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Dark Souls III |OT+2| Why Can't We Poise the Game?


Managed to take down the first boss
Iudex Gundyr
after 4 attempts: https://youtu.be/NYVOK54oH9A

I must say I was very surprised that
they throw the first boss at you so early, it must only be 30 minutes into the game by the time you see him. I was expecting this to be more like Bloodborne where you're slowly introduced to the area and have to figure out where to go, the Cemetary of Ash is basically a straight line forward.

Took me a while to get used to his attacks (I say it feels weird far too many times) - it's almost like they're trying to fake you out with his long, drawn out animations and wide swings. I can tell the wide swing attack he had will probably be similar to the tracking overhead attack in Dark Souls II in that most spear/long-range weapon wielding enemies will have it, although not abused so much. I wonder if FROMSoft ever paid attention to the 'git gud' meme, and how many people who bought Dark Souls III don't actually have the Iudex Gundyr trophy.

Also noped the fuck out after seeing that gemstone beast in the Cemetary of Ash, there was no way I was trying to kill something after being specifically told to turn back so early!


So as the host, when you use chameleon to disguise yourself, I can see the little embers still flying up. Can other players see this too? Doesn't that somewhat make the disguise less effective for host?

Deku Tree

Managed to take down the first boss
Iudex Gundyr
after 4 attempts: https://youtu.be/NYVOK54oH9A

I must say I was very surprised that
they throw the first boss at you so early, it must only be 30 minutes into the game by the time you see him. I was expecting this to be more like Bloodborne where you're slowly introduced to the area and have to figure out where to go, the Cemetary of Ash is basically a straight line forward.

early boss
a staple of the Souls games. Bloodborne also has one, but it's optional. And yeah DS3 is widely considered to be the most linear Souls game ever.
From is finally fixing the White Phantom NPC having no collision after dying and restarting the game.

And they might have nerfed the Estoc's Stamina consumption.


From is finally fixing the White Phantom NPC having no collision after dying and restarting the game.

And they might have nerfed the Estoc's Stamina consumption.

But still not Dark Sword nerf or alternatively buff to the bigger weapons. Hopefully rapiers stagger a bit less too.
where you readin dis

From Steam

A new update will be deployed on Dark Souls III on Friday, June 10th. The exact times of the maintenance will be communicated shortly.

The update will include the app version 1.05 and regulation version 1.08. It will implement the following changes:

Archdragon Peak: Fixed the freeze when jumping into the fog after ringing the bell.
The Rinfinger Leonhard quest will now start properly after the removal of the restriction on the maximum number of Pale Tongues that can be offered to Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth.
Trophies will now unlock correctly even if the required item is sent directly to the storage.
Fixed a Skill being changed based on a right hand weapon when equipping White Hair Talisman on the left hand while holding the Sacred Flame with both hands
The Horsehoof Ring (which increases stamina drain of attacks) will no longer affect other attacks besides its initial effect on kicks.
It will no longer be possible to equip a helm when using a Wax Pool after using the Dragon Head Stone.
Fixed the HP drain damage of Symbol of Avarice when resting near bonfire.
Fixed a spell animation and effect not synching up when using the magic repetitively.
Fixed when summoning the white phantom NPC under a certain circumstance, the character's collision will properly function nullifying all enemy attacks.
Fixed issue where skills could be performed even when a certain amount of FP was not available.
Adjusted the attack cancel parameters of some curved swords attacks.
Adjusted the attack power and skills of fist and claw weapons.
Adjusted the skills of twin blade weapons.
Fixed the scythe not penetrating shields at close distances.
Adjusted stamina consumption and attack cancel parameters for rapier weapons.
Adjusted the attack collision for the washing pole weapon.
Adjusted parameters of Farron Hail and Busting Fireball.
Adjusted casting speed, stamina consumption, cancel timing of some Spells.
Increased the number of arrows/bolts that can be possessed.
During online multiplayer: During the invasion of a Dark Phantom, the host will no longer be separated from his area.
During online multiplayer: A dark phantom can no longer be forcibly brought back in some maps.
During online multiplayer: When the player is summoned during a boss battle, the boss will no longer become motionless even after the player is back to his/her world.
The status effects below the stamina gauge will no longer be hidden when opening the top menu with HUD display set to auto.
The voice chat icon will now remain visible when the HUD display is set to "Auto."
Fixed the display of strength level shown in the equipment menu when using two-handed weapon.
Other game balance parameters have been adjusted.
Several game flaws fixed.


The other day, I was up to my old tricks and put Way of Blue on and let myself be invaded in Undead Settlement near the end. Had about 4 different times Blues/Blades showed up. At least 2 of them got to kill 2 invaders. So helps some people get a decent amount of Proofs.

Fucking around like that is rather fun.

I'm also 2 trophies away from Platinum. Need 1 ending (Easy, near end already) and the Miracle one.... Last one is a pain in butt.... Will likely experiment getting it with a new character for a very low build at like lv 25 or so.

For the Summons of Blues/Blades. Quick question. What exactly is the range? http://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Blue+Sentinels Says it's -20 host for min. So if I was a lv 25, I could be summoned to help someone a lv 5 then?


Gold Member
i am currently playing DS2 but finding it hard to get used to and just wondering if i might as well just skip it and move on to DS3. what is bothering me most is the changing in health/humanity from DS1 and how the character handles specifically during combat. it doesn't feel as smooth and when i try doing something it feels like there is a delay. if i'm being attacking for example and trying to get out the way i need to wait until they stop hitting. the health/humanity system i understand but i'm just dying a lot so i'm using a lot of effigies and i don't want to be wasting them.

i've read that DS3 is more similar to DS1 than 2. if i really enjoyed the first game will i feel more at home playing DS3?


I screwed up the Miracles one so badly.
I needed to go into NG+ to get the miracles for the trophy, and was 2 hours in before I realized I forgot to pick up Divine Pillars during NG.

Thank heaven for save backups.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Well, I was actually referring to combat, all these things you mentioned are situational, using foes? Ganks can just aggro one using proyectiles and slightly reducing their numbers, terrain? Depends a lot of where are you invading, plus lots of gankers will just wait at the bonfire, even with the superior numbers, which is ridiculous btw.

And I think you can earn a lot in the victory...if you earn it, every fight on PvP is knowledge you can use in your battles. But of course that means having some actual involvement in the fight, with «smash R1» with my ganking friends, people will learn very little, that's why most gankers hosts are actually awful players.

Like reeeeally bad.
Ain't it the truth. I win surprising amounts of 3v1 battles when invading simply because the players are utter shite at PvP haha. Once the phantoms are taken out, the host is usually completely screwed. They just mash mash mash, I let them exhaust their stamina and then murder them. My DPS isn't that high on this guy even, so sometimes I whittle away at them until they're out of Estus (or use under charms sometimes and it's hilarious to kill them during their "can't drink" anmation xD) or I parry them for a quicker kill but yeah.

At least those are the ones that try. Those that just run back to the bonfire for phantoms and spam rolls are just... lol

"Adjusted the attack power and skills of fist and claw weapons. "

I hope it's a buff and not a nerf! About to make such a character very soon...


Adjusted stamina consumption and attack cancel parameters for rapier weapons.

Get fucked bestoc.

Adjusted the attack collision for the washing pole weapon.

And really get fucked running attack cheese stab fucking washing pole


Just dropped by to say F**K
Champion Judex
. Seriously, f that guy's second phase. Sob

YEah it takes a while to learn the attacks, I found that you have to pick and choose when you decide to get in close otherwise you get a kick to the face or a shoulder shove that will break your weak non-existent poise. Make sure to back up and "always go backwards."

i am currently playing DS2 but finding it hard to get used to

MAke sure to bump up your adaptability and the equipment load one (cant remember what its called in DS2) once you get your mobility back it isnt much different than the other iterations. You can get stun locked in any of the games in the series and although DS2 is bad for that, DS3 isnt much better for that specific problem. DS1 had the best poise mechanic IMO but TBH I understand why FROM got rid of it....rolling flipping giant armours and havels that were un-interruptible were almost as annoying as stun lock.


Finally beat the game. What a ride. Soloed S
oul of Cinder
for three of the four fights I had with it (wanted to get the
three ending trophies
). One shotted the first fight. Got overconfident in the second fight, resulting in a death before coming back to beat it next fight. Fourth fight went alright, much preferred the first fight since I went in blind and without the aid of any summons.

Ended up getting all but four trophies for the platinum in my first play through. Took me nearly 70 hours to complete it. Now to spend the summer getting those last four trophies.


early boss
a staple of the Souls games. Bloodborne also has one, but it's optional. And yeah DS3 is widely considered to be the most linear Souls game ever.

As you said, Cleric Beast is optional, but you're also not led directly to Father Gascoigne in the starting area, you get a chance to explore and get used to the normal enemies of Yharnam. With
Iudex Gundyr
there's literally no other place to go!


As you said, Cleric Beast is optional, but you're also not led directly to Father Gascoigne in the starting area, you get a chance to explore and get used to the normal enemies of Yharnam. With
Iudex Gundyr
there's literally no other place to go!

It's still a training boss albeit a pretty tough one for new players. I'm guessing the crystal lizard is there to teach you to dodge whereas Iudex Gundyr is teaching how to read boss moves, dodge combos or something.

The back kick is pretty well telegraphed and can be avoided mostly by not going directly behind the boss.
IMO, crystal lizard is to teach players that you don't always have to fight something you're not prepared for and that you can come back later.


That new patch note is looking damn fine, assuming they are actually nerfing Washing Pole and Estoc as it's being implied.

No note on fixing Blue summons. RIP in peace aka working as intended aka farm those Concords son.


Is there a way for Yuria to show up (non-hostile) without leveling up with Yoel? (i.e. by killing him or something else)

I dont think so. Makes it tough to do a SL1 run and as such no morion blade...............and repsec doesn't take away existing levels.

I'd be willing to give you a pass if you went with a SL6 run ..jsut throw the points into a useless/less impactful stat like vitality ...the morion is too good for this type of thing....FROM really needs to recognize the speed-run/challenge run community. WHy not?
Patch notes looks good, but the game needs a buff on very heavy weapons (UGS, Great Hammers, etc...) in PvP. With the slow stamina consumption, generous i-frames and generally faster movement speed, those weapons are at the mercy of any decent player with any other weapon that isn't one of those.


What are attack cancel parameters? Stunlock?

my understanding of the term "attack cancel" means any animation that you start (like chugin estus) but then you realize you need to dodge instead so you mash the dodge button and it cancels the animation you previously started...this has saved me a lot, the one I recall the best was after my Glass Knight battle in ds2 I was doign the praise the sun gesture to celebrate but the fog door released a bunch of enemies and I noticed them just in time.

NOt sure what the parameters are but it would really suck if you couldn't cancel some animations. This was a problem for me at times in DS3 as I ahd a full stamina bar at times and yet couldnt move owing to too many cues (is my guess.)


One of the biggest improvements over 2 is in the animation department. For the most part bosses don't rotate on a turn table and attack using logical moves i.e.
Champion Gundyr's
juggle combo. The Lothric knights also shield bash you if you try to circle around for a backstab instead of rotating towards you constantly.


It's still a training boss albeit a pretty tough one for new players. I'm guessing the crystal lizard is there to teach you to dodge whereas Iudex Gundyr is teaching how to read boss moves, dodge combos or something.

The back kick is pretty well telegraphed and can be avoided mostly by not going directly behind the boss.

I don't think I even know what the back kick looks like! There's a short range punch, a shoulder follow-up, a slam into the ground, a grab, a flying leap and wide swings with a few variations - one where he darts from one side to another, a 'normal' one and the widest one which kept fucking catching me.


Heh, I accidentally forgot to give the Transposing Kiln to Ludleth in my NG++ playthrough before completing the last ending I needed and now I can't make boss weapons. I guess I'll have to run through the game again.
One of the biggest improvements over 2 is in the animation department. For the most part bosses don't rotate on a turn table and attack using logical moves i.e.
Champion Gundyr's
juggle combo. The Lothric knights also shield bash you if you try to circle around for a backstab instead of rotating towards you constantly.

Yeah, I hated how everything had perfect tracking on every single animation in Dark Souls 2. It made everything look so floaty and made positioning more inflexible (I wouldn't have minded it on SOME enemies, just not every single one in the game).. Now the tracking is more varied depending on the enemy and the attack and often an attack with perfect tracking usually has it during just the active frames of an attack.
Heh, I accidentally forgot to give the Transposing Kiln to Ludleth in my NG++ playthrough before completing the last ending I needed and now I can't make boss weapons. I guess I'll have to run through the game again.

Meh you get the transposing kiln really early so it's not a big deal. I haven't bothered getting it since I got all the spells/rings from it and the boss weapons I care for.


Meh you get the transposing kiln really early so it's not a big deal. I haven't bothered getting it since I got all the spells/rings from it and the boss weapons I care for.

I mean, it's another whole playthrough so it's kind of a big deal. Plus there will be a ton of dlc boss weapons.
I mean, it's another whole playthrough so it's kind of a big deal. Plus there will be a ton of dlc boss weapons.

It's like less than an hour if you know what you're doing :p. NG++ is a huge leap from NG+. But not sure how big of a leap NG+++ is, if you managed to doe NG++ without too much difficulty then just go into NG+++, or if you're super patient wait till the DLC drops :p.
I dont think so. Makes it tough to do a SL1 run and as such no morion blade...............and repsec doesn't take away existing levels.

I'd be willing to give you a pass if you went with a SL6 run ..jsut throw the points into a useless/less impactful stat like vitality ...the morion is too good for this type of thing....FROM really needs to recognize the speed-run/challenge run community. WHy not?
You read my mind. This is exactly what I was asking for! I did look at dumping 5 points into luck, but I think I'm just going to forget it, it would feel a bit cheaty!


You read my mind. This is exactly what I was asking for! I did look at dumping 5 points into luck, but I think I'm just going to forget it, it would feel a bit cheaty!

Have someone drop it for you?

Yeah, I hated how everything had perfect tracking on every single animation in Dark Souls 2. It made everything look so floaty and made positioning more inflexible (I wouldn't have minded it on SOME enemies, just not every single one in the game).. Now the tracking is more varied depending on the enemy and the attack and often an attack with perfect tracking usually has it during just the active frames of an attack.

The most amazing feeling is timing an attack so that your hitbox is under the bosses swing as it tries to punish you for being behind it. My favorite timing is on
after he charges you with the sword of judgement, if you roll behind him right away he tries to punish you with the profaned greatsword and if you swing a claymore at the right time your hitbox will be under the arc of his attack.
Whew man, C
is way harder in NG+ on my sorcerer build. I killed him on my first try in NG, but this time it took like five tries and I had H
helping me.

I just sort of stood there and ate a spear :( It shouldn't have happened.

Lol are you Avocado? You wrecked me the first time; I didn't get a single hit on you. But yeah the second time you ran into my Immolation Tinder and then ate a point blank Crystal Soul Spear. :D


Banned from Namco servers.

First playthrough I did normal. This was going to be my SL 120 char.

Second playthrough I gave myself 200 of every titanite/ infusion gem to playtest multiple weapons. Never went online with this character but I did eventually get the warning of unclean save data and that I would eventually get punished.

Deleted all the saves.

Third playthrough was to try something different. The early Dancer route. Tough. Fun. Got to the end completely offline. Gave myself 99 lloyd's talismans (for symbol of avarice) and gold coins in the process to get the things I wanted and deleted excess consumables. Once I got what I wanted this was going to be my SL 110. Halberd was my weapon of choice though I did most of the game with the Winged Knight Twinaxes.

Connected the game to the internet and was banned before even logging a character in.

Deleted the file completely from my DS3 folder. Hopefully I get unbanned in 2 weeks. Sucks that I basically have to go all in on farming for 3-5 saves to get the characters I want but it's understandable.
Banned from Namco servers.

First playthrough I did normal. This was going to be my SL 120 char.

Second playthrough I gave myself 200 of every titanite/ infusion gem to playtest multiple weapons. Never went online with this character but I did eventually get the warning of unclean save data and that I would eventually get punished.

Deleted all the saves.

Third playthrough was to try something different. The early Dancer route. Tough. Fun. Got to the end completely offline. Gave myself 99 lloyd's talismans (for symbol of avarice) and gold coins in the process to get the things I wanted and deleted excess consumables. Once I got what I wanted this was going to be my SL 110. Halberd was my weapon of choice though I did most of the game with the Winged Knight Twinaxes.

Connected the game to the internet and was banned before even logging a character in.

Deleted the file completely from my DS3 folder. Hopefully I get unbanned in 2 weeks. Sucks that I basically have to go all in on farming for 3-5 saves to get the characters I want but it's understandable.

In the future just ask people to drop you things you need. 99 Lloyds is pushing it, 10-15 usually suffices.

Can't drop infusion gems or titanite though which sorta sucks. I got 10 slabs collecting dust.


I swear this is the game with the most amount of cowards invaders. They don't even try to fight you even when you're solo for fucks sake. That shit almost never happened in other Souls for me, everyone there had some balls atleast.

Is as bad as suiciding when you get invaded IMO. This shit's not PvP, it's a fucking running tourney.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I swear this is the game with the most amount of cowards invaders. They don't even try to fight you even when you're solo for fucks sake. That shit almost never happened in other Souls for me, everyone there had some balls atleast.

Is as bad as suiciding when you get invaded IMO. This shit's not PvP, it's a fucking running tourney.
That's weird. I invade a lot more than I get invaded and it's the other way around for me haha. I never run from a host if I'm 1v1, I only retreat when I'm outnumbered.


Whew man, C
is way harder in NG+ on my sorcerer build. I killed him on my first try in NG, but this time it took like five tries and I had H
helping me.

Lol are you Avocado? You wrecked me the first time; I didn't get a single hit on you. But yeah the second time you ran into my Immolation Tinder and then ate a point blank Crystal Soul Spear. :D

yeah I dunno what I was doing that second time.


That's weird. I invade a lot more than I get invaded and it's the other way around for me haha. I never run from a host if I'm 1v1, I only retreat when I'm outnumbered.

I guess I'm having terrible luck then. I run around embered to actually get invaded and have some PvP, but it's almost always the same. I'm tired of being the one chasing people lol
I totally understand in 2vs1, but man.
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