Boohh, took me 4 hours to even get there after finishing zone 3. That zone is insaneyess sirr...I got him down to 2 health once and died...super depressing.
10 hours of the Zone 1 Level 1 shopkeeper singing lol
Seriously the shopkeeper has got to be the most epic thing about the game
hmm... I can't the game to work after the update. Seems like a memory leak issue.
I'll try this when I'm back on my laptop. Thanks.I had this too but it didn't strike in windowed mode.
Zone 2 is giving me a hard time so I can't imagine how zone 3 and 4 will go.Zone 4. I can't do this man...
Zone 2 is giving me a hard time so I can't imagine how zone 3 and 4 will go.
Just finished the game with both the first and the second story characters. Second character is probably easier than the first, but good lord, winning with this third character is going to be difficult.
Is there any way to beat the enemies that move every beat (like the wraiths) without guaranteeing that you break your chain? Depending on how they spawn, I have a 50/50 chance of being in a position that I end up right next to them on a beat and can kill them on the next one, but if there's a one-square gap between us, it seems like I have to just sit there for a beat (or dig a random wall or something) just to let it get closer.
Of course, the penalty for missing a beat really isn't that severe, but it just feels weird to have to sit out a beat.
Hitting a wall to wait isreally useful. Try not to feel too weird about it. You don't lose your combo or anything as long as you can dig the wall (sometimes losing your combo is necessary to avoid death though).
There are circumstances (character or powerup) where you're not allowed to miss a beat. Too hard for me at this point.
Whoa! Wild.
Side note: zone 4. My god. So difficult.
I spent the better half of this morning improving on this skin I made for Necrodancer.
It's gotten really good looking since I published it yesterday.
/edit Needs more beat changing OSTs, Conga Gorilla was the first boss I was super enjoying, the rest were fine though (had to practice against Dead Ringer a bit)
Here are the changes!:
- Made Aria start with a potion, and made players not able to pick up a second potion if they already have one
- Add subtitle option for cutscenes
- The game is now localizable! You can make localization mods, but we’ll soon have official translations too
- Fixed some more replay desync issues
- Fixed some harpy and goblin bomber behaviors, especially while the player is phasing in a wall
- Fixed bug where coin multiplier would always be lost on Necrodancer music transition
- Made some changes that will hopefully solve problems for people who were experiencing gameplay stutters
- Added goblin sentries to zone 4 starting rooms if the player has no shovel
- fixed a couple instances where shrines were dropping unusable items for certain characters
- fixed bug where wraiths could appear right next to the player after picking up monocle/glass torch
- fixed issue where particle images would cause crash when loading a mod after having played
- fixed issue where "you'll lose progress if you restart" popup wasn't working properly in deathless mode
- fixed bug where spells were disappearing at start of Necrodancer battle
- fixed bug where bomb switches were acting strangely after having bombed Necrodancer
- fixed bug where blunderbuss could become unloaded when entering boss rooms
- disallow traps from appearing in exit rooms
- allow Dorian to reload weapons in Necrodancer fight
- added ability to change cutscene videos with mods
- Slight tweak to description of transmute scroll
- Slight wording change on reassign keys screen, as some people weren’t realizing that they could switch to assign keys for player 2
- disable high scores when a mod is active that changes the music beat data
- fixed issue with hole in the wall in Melody Necrodancer battle
- Added more score cheat detection
Are people here playing with controller or w/ m+kb? I'm not sure how I feel about the two direction combos to activate items, but I've only played about an hour. I imagine a d-pad and face button layout would work rather well.
Are people here playing with controller or w/ m+kb? I'm not sure how I feel about the two direction combos to activate items, but I've only played about an hour. I imagine a d-pad and face button layout would work rather well.