've got the full run of the marvel dark tower collections and they are all such high and nice quality, I can only imagine these.
Dude, it's fucking great. The first 75 issues are epic. The first 100 issues are some of the best comics ever. Haven't read beyond that.
Ain't nothin going to happen with DC bub. DC seems to like press releases on USA today for their "changing the DC universe forever" announcements.A Christmas present sounds like a good idea. There are currently 5 collections so you could start with the first and see if you and your family like it, and then go from there. The first one shouldn't be too expensive these days, I think.
Some info about All New Ghost Rider. Robbie Reyes is the new GR, Mr Hyde is the first villain. Sounds pretty interesting, was hoping for a preview of the art though.
An interview with Dan Slott and Mike Allred about the new Silver Surfer.
The DC stuff is happening now I think so hopefully we'll have something interesting today.
New O5 costumes look hilariously bad. Belt buckles, BUT NO BELTS!
Also, Trial of Jean Grey crossover with Guardians of the Galaxy.
Champions of the Sun, Masters of Karate and Friendship?Holy heck is DayMen issue two ever going to come out? Its been months and BOOM have been strangely silent.
WTF is this maybe shit, sir?
Thanks brah. They listened!!!! I hope that leaves the door open for Seaking.Hey Rafa check out that sweet Deathstorm figure!
Avengers #21
On Young Cyke's new relationship. He shouldn't be too grabby, cause her last relationship was very hands off.
That Bruce Timm Harley....
Lee and Bolland inspired statues look good.
Also Got this prophet print from Farel Dalrymple, who said I was only the second person to recognize where the print was from! For shame NYCC!
So wait, is Angela hanging with the Guardians now? Is she a Guardian of the Galaxy!?
Issue #26 is a prelude to "Goblin Nation" where two major Spider-Man universe characters have a throw down. Developments will also occur between Spider-Man and the Avengers.
Plus something's going to happen in "Superior Spider-Man" #19, the last issue of the Spider-Man 2099 arc, and when that happens Spider-Man fans are going to have a lot of questions. People are going to be going, "WHAT? WHAT? HOW? WHAT?" [Laughs] There will be many, many questions that fans will want answered. Issue #26 will answer many of those questions. When you hit issue #26 you'll go, "OHHHHHHHH!" Knowing the answers, though, doesn't mean things get better [Laughs]. You'll see where all the cards are on the table and you'll go, "Oh my god we're heading toward -- Goblin Nation."
yea, getting that Harley
Peter Parker must be the Goblin, I can't imagine what else they could be holding on that "IS IT NORMAN!?" reveal for so long. I mean, if it is Norman, then its not much of a reveal at all.
Plus, this story is five issues and going by the two issues a month rate, will end in April. Just in time to launch that Amazing Spider-Man #1 right alongside the movie.
Wacker then moved on to a teaser called "The End," featuring Dan Slott and Guiseppe Camuncoli. Wacker said that leads to Superior Spider-Man #27.Now. "Everything that has been going on in Superior Spider-Man has been setting up dominoes - BAM! Everything goes down here," Slott said. "The Green Goblin on one side, Superior Spider-Man on the other." Slott said the title is "Goblin Nation."
"All bets are off," Slott said. "Anyone can go."
There will be a time jump between Team-Up #9 and Superior #27.NOW, Pyle said.
In March, Kelly Sue Deconnick and David Lopez will be relaunching Captain Marvel. "Higher - literally. We're taking her cosmic," DeConnick said. "You know that moment in the song 'The Devil Went Down to Georgia'? 'I done told you once you son of a gun, I'm the best that ever been.' That's Carol."
Finally, the teaser featuring the word "Assassin," with Zeb Wells and Mike Del Mundo: Elektra #1. Amanat said Elektra is back, and "what's so wonderful about this storyline is that is references some of what Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz did. We're trying to show who Elektra is, when she no longer has the one person in her life that means more than anything else - Daredevil. Who is Elektra when she goes off on this journey by herself?" The story features Elektra trying to kill a guild of assassins.
The next title is "Hunted," featuring Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads: The Punisher #1. "Gerads draws an incredibly handsome Punisher - it's a good-looking book," Thomas said. "This book is going to be really incredible. Nathan has some really interesting ideas about the Punisher... his big thing is about finding the head of the snake, so he thinks he's found it in L.A." Not only is Punisher hunting the bad guys, there's a government group called the 131 that is trying to hunt him down, too.
Next, the teaser for "War": Chris Yost and Marcus To will be taking on New Warriors.
Nova, Speedball, Justice, Scarlet Spider will be part of the team, as well as Sun Girl and a new Inhuman, as well as an Atlantean and a mutant. "We're assembling superheroes of all backgrounds and all races, and they've all been deemed a threat," Amanat said. "They must protect the people that they love."
What is the purpose of the New Warriors when we have a powerful team like the Avengers? Amanat said that would be discussed in the book. "It's about these kids coming together and getting to know each other and exploring who they can become outside of the Avengers." Wacker said the vibe of this book was around Marv Wolfman's Teen Titans and Brian K. Vaughan's Runaways. It's due out in February.