But.... he still has two faces...Indeed.
But.... he still has two faces...Indeed.
This made me think of of that forum post that gets posted in all the creepy fanart/furry/whatever thread about that dude saying its his birthday and declaring all characters across TV, movies, comics and videogames gather for a party or some shit.Paolo rivera wedding invitation is pretty rad
I'm considering getting the current Legends of the Dark Knight series. Can anyone tell me if it's good and what it is about that separates it from the mainstream Batman stuff?
This made me think of of that forum post that gets posted in all the creepy fanart/furry/whatever thread about that dude saying its his birthday and declaring all characters across TV, movies, comics and videogames gather for a party or some shit.
I cant find the pic lol
getting back into things. Just picked up the comixology Walking Dead complete bundle and making my way through that.
what are the best super hero books right now? I will accept both "coolest most original shit being done today" as well as "if you liked 70s and 80s comics especially x-men"
omg yes. LOL
I'm considering getting the current Legends of the Dark Knight series. Can anyone tell me if it's good and what it is about that separates it from the mainstream Batman stuff?
Nah, he didn't mention what the work breakdown was but if you were to ask me, I'd say that Kindt helped a lot with the plotting/story while Lemire did the actual writing, because you can see a distinct shift in writing, specifically Frank speaking a lot more, once Kindt "officially" took over the book.
He wasn't credited within the actual comic, which is a huge fucking shame, but I recall once the writer-shift was announced, Jeff Lemire said he'd had Kindt as his "secret" co-contributor the entire time, so it was in good hands.
Fuck Vibe, Frankenstein was the original New52 heartbreaker after news spread of its cancellation.
Wow I did not see that, great observation.It was the bottom part of that two page spread. You can just make him out in those four bottom panels. He's forcing his way back in.
Infinity is a boring piece of shit.
is it as bad as Kaepernick?
NY giants bad. Just when you think something special is going to happen it reverts back to Captain America and other people just talking about plans in a room.
damn, thats real bad.
Wasn't that the gist of Age of Ultron as well?
While there is plenty of talk of Slott's work on SSM, I never hear mention of the art. How is it? I reckon that on a Spider-Man book, kinetic art would be particularly important.
First category:
Young Avengers
Wonder Woman
Insufferable (digital only, I think)
Second category:
Batman (Snyder's stuff just reminds me of the Denny O'Neil era)
The X-Books are in the Battle of the Atom crossover ATM, but I'd recommend Wolverine and the X-Men and adjective-less X-Men.
getting back into things. Just picked up the comixology Walking Dead complete bundle and making my way through that.
what are the best super hero books right now? I will accept both "coolest most original shit being done today" as well as "if you liked 70s and 80s comics especially x-men"
Ryan Stegman is one of the best artists out there right now. Kinetic is a perfect way to describe his art. The rest he draws objects in motion is incredible.While there is plenty of talk of Slott's work on SSM, I never hear mention of the art. How is it? I reckon that on a Spider-Man book, kinetic art would be particularly important.
I wish I had money to just casually spend on full commssions, i'd buy one from him. His 5 minute sketches look pretty good though, and apparently he did some free sharpie headshots during his signing at NYCC.
Wow I did not see that, great observation.I thought it was just him cracking up really. Didn't expect the stuff with 2099 Spidey, poor guy, he's so fucked right now. Can't his AI just tell him how big events are going to unfold in history?
I wish I had money to just casually spend on full commssions, i'd buy one from him. His 5 minute sketches look pretty good though, and apparently he did some free sharpie headshots during his signing at NYCC.
I'm re-reading Morrisons Batman run. Just so you guys know it makes WAYYY more sense on a second read through.
Infinity is a boring piece of shit.
What was the general opinion of Death of the family around here? I'm about halfway through the issues of Batman and need to get that HC with the issues from other books but I'm really enjoying it. Much more than the court of owls stuff. Maybe it's just because I like joker and love Harley. Oh and jokers face is NAAAAAAASTY
Please try not to spoil where it all ends up. I am just after reading the issue that ends withjoker and riddler in Arkham
TMNT Origin of the Foot Clan is fucking great.rich man JEKKI in da house!!
I got money got mo mo mo money!!
serisouly, I got $12 in google play money coz of a google groupon I bought last year that I never used!!
even tho I did use it! lol,
but the lady at the fried chicken store just wrote my code down on a notepad ^_^v
so I should spend it on comics!! what should I buy?!?! lol.
thinking of the Ales Kot Suicide Squad run?
or jump onto the Gail Simone Red Sonja issues?
maybe some TMNT Foot Clan Origin or Villain Micros?
I'm a rich man, but not rich enough to buy them all -_-
Is anyone still reading Xmen Legacy? It's a great series and.I think they just half-revealed who future Xavier is
I'm currently reading the first Invincible Iron Man Omnibus (I'm not too far into it, I only finished issue #4 last night) and so far it's really good. There's something a bit odd about the art - I can't tell if it's the line work or the colours, although I suspect the latter because the covers look great - but the characters' faces look slightly off. It's not a big deal but it's just a bit jarring at first. That said, I really like the way the armour looks, and the view inside the helmet is cool. I like the dialogue and Ezekiel makes a very interesting villain, as well as a great foil for Tony. It's good stuff.