They almost never do. If anything is affected, it's often the other way around. Certain spells, buffs, attacks, and items have differing effectiveness in PVP. PVP balance changes rarely affect PVE.If so, I'm glad I just finished the game. PVP alterations should never affect PVE in any way.
Did they buff the Caestus at some point?
I popped back in here back I saw a patch in Steam and people were saying it was terrible at launch, but now it's nerfed?
Can I run around punching enemies in PVE with it now?
Watchdogs of Farron covenant seem to work a lot better now. I'm getting summoned constantly.
I need to try the Blue Sentinels to see if there is any difference.
Watchdogs of Farron covenant seem to work a lot better now. I'm getting summoned constantly.
I need to try the Blue Sentinels to see if there is any difference.
And a small leather nipple shield doesn't make much more sense either.
Is the DS3 Fight Club going to mix up areas tomorrow? Pontiff gets old sometimes. High Wall is good. The little area up the lift at the Old Wolf Bonfire is great too. It has a ledge for people in line. It's beautiful as well.
HahahaDat 3 gank squad.
Dat 4 gank squad.
Dat 3 gank squad, then a blue joins, because 3 vs 1 wasn't enough.
Dat 3 gank squad and friends that uses giant seed, because 3 vs 1 wasn't enough.
Dat 3 gank squad, that is afraid of you and your little foe friend in the room.
Dat host that keeps summoning phantoms, after they keep dying.
Dat host and friends with Dark Sword + Greatshield, straight sword nerf my ass.
Dat poor loner that suffers your rage.
Dat host that won't move from bonfire no matter what, so you can't do a trap or some smartass move
Dat red guy that invades you, realizes that you are alone and you can feel he's almost crying.
Dat host that disconnects after you kill his phantom.
Another great invasion night on Dark Souls 3.
Dat poor loner that suffers your rage.
Heh I relate to that haha. When I murder some poor fatrolling schmuck after losing to 3 ganksquads in a row... "you'll pay for all the others!"LMAO.
How much endurance (and other stats) do I need to wear Havel's gear (everything) and be under the 70 ratio?
Even at 99 vitality Havels set up is still at 77.63% weight ratio lol.
Did you try with these rings:?Havels+2 Favour+2
Then 86 vitality is enough to get under 70 weight ratio lol.
It's a shame what they've done to the lance class. Used to be the UGS of spears.Da fuck, they nerfed the Greatlance! That thing was practically useless, now it's even more useless.
I sometimes wonder where from get their information from, nobody used that thing.
I need Miyazaki-sama to come to my house and explain to my face, why hosts can't be punished when they enter boss fog rooms.
Because is bullshit, is not like they don't have advantages enough, that now they can just rush to boss without any problem.
Good. Think about how illogical it is for a glove to parry a large weapon. Definitely one of the better decisions by From. It's pretty stupid when 3/5 PvP people spam R2 constantly.That's just the risk you run invading. Remember - you're invading their world to murder them. 90% of the time its just some poor guy trying to progress in the game. You're the bad guy in the situation (I don't mean literally just you, I invade all the time). If hosts couldn't get out of invasions some way, could you imagine all the griefing invaders would do to people who have no interest in PvP? Invasions aren't meant to be fair and "honorable".
Side not: my caestus parry now feels borderline useless. Invaded for like 2 hours today and only ever got one parry. Seems like I can't do the 1-2-parry strategy against straight swords anymore.
I would love for someone to prove me wrong though!
Yup. Super stupid that you can bring a guy down to 10% health and they finally get a cactus parry off and obliterate you. Partying is hard, but it's supposed to be since it's extremely rewardingGood. Think about how illogical it is for a glove to parry a large weapon. Definitely one of the better decisions by From. It's pretty stupid when 3/5 PvP people spam R2 constantly.
Yup. Super stupid that you can bring a guy down to 10% health and they finally get a cactus parry off and obliterate you. Partying is hard, but it's supposed to be since it's extremely rewarding
Good. Think about how illogical it is for a glove to parry a large weapon. Definitely one of the better decisions by From. It's pretty stupid when 3/5 PvP people spam R2 constantly.
Loooool. Yeah that's what happens when you're typing on your phone since it's taking awhile to get summoned. Then you finally get summoned so you have no time to proof-readLol the autocorrect in this post is great.
To be fair, it's pretty obvious when someone has a caestus or parrying shield in their off hand that they are gonna be trying to parry. So you can counter by using attacks that aren't parryable or only attacking in the right opening.
I still land plenty of parries with the small shields. It's more of a predictive game though. Caestus was just nice to have a way to counter those who simply smash R1 with the Dark Sword.
Loooool. Yeah that's what happens when you're typing on your phone since it's taking awhile to get summoned. Then you finally get summoned so you have no time to proof-read.
I think all my swords moves are parryable but I haven't pvped in some time so I could be wrong. Yeh I can attest to the Dank Sword being op as hell, only time I don't mind parry spam is against that sword because of how cheap it is. My friend began using the Lucerne and said it counters the Dank Sword pretty well. Did they nerf that sword in the recent patch? Idr if they did or not.
I'm trying to co-op with two friends and we're using passwords, but as soon as one of us is summoned, the other's sign disappears. Friend #1 is the host and has a Dark Sigil, Friend #2 is being summoned and has a Dark Sigil as well. I'm being summoned and do not have a Dark Sigil (never accepted any free levels).
If dried fingers are used, then both of us can be summoned, but it was a constant onslaught of phantoms and we're looking to just campaign and not PvP.
Any ideas on what's preventing our two phantom co-op?
Are you trying to summon in covenant areas like Crucifixion Woods, Farron Keep, or the post-Pontiff area? You can only get one phantom at the time in these places, unless you use the dried finger.
I'm trying to co-op with two friends and we're using passwords, but as soon as one of us is summoned, the other's sign disappears. Friend #1 is the host and has a Dark Sigil, Friend #2 is being summoned and has a Dark Sigil as well. I'm being summoned and do not have a Dark Sigil (never accepted any free levels).
If dried fingers are used, then both of us can be summoned, but it was a constant onslaught of phantoms and we're looking to just campaign and not PvP.
Any ideas on what's preventing our two phantom co-op?
The dark sigil has no effect on coop. Certain areas will prevent 2 phantom coop such as Farron Keep. Personally I believe its the covenant pvp areas that will prevent 2 phantom coop. Why? I played the entire game coop with 2-3 friends and what I mention is my experiences with the summoning system.
Dat 3 gank squad.
Dat 4 gank squad.
Dat 3 gank squad, then a blue joins, because 3 vs 1 wasn't enough.
Dat 3 gank squad and friends that uses giant seed, because 3 vs 1 wasn't enough.
Dat 3 gank squad, that is afraid of you and your little foe friend in the room.
Dat host that keeps summoning phantoms, after they keep dying.
Dat host and friends with Dark Sword + Greatshield, straight sword nerf my ass.
Dat poor loner that suffers your rage.
Dat host that won't move from bonfire no matter what, so you can't do a trap or some smartass move
Dat red guy that invades you, realizes that you are alone and you can feel he's almost crying.
Dat host that disconnects after you kill his phantom.
Another great invasion night on Dark Souls 3.
I'm debating on starting this now or just waiting until the DLC comes out at this point. Once you beat the game, does it automatically kick you into NG+ like DS1 and Bloodborne or is it like DS2 (at least the Scholar of First Sin) where you can choose when you are ready to go to NG+?
Thanks for responses in advance.
No. After the credits, you will be given an option if you want to start NG+ or remain in NG.
For a pyro build what are good light weapons to chaos infuse, what are good weapons to use before you can get chaos and what are the suggested ring setups other than Witch's Ring and Sage's Ring?
You could just play an unpatched copy but technically you can still cartwheel as havel post DWGR nerf just it is not worth the investment to do so. There's still Havel Mom / Dad build as well for ninja rolling heavy armor.Success! You can also add prisoners chain or whatever, but you'd take more damage.
I wish I had Dark Souls 1 during the ninja flippin Havel days :[
They're essentially useless now which is a real shame no more pain train pvp builds they've gone from being a dominant pvp weapon to piss in the wind.It's a shame what they've done to the lance class. Used to be the UGS of spears.
I'd suggest supplementary to Ferr is using either a Carthus Shotel, Shotel, Sellsword Twinsword or ideally a Lothric Knight Sword or Claymore. Some of the lighter ultra and great weapons also work well but they're further in plus most of the innate fire weapons don't scale well with INT/FTH other than a couple exceptions.For a pyro build what are good light weapons to chaos infuse, what are good weapons to use before you can get chaos and what are the suggested ring setups other than Witch's Ring and Sage's Ring?