Holy shit! NG++ is actually hard...
NG+ felt like NG but .01x harder...NG++ feels like NGx10. ;_;
NG+ felt like NG but .01x harder...NG++ feels like NGx10. ;_;
I just sort of stood there and ate a spearDamn I didn't realize so few of you played on PC.
I managed to get a couple fights against someone named Avocado. I was the guy using sorceries and the Immolation Tinder.
Damn I didn't realize so few of you played on PC.
I managed to get a couple fights against someone named Avocado. I was the guy using sorceries and the Immolation Tinder.
Anri's Straight Sword. To get it as early as possible you have toHello... I am looking for a swird that scales with luck... Can somebody tell me its name and/or where to find it?
Holy shit! NG++ is actually hard...
NG+ felt like NG but .01x harder...NG++ feels like NGx10. ;_;
Anri's Straight Sword. To get it as early as possible you have tokill Anri. They are first met in the Road of Sacrifices. Watch out for Horace. You can lure him away from Anri and fight him, then you talk to Anri and they'll let themselves be killed.
You can also make any weapon hollow-infused with a hollow gem, but both the gem and the coal that lets you do that are quite late in the game.
Thanks for the tip! One more question, how far is it from the huge damned tree boss?
Not very. In the area right after. Also that boss is optional.
It doesn't work well on PS4 at all. I noticed it with DS2 and BB as well.So uh... is the Players Met feature completely useless or what? Is it just broken with DS3 or every game? It doesn't show me the recent players at all and the timestamps are all wrong.
Edit: to be concrete, it is currently showing me the names of the players from the Fight Club from over 2 hours ago and saying we met a few minutes ago...
It doesn't work well on PS4 at all. I noticed it with DS2 and BB as well.
So uh... is the Players Met feature completely useless or what? Is it just broken with DS3 or every game? It doesn't show me the recent players at all and the timestamps are all wrong.
Edit: to be concrete, it is currently showing me the names of the players from the Fight Club from over 2 hours ago and saying we met a few minutes ago...
Farron greatsword L1 spammers are my bane.
Parry them.
I still don't know which part of that long-ass animation is the parriable one...
I still don't know which part of that long-ass animation is the parriable one...
Yeah, I found that the difficulty increased noticeably between NG+ and NG++. All of the sudden, my +10 weapon wasn't murdering folks like it was earlier. There's a clear step up with regards to bosses as well -- I've been summoning pretty freely after beating the game the first time, and some of my phantoms die very quickly.
Holy shit! NG++ is actually hard...
NG+ felt like NG but .01x harder...NG++ feels like NGx10. ;_;
The jump's bigger just because of how NG+# scales. All Souls games+Bloodborne work the same way.
Initial NG+: Everything has a planned adjusted boost so that everything is scaled to what's expected at endgame of NG, but with gradually increasing difficulty throughout the game. This means that early game stuff gets a huge boost (sometimes as much as 5x damage/HP) while lategame stuff is usually about 1.5-2x higher. DS2 adds more enemies and items, DS3 just adds more rings. I've noticed in Dark Souls 3 in particular a lot of the boosts seem to be on the lower side of things and don't feel as dramatic as Dark 1 did (probably why the subsequent boost felt bigger to you), but this is partially because of how the game just gives you a massive quantity of souls so it's possible to fully flesh out a SL120-125 build at endgame while in Dark 1 you would normally finish around level 75-85 or so without the DLC areas, even lower if you played the game pre-1.05 patch.
Each subsequent NG+: Every enemy in the game gets a flat boost to health and damage. In Dark 3 I believe this is a flat 7% per new game cycle, so the game ends up being 1.5x as difficult as base NG+ at maximum difficulty. I think Dark 1 worked differently with variable increases, at a max of 1.25x initial NG+ at the end.
Their fault for being embered. Don't feel bad, you introduced them to the wonderful world of Dark Souls!
Don't worry. They'll resume exploring un-embered and then can go at their own pace. Such invasions are part of Souls.
I'll never forget my first invasion in Demon's. That "oh shit!!" moment when I see "____ has invaded your world!" flashing, that was a scary and daunting, yet exciting moment that changed my perception of the game. I lost that fight after holding my own for a while (the invader was fairly new at PvP too I think) but I wasn't mad, just "awwww damn that was close!" and I noticed my heart was pounding, and I hoped that more invaders would show up so I could try again and get better.
Time for a new character then....Oh man, do you remember when I said that I would level up my pyro a few levels (10) with the spare souls I had and I would roll back with my PS+ save when done?
Well. I did put my PS4 in standby after finishing the fight club...I'm such an idiot lol
Any reason to use fire enchant/resin over lightning for PvP?
Getting the ashes for it is much earlier in the game and it's less of a hassle to get.
Time for a new character then....
Well I mean doesn't lightning scale slightly with dex and fire with str? Or did they change that with this game?
Well I mean doesn't lightning scale slightly with dex and fire with str? Or did they change that with this game?
So basically no.![]()
Hah, maybe it's because I've been roleplaying my ruthless assassin too much but I wouldn't have felt bad at all. Or just a "haha damn poor guy/girl" kind of feeling. Of course I also invade at later levels (mostly Catacombs and later) so even the solo players I meet aren't that clueless by now.They didn't even have a chance to fight back, it was a sneak attack that halted their exploration. I wouldn't have felt bad if we had an actual fight.
I don't know why that particular invasion got to me, the way s/he was exploring with the torch up made me feel like I killed a defenseless player.
Are they ever going to patch in the shrinemaiden's inventory carrying over? My archer build has been on hold for a while because of that stupid decision.
Hah, maybe it's because I've been roleplaying my ruthless assassin too much but I wouldn't have felt bad at all. Or just a "haha damn poor guy/girl" kind of feeling. Of course I also invade at later levels (mostly Catacombs and later) so even the solo players I meet aren't that clueless by now.
This and the fact that Andre's coals don't carry over were both weird design decisions. Neither of these should be treated as key items IMO.
I remember watching some of your Bloodborne videos but didn't find them particularly interesting because they lacked any sort of commentary while also not being played any better than I could. While there is a place for let's play videos like that and certainly beats having over-excited constant blather and screaming like some YouTubers do, I do enjoy hearing how the player experiences the game.
The game favours fast weapons in PvE most of the time and there are a few weapons in particular that hit way too hard considering how fast they are. If you read this thread R1 spam for a few weapons in particular is a real thing. I didn't really know how to parry or use a shield during my first playthrough coming from Bloodborne and did quite well when I got my dodging game on point.
I don't know if NPC invasions happen if you are offline but I would definitely suggest playing it online as random invasions can be quite interesting.
You can have a +9 weapon before reaching undead settlement.It just ocurred to me that you can have a +4 weapon before reaching undead settlement.