I'm not sure really.. we never fell in love, and our sex life was close to non-existent. I feel like she never really cared about it to begin with.. so we barely ever did it and when we did it was usually me who had to initialize. Eventually I got the hint and just gave up.
She's a big gamer so a lot of our hobbies were in sync. We did everything together. Ate, slept, played games, watched movies/shows (we had the same taste in just about everything). We never lived together but we basically spent the night together every weekend.
I was able to endure it for 3 years because I guess I wasn't really looking for all that real relationship stuff. I was focused on my career and hobbies.
Finally in Jan of this year I decided I wanted more. Stuff like fitness, an active sex life, someone who I could learn to love/marry were finally becoming important to me. I broke it off and it was pretty mutual as we both knew we were pretty much just friends for the last 3 years of our lives.
Now I'm working on myself while trying to build up the motivation/courage to start dating again. The new Zelda game is too good and keeping me from putting myself out there.