Baconsaurus Rex
Mother of god that's a lot of reading material. Cheers guys.

Hey guys this is probably the best place to ask. I'm looking for some good non-super hero comics. I've just gone through Y: The Last Man in the span of a week and there's now a huge void in my life having finished that. I'd like to fill that with a few other good comics. To give more of a background, I'm currently reading Saga, Hawkeye, The Walking Dead and Revival.
I warned ya'll brahs about Pretty Deadly. Kelly Sue cannot write comics.
I warned ya'll brahs about Pretty Deadly. Kelly Sue cannot write comics. Three was waaaaayyy better but got little press. Letter 44 was waaaayyy better and fot little press. Vertigo annihilated this month.
Gillen's Iron Man run is the reason why DC editors wield so much power.
Hey guys this is probably the best place to ask. I'm looking for some good non-super hero comics. I've just gone through Y: The Last Man in the span of a week and there's now a huge void in my life having finished that. I'd like to fill that with a few other good comics. To give more of a background, I'm currently reading Saga, Hawkeye, The Walking Dead and Revival.
So there's an... well, I'll call it "interesting" theory going about regarding that "Ms." teaser that Marvel put out and the next phase of Marvel NOW!. It's been suggested by more than one person thatthe "Ms." references Angela, who is getting rebranded as the new Ms. Marvel, and solicitations suggest that there is indeed a new character taking the name. But what if, as this individual suggests, the rabbit hole goes even deeper? What if Angela-now-Ms-Marvel is really... Jean Grey?
Grasping much? What do you folks think?
Ok so the first omnibus of Brubaker's Cap (issues 1-25 plus 65th Anniversary Special and Winter Kills one shot, 744 pages) is on Amazon for ~£95 used, or £153 new. The second is, again, ~£150 new but at least £100 used, and it's about 280 pages shorter. The third volume is super cheap so that's fine. I think I'll shop around to see if I can pick up those first two omnibuses a bit cheaper somewhere.
How far did the Ultimate Collection paperbacks go? That's probably a much better value.
also, the whole run is up on Marvel Unlimited in case you just wanted to read it.
How do you not finish it? Its got intrigue brah. It's just at a different pace.I couldn't finish Letter 44. I put it on my pull list because I saw "Albequerque" on the cover.
It was...not what I expected.
Three had bad art so I didn't bother picking it up. (See also: Uber)
I warned ya'll brahs about Pretty Deadly. Kelly Sue cannot write comics.
Looking through my dcbs unshipped items list...
Danger Club
Hell Yeah
Have you seen these books?
I also wish half the books i read were cancelled so i could stop buying them. Your disappointment is necessary to make up for my lack of being able to cut anything outside of one book every 3 months. I have all the issues of Mind the Gap and Revival, i've only read the first issue of Revival so far between the two. Which one is better?
Last I remember, DeadshotWhat is harley doing currently?
blonde or dual colorsThese are 3 highly undetailed exggerated pictures of some outfit I made being used for something else, Which hair color do you all prefer.
So SS got better? I read the first issue and thought, "wow this is poop from a butt" and haven't picked up any other issues.
Only 3 Ultimate Collections it looks like, but they're a damn sight better value for money. Thanks for reminding me.
Gillen's Iron Man run is the reason why DC editors wield so much power.
I'm so glad the Daredevil creative team is sticking around. I don't think I could take another team splitting up right now, after the Batwoman fiasco. I'm buying every issue of their run and creating a mosaic of it on my wall. That, Saga, Hawkeye and DD created a personal golden age. It's absolutely the best time period in my 30+ years for comics. DD staying cohesive is like finding out that Santa is real.
I'm so glad the Daredevil creative team is sticking around. I don't think I could take another team splitting up right now, after the Batwoman fiasco. I'm buying every issue of their run and creating a mosaic of it on my wall. That, Saga, Hawkeye and DD created a personal golden age. It's absolutely the best time period in my 30+ years for comics. DD staying cohesive is like finding out that Santa is real.
I'm so glad the Daredevil creative team is sticking around. I don't think I could take another team splitting up right now, after the Batwoman fiasco. I'm buying every issue of their run and creating a mosaic of it on my wall. That, Saga, Hawkeye and DD created a personal golden age. It's absolutely the best time period in my 30+ years for comics. DD staying cohesive is like finding out that Santa is real.
Unwritten is ending?
Can we talk about Satellite Sam for a moment?
Because I LOVE Satellite Sam. It's quickly become one of my favorite, most-looked-forward-to books every month. Fraction is telling this great, well-crafted "sex & murder" mystery, and wrapping it up in these interweaving plots of TV lies and dirty secrets and sordid affairs, with a varied cast of characters who are as genuine and believable as the make-believe world they create each day is so cheesily fake. It's world-constructing stuff that fully immerses me into the bygone days of cheap television serial drama. And Howard Chaykin is PERFECT for this book. I know there are critics out there who rip him apart these days for his colored stuff, but in black-and-white it is gorgeous and expressive, with just the right undertones of sleaze for this tale while still being restrained and avoiding the vulgar excesses of his own devices like Black Kiss.
Again, I love this book and am onboard for wherever it's taking me, whether that's to the stars or a backwater motel.
It may be well crafted and stuff, but all the images I see of the, not even women, but women parts just makes it smack of objectifying yuck to me.
It may be well crafted and stuff, but all the images I see of the, not even women, but women parts just makes it smack of objectifying yuck to me.
Ever read Black Kiss?
The covers are the most objectifying part of each issue, I assure you. There are recurring images ofIt may be well crafted and stuff, but all the images I see of the, not even women, but women parts just makes it smack of objectifying yuck to me.
I feel like I would like this book a lot more if Chaykin wasn't drawing it. Dude has little range to begin with, but put him in a black and white environment and he basically has no range.
Lady Mastermind, rite?
Hey guys this is probably the best place to ask. I'm looking for some good non-super hero comics. I've just gone through Y: The Last Man in the span of a week and there's now a huge void in my life having finished that. I'd like to fill that with a few other good comics. To give more of a background, I'm currently reading Saga, Hawkeye, The Walking Dead and Revival.
Haha, I swear I said this right after you asked!
#10 was a House of M tie-in, nothing to do with Brubaker's story
The first 50 issues are more or less pretty damn good, it's like a mix of 24″-like action and intrigue (thanks in large part to Eptings strong cinematic pages and Brubaker's pulpy dialog) alongside lets call it comic booky sci-fi fun. Like they got some crazy shit that happens in the book, and the way its presented it seems very grave and dramatic, and then you stop and think about it its like "holy shit Captain America is fighting a Nazi super-soldier inside a giant robot destroying this city".
Like, if I told you that they brought Bucky back from the dead as a brainwashed cyborg assassin for the Soviet Union, who would then go on to take over as Captain America when Steve Rogers is would think that was the worst goddamn story in the world.
But its actually totally awesome! You don't even miss Steve when he kicks it halfway through the run.
Book loses something after Epting leaves and Captain America Reborn, some stories are good, some not so much, but most of it still worth reading, particularly Two Americas and Gulag. The final Steve Rogers Captain America run was a bit of a dud, unfortunately. Brubaker's not great at straight-ahead superhero stuff, he needs to temper it with his noir sensibilities or he needs somebody like Fraction to assist(he admitted Fraction did most of the writing by the second half of their great Immortal Iron Fist run). The Winter Soldier stuff goes back to that feel of the first 50 issues, its good stuff.
I like Satellite Sam almost as much as I like Sex Criminals
Excellent, thanks a lot for all this info. Glad to know #10 isn't important, I was worried I'd be missing something. This all sounds really good. So if I'm not too bothered about the post-Reborn stuff, could I just read everything before the relaunch (1-50, I think) and then skip straight to Winter Soldier? That sounds like something I'd be happy with. Would that work?