Democrat Debate 7 [CNN] But...the electorate refused to change

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Bernie on supporting the Auto Industry: WALL STREET MUST BE STOPPED


Bernie on gun manufacturers: Can't a guy try to make a buck?

That Dominic Purcell box art is more relevant than ever.


He's not entirely wrong about the gun bill. Suing the gun company for making the gun is the equivalent to losing a child because they choked on a Burger King burger and going to beat thi shit out of the farmer who raised the cow.

The models manufactured can be forcibly changed and required to be made safer, you just need to deal with the lobbyists trying to prevent that,
The manufacturers have no incentive to make any changes if they aren't liable for their products.


Omfg is this deja vu.

Bernie just earlier on in this debate railed against the auto bailout because it was part of the larger bailout, saying he could never support it because it also supported Wall Street.

Now he's saying it's okay to vote for some bills because they can have good things as well as bad things??



"Are you going to ask Bernie it?"

That was a crappy answer, Hillary. You better than that.

Yeah, it wasn't great. But she's not wrong, she did answer that question. If he wanted her to outright say "the whole thing was an awful bill," that's never going to happen.

Oh god, Sanders just promised yet again to release half a million people from jail in four years. I'm sure the job market can easily absorb that.
how is he against free trade and ex-im bank?

It's so unnecessarily to paint Boeing and ex-im bank as negative, in my opinion. It is true that they are a mega-corporation, but they also employ thousands and thousands in the US, still in manufacturing (for now).

If I'm to take what he's saying at face value, he's against globalization and free trade because it hurts American workers even if it helps lift people out of poverty around the world. I might deplore the working conditions at Foxconn, but millions of Chinese who would have lived lives of rural poverty have better lives.

Bernie doesn't seem to understand that large corporations need access to financing quite regularly. When GE still had a finance arm, it would use it to finance daily operations. He's taking an unnecessarily moralistic stance on the Ex-Im Bank.


Lol Hillary



not characteristic of ants at all
Omfg is this deja vu.

Bernie just earlier on in this debate railed against the auto bailout because it was part of the larger bailout, saying he could never support it because it also supported Wall Street.

Now he's saying it's okay to vote for some bills because they can have good things as well as bad things??

The former is bailing out large CEOs of Wall Street using the money of the middle class. The latter makes crime penalties harsher while having some provisions that help reduce crime and make things safer. I really don't think it's fair to compare the two.
It's not fantasy land, it's doable, someone should just start seriously fighting for it. It'll take a while, but fuck it, it has to be done.

Universal Healthcare has to be done, there is no example of a good healthcare system in the entire world that isnt some type of single payer/universal healthcare.

We've seen countries like Switzerland with high gun ownership and low gun violence. Meaning guns dont need to be banned, there are a multitude of factors for that, but im just saying that if our country were run properly then it wouldnt be necessary.

To be clear though, if it were realistic to simply remove all guns from america in a quick fashion, i would support it, i dont know of a way to do that though.


Can we all agree that Hillary and Sanders are both not perfect, and have strong and weak suits, and are light years better than anyone running on the Republican side?

I don't think Hillary and Sanders supporters should be decking it out like a snake and mongoose.


I 100% agree. And thats why we need to get money out of politics and stop their insane influence.

but at the same time, that doesn't mean they're directly responsible for how billy used it that saturday morning because of his fucked up childhood or mental illness.
Directly, no? But they absolutely contribute to the issue. The ease of obtaining a gun contributes a lot more to gun violence in the US than mental illness does. Even without mass shootings there's a huge problem with shootings and the focus on those detracts from the bigger issue.


No Scrubs
Oh god, Sanders just promised yet again to release half a million people from jail in four years. I'm sure the job market can easily absorb that.

Not only that, but he legally can't do that. At most he can release maybe half that, and that's if he lets everyone out regardless of innocence.


He's not entirely wrong about the gun bill. Suing the gun company for making the gun is the equivalent to losing a child because they choked on a Burger King burger and going to beat thi shit out of the farmer who raised the cow.

The models manufactured can be forcibly changed and required to be made safer, you just need to deal with the lobbyists trying to prevent that,

No, that would be the equivalent of Hillary saying to go after the people who owned the land where the minerals were mined and the people who mined and sold them.

It would make gun owners think twice about making dangerous weapons, putting in more safety measures, and making sure their sales processes are only to shops where there are thorough background checks.

There's no downside to more gun control.


How is that elitist?

If Hillary Clinton can stand there quietly and wait for him to finish speaking, Bernie Sanders can grow up and stop gesturing madly like a damn 12 year old.

Haha, your selective memory is astonishing. She's interrupted him multiple times tonight.
Can we all agree that Hillary and Sanders are both not perfect, and have strong and weak suits, and are light years better than anyone running on the Republican side?

I don't think Hillary and Sanders supporters should be decking it out like a snake and mongoose.

Hell yeah, man, let's be bros.
Yeah, it wasn't great. But she's not wrong, she did answer that question. If he wanted her to outright say "the whole thing was an awful bill," that's never going to happen.

Oh god, Sanders just promised yet again to release half a million people from jail in four years. I'm sure the job market can easily absorb that.

He's promising other impossible stuff like free college and healthcare, so might as well throw it in with his other pie in the sky promises.
That was a terrible answer by Hillary on deflection to Sanders. But Sanders' entire segment on gun debate was seriously unbelievably bad. Like old man doesn't hear, understand correctly bad.


To be fair, thats a question no one would ever answer truthfully. "How are you racist?" come on.
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