Their website is laughable. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if it was still the 1980s and thirteen year old boy had written that text on the back of his school book.

Clearly their lawyer and their fan scientist are exactly the same person and not particularly good at either of those jobs. The simple reason there wasn't vents where they are in this new mess of a product is as it's already been shown, changing the airflow in this way does indeed cool down some areas of the console slightly but it does also heat up other areas too because you're expelling air that is designed to be used for cooling.
This was something that Gamers Nexus covered in detail.
It's akin to using those third party external fans that all consoles are unfortunate enough to end up with, just sticking three fans on and intake/outake is not something that you should be doing without it being extensively tested and and those results verified because it's just as likely to shorted the life of your console as well as it is to lengthen it.
If having the vents there is so beneficial after a day and a half of testing, why where they selling them without vents before? If I' bought one, I'd push for a refund if they knew they were selling something that is apparently damaging the console.
I have imagines of Anthony Fauci holding his head in his hands and standing next to the owner as he rapidly
social medias* himself to death.
*Yes, I made that word up but I like it so I'm keeping it.