Democrat Debate 7 [CNN] But...the electorate refused to change

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He's not entirely wrong about the gun bill. Suing the gun company for making the gun is the equivalent to losing a child because they choked on a Burger King burger and going to beat thi shit out of the farmer who raised the cow.

The models manufactured can be forcibly changed and required to be made safer, you just need to deal with the lobbyists trying to prevent that,


I mostly agree with Bernie, i think. It's somewhat like how republicans go after clinics that provide abortions, guns are not illegal to purchase, you can't go after gun manufacturers whenever there is a shooting. I dunno.

I think you're failing to consider that gun manufacturers wield considerable influence.


No Scrubs
I 100% agree. And thats why we need to get money out of politics and stop their insane influence.

but at the same time, that doesn't mean they're directly responsible for how billy used it that saturday morning because of his fucked up childhood or mental illness.

No, but they're responsible for how easy it is to get a gun in this country. Their actions, and the actions of the NRA, are why we have a gun problem in the first place. You don't think they should be held accountable for their actions?

He's not entirely wrong about the gun bill. Suing the gun company for making the gun is the equivalent to losing a child because they choked on a Burger King burger and going to beat thi shit out of the farmer who raised the cow.

The models manufactured can be forcibly changed and required to be made safer, you just need to deal with the lobbyists trying to prevent that,

Yea, but Burger King isn't lobbying to make it easier for kids to choke on their fries.
Im not watching, are they talking about gun stores or manufacturers?

If a gun store sells it to someone and follows all the rules and regulations then they shouldnt be held accountable for what the purchaser does with it.

The gun manufacturers however should be held accountable because its their money and lobbying that prevents the necessary rules and regulations in the first place.


Someone should try to push a Constitutional Amendment to ban ALL guns? Yeah, that is pure fantasy la la land. We can't even get tougher regulations passed.

It's not fantasy land, it's doable, someone should just start seriously fighting for it. It'll take a while, but fuck it, it has to be done.


Call me crazy, but I think to reduce the number of guns in America, you have to affect how many are manufactured. Looking at gun manufacturers like cigarette companies might be a breath of fresh air.


Sorry but I can't buy Bernie's laissez faire tone with gun manufacturers given how strongly he comes out against corporate greed with Wall Street and companies like Boeing.

Especially when he defends them by saying they didn't do anything illegal.

Neither did most of Wall Street.
So uncompromising Bernie was willing to compromise on THAT bill, but he wouldn't compromise to save the auto industry...or the Brady Bill.
Asking to be given time to speak during a formal debate instead of being interrupted and impulsively doing the finger thing when he disagrees with something (everyone has ticks like these) is driving this debate into GOP name calling dick-measuring territory in your opinion. He's attacking poor Hillary by... not doing much outside the norm at all really.

and they say Bernie fans are the ones with persecution complexes...

He's constantly cutting her off and telling her to be quiet until he's done speaking. He's constantly being passive aggressive.

If she's able to not do that, why must he? It's just a bad look.


Hilary's answers all night have been weird rambling. She hasn't said anything wrong per say but she's really off this night.


It's not fantasy land, it's doable, someone should just start seriously fighting for it. It'll take a while, but fuck it, it has to be done.

If we can't get a tiny law beefing up background checks passed through Congress how are you going to get a Constitutional Amendment passed that revokes an enumerated right?
Omfg is this deja vu.

Bernie just earlier on in this debate railed against the auto bailout because it was part of the larger bailout, saying he could never support it because it also supported Wall Street.

Now he's saying it's okay to vote for some bills because they can have good things as well as bad things??

boiled goose

good with gravy
Bernie, this is a bad answer. This is a really bad answer.

Hillary is definitely tougher on guns.
Unfortunately Bernie too honest here haha.

He should have just been honest and moved on quickly.

This is a clear philosophical difference between the two. Hillary more progressive on this one issue. Her supporters should push this more but they dont.

Hillary has much better defense than Sanders when it comes to defending. Bernie is not good at deflection. Looks bad.


I absolutely fucking LOATHE the fact that they can sneak in unrelated and IMPORTANT shit into the same bill, often polarizing things. Should be 100% fucking illegal.


No Scrubs
Call me crazy, but I think to reduce the number of guns in America, you have to affect how many are manufactured. Looking at gun manufacturers like cigarette companies might be a breath of fresh air.

Well, that's what the big cities were doing in the late 90's and early 00's. They were even getting somewhere until Congress stepped in.
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