With the next gen almost upon us and with many a great NexGen games coming, many of us also have a backlog of current gen titles, or titles we wish to replay with upgraded visuals.
Here are some on my wish list for a next gen patch...some of which are wishful thinking...
What would you like to see patched for next gen and why?
Here are some on my wish list for a next gen patch...some of which are wishful thinking...
- Dishonoured 2 (Backlog, 60fps)
- Ghost of Tsushima (Backlog, 60fps)
- Last of us 2 (Replay, 60fps)
- Alien isolation (Replay, IQ, 60fps)
- Assassins Creed unity (Replay, IQ, 60fps)
- Control (Backlog, 60fps)
- Death stranding (Replay, 60fps)
- Driveclub (Replay, IQ, 60fps)
- Metro Exodus (Backlog, 60fps)
- Prey (Replay, IQ, 60fps)
- Jedi fallen order (Backlog, 60fps)
- Uncharted 4 (Replay, 60fps)
- Red dead redemption 2 (backlog, 60 FPS)
- Bloodborne (Backlog, iq, 60fps)
- Batman Arkham Knight (replay, iq, 60fps)
- Dreams (backlog, next gen features )
- Firewall Zero Hour (psVR, iq)
What would you like to see patched for next gen and why?

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