Anti-Goober. If you find it feel free to post a link. I'm on mobile so maybe that's why?
- Ditch the dressing room pics. You have the same one in there twice, you aren't smiling, and it doesn't show off you/your personality better than any of the other pics.
- Drop the Snapchat Filter pic too. You're hiding behind it.
- Add a pic of you smiling, or something more similar to your lead pic. Most of the rest are just neutral.
- The second sentence of your self-summary is a run-on sentence.
- "I like being mean to people I like"...ehhhhhh
- Your typical friday night is too typical. Try to jazz it up a little. Make it different from the thousands of other profiles that boil down to "going out or netflix"
- Damn you love eggs, the gym, and your resting bastard face