Shout out to iRAWRasaurus, you da best. Thanks amigo.They almost never do. If anything is affected, it's often the other way around. Certain spells, buffs, attacks, and items have differing effectiveness in PVP. PVP balance changes rarely affect PVE.
...Are you new to Souls games?
NOOOOOOOO! I liked doing cartweels. It's my entering move from Fight Clubs, when it's my turn I just do the cartwheel then I fall down, it looks super silly lol.
Ah I get you now. If I can still do my silly cartwheel I don't mind, but that's a reasonable comprimise for weapons that need FP to actually work, like warcry I think.
Didn't DaS 1 do that with a hellkite? AND put a demon as a tutorial boss? Come on man! Get it together!
I still haven't run into any cheaters on PC. Not even the cheeky bad players using invincibility to get through the game, and I've been invading all over the place at various Soul Levels.
Hey guys. Do you hate the Ghru enemies?
If you let thechase you, it will attack them.Dark Wraith
I can't fill in the spreadsheet. Is there a password to join or anything?
Oh, that's good! Real good!
Just bought Dark Souls 3, finished Bloodborne but not all the Dlc, took a hiatus at Ook. Never really tried OoK much, maybe 4 times. Skill wise I'm ok. I should be able to handle this?
Yeah you'll be fine.Just bought Dark Souls 3, finished Bloodborne but not all the Dlc, took a hiatus at Ook. Never really tried OoK much, maybe 4 times. Skill wise I'm ok. I should be able to handle this?
Ah. Well, Demon's Souls has a red dragon burning a bridge right at the beginning too, so does Dark Souls. DS2 Scholar of the First Sin also has a red drake spewing fire on a bridge fairly early on too.Pretty much, the first one I played was Bloodborne, so that's the one I'm basing my expectations off of as DSII is so dissimilar to the rest (allegedly).
There's no password, just copy the link in your browser, the spreadsheet should load.
What's a good place to farm embers on an SL1 run? (Boss summons)
I have a +9 weapon. Does that affect matchmaking?
How important is it to stay at 125 for MP. About to venture into Ng++ and want to make sure I still can summon.
How important is it to stay at 125 for MP. About to venture into Ng++ and want to make sure I still can summon.
You could just play an unpatched copy but technically you can still cartwheel as havel post DWGR nerf just it is not worth the investment to do so. There's still Havel Mom / Dad build as well for ninja rolling heavy armor.
Did it? I wouldn't know, see above. I'm not complaining as such - I mean if you want to impress people from the get go, dragons are pretty good way of doing it.
You get the feeling of excitement/danger of being a part of a world which is much bigger than you, sets the tone by being an early set piece/obstacle to manoeuvre around, and of course - it's fucking dragons. People love dragons.
Youll mostly find cheaters at the 120 level.
Trying to catch up, what weapons did the patch nerf and buff guys? Cheers
What's a good place to farm embers on an SL1 run? (Boss summons)
I have a +9 weapon. Does that affect matchmaking?
Doing my SL 1 Run. Went to fight Hawkwood, accidently threw an alluring skull and he went after it.
Then Havel Mom/Dad is your only choice or you could go giant dad .I wanna do it PvP though, that's the thing D:. O well, rip Full Havel Ninja Flips PvP.
Now should be fine really not much harm.Edit: I wonder when it'll be acceptable to no longer spoiler tag boss names? Game has been out for a couple months now, nearing three months
Can you comeback and defeat the Nameless King after the end?
So the fight club is in a few hours?
Any tips on how to use/build the Dancer's swords? From what I understand low damage is it's main downside, so stuff like Flynn ring and Right eye and clutch rings?
Yep. I've gotten used to what happens during invasions and now I can deal with 3v1 pretty soundly. Especially the idiots that run at me with their shield up. People still aren't really latching onto the sword arts, and the straight sword shield splitter makes them such easy targets.Dat 3 gank squad.
Dat 4 gank squad.
Dat 3 gank squad, then a blue joins, because 3 vs 1 wasn't enough.
Dat 3 gank squad and friends that uses giant seed, because 3 vs 1 wasn't enough.
Dat 3 gank squad, that is afraid of you and your little foe friend in the room.
Dat host that keeps summoning phantoms, after they keep dying.
Dat host and friends with Dark Sword + Greatshield, straight sword nerf my ass.
Dat poor loner that suffers your rage.
Dat host that won't move from bonfire no matter what, so you can't do a trap or some smartass move
Dat red guy that invades you, realizes that you are alone and you can feel he's almost crying.
Dat host that disconnects after you kill his phantom.
Another great invasion night on Dark Souls 3.
Any tips on how to use/build the Dancer's swords? From what I understand low damage is it's main downside, so stuff like Flynn ring and Right eye and clutch rings?
I'm going to be 2 hours late. Then you can thrash me again.Actually shoueld be less in than one hour!
We can start a bit later if people is still not here.
There is no password for the fight club?
I'll be hosting iat the High Wall of Lothric 1st bonfire.
See you there.
Dabbled a bit. It's a tough one because of the scaling, split damage and stat spread. Flynn and Right Eye are good in conjunction with it. Carthus Beacon stacks with Right Eye too - additively, I believe - so that'll boost the damage. The Lloyd's Sword Ring (I think that's what it's called) could be nice too.
You basically want to catch people in the Weapon Art to get the most damage out of it. I think it's pretty difficult to escape/roll out of once you're caught in it. To that end, you want high END and ATT (for FP) to keep it going as long as possible.
The damage is great actually, the best build for it is 40/40 DEX/STR. They just have a very slow wind-up and you need to get used to it.