I'm curious to see what sort of ideas other people have. Demon's -> Dark Souls did change quite a bit too, making it somewhat easier in many regards.
As long as your idea isn't as dumb as adding idolmaster costumes, would like to hear it.
love the combat in DS games. I love the premise of it. Stamina based. Possible to kill quickly with devastating hits. I love the concept.
But I don't enjoy pvp that much. Have mad respect for the people who are so good at it, and I'm glad so many people enjoy it... but I don't really enjoy it much myself. It's very...
squirrely. I would like to see more options added to the defensive game than just roll/parry. Roll is cool I guess but I'd like to see some more types of dodges. Maybe some that keep you on your feet.
And I don't really like the lock on system. The really high level players don't even use it anyway... this is probably my most controversial opinion (and I totally understand why DS players probably would really dislike it) but I would like to see a change in the controls so the lock on isn't really necessary... strafing on the left stick and the camera is bound behind the player. (maybe something like Dead Space's hybrid camera... it acts like a FPS camera for the most part, but you can still break it free and rotate all the way around the character if you want) something that moves away from wildly rolling around type combat.
This would fundamentally change the game. I do not expect it to happen, or really care much if it doesn't (still adore the games) but if it was up to me, I'd bind the camera to the player and give them more options on defense.
Still, the stamina-based combat that exists is still pretty much the most enjoyable combat out there for me... so it's win win either way.
And again I completely understand why people (especially pvp vets would
hate this)... it would probably break magic/projectiles. (though maybe they could still be lock-on)