I'm running the game on high, 1440p with a 1080 ti but I'm not really getting anything solid over 100fps
Could my i5-4790k be holding me back?
Yep, an i5 won't be able to fully power an 1080Ti at high frame rate.
I'm running the game on high, 1440p with a 1080 ti but I'm not really getting anything solid over 100fps
Could my i5-4790k be holding me back?
Hmmm, I definitely feels there's a memory leak, the game will go from buttery smooth to a stuttering mess after awhile.
Started getting frequent crashes yesterday after starting a new character...miniTicketDbg.exe - Fatal Error
Between the memory leak and this I feel like this game gets way too much praise for being "well optimized"
Probably one for the more frustrating PC releases for me in recent memory.
Yep, an i5 won't be able to fully power an 1080Ti at high frame rate.
4790k is an i7 so Im not sure what he has
Yeah probably a typo? Either an i5 4690K or an i7 4790K.
I don't have time to read the whole thing but the conclusion doesn't mention the memory leak issue.
I don't have time to read the whole thing but the conclusion doesn't mention the memory leak issue.
Apparently reddit users have found a way to get rid of or minimize it but it introduces a half second freeze when respawning/pulling out your ghost
So have Bungie said anything or acknowledged this stuttering problem at all?
I hope they fix this soon. It's real annoying.
Agreed. On the downside, audio quality below average on my Hyper X Cloud II compared to other games.1. The frame stutter that I was experiencing was eliminated by switching to full screen mode
2. 5.1 is so good in this game
In my experience it's whenever you're exploring planets and come across a public event. If you just do story missions or PvP you might not get the stuttering.Haven't had any stuttering issues so far (i5 6600k, 8GB, GTX 1060 6GB). Its buttery smooth 60fps on Highest setting at 1080p. What does the "extended period" amount to? More than 3 hours?
Thanks, I'll try it in fullscreen today. Hopefully it helps. It's been really random for me. Sometimes I get after 2 or 3 hours of play. Yesterday I had an instance where I got it almost immediately after logging in just after loading into a strike. Alt tabbing would fix it monetarily, but then frames would tank again.1. The frame stutter that I was experiencing was eliminated by switching to full screen mode
2. 5.1 is so good in this game
Recorded this off screen at 60fps just in case OBS couldn't accurately capture what was going on. It was after about 2 hours on the US server.... Lord have mercy
Was getting buttery smooth 100+ fps until this. It was a gradual degrading too.
980ti, 6700k, 32g ram, etc
What a mess.![]()
All the performance issues are why I didn't want to risk playing on PC. I am confident the game will be patched, but I am about to finish the cmpaign on console already. I wouldn't have wanted to experience the game while dealing with all this bullshit.
In my experience it's whenever you're exploring planets and come across a public event. If you just do story missions or PvP you might not get the stuttering.
You can just get a new hexacore i5 (as soon as they're available). The i5 8600k is a little bit faster than an i7 7700k.Sorry, 4690k. Might be time to look for an i7 then.
You can just get a new hexacore i5 (as soon as they're available). The i5 8600k is a little bit faster than an i7 7700k.
I have pretty good and stable performance so far. I haven't had any framerate issues after long sessions (longest Was 3 hours), it's always rock solid 60fps. Playing on EU Servers.
The only issue I have noticed is bad frametimes in some situations. VSynced 60fps don't feel smooth in certain areas of the game despite running at 80-120 without vsync, so there is enough headroom to spare. It gets better (it's almost perfect) when I tone down settings especially 3D AO down to HDAO and DoF down to highest, though.
i5 [email protected]
16GB 2133MHz Ram
No, 1440p as well and I had my first dips into the mid 50s today during a World Event in the EDZ. It was 6 or so people and it was with 2 activated supers. I was surrounded by particle effects.1080p?
I get drops into the high 50s with basically the same specs as you @1440p.
I've got it locked at 72fps most of the time on my 144hz monitor but fire fights facing big areas really cause some jitter.
970GTX with i5-4690K @ 4,5ghz here
Runs around 70-110 (cap at 110) here, except on Titan. Especially during the heroic event with the two walkers I can drop to 50. If I turn off v-sync the game holds at 58 for some reason on a gsync monitor. Can't explain why. So I have to turn off vsync when I go to titan, but that introduces micro stutter.
We'll see what tomorrows patch will bring.
running 2 GTX 1080´s on highest settings & 1080p.
However in EDZ,Titan and Tower i have noticeable drops below 60fps without my cards being used 100%.
On 1080p, GPU usage is "sleeping" around 45% on both cards. Scaling the graphics up to 170% in Options does cause around 80% usage of the cards but it does not change anything about the performance.
In fact no matter what options i change the performance stays the same. There are random spots that will just eat my FPS and i cant do anything about it.
The game runs better on my 1070 gaming laptop wich is really weird.
Anyone running SLI with the same Problem?
Asus ROG Crosshair VI HERO
32GB (4x 8192MB) G.Skill Trident Z RGB 2400 MHZ
2x Asus GeForce GTX 1080 Strix Advanced 8GB SLI | ASUS ROG HB BRIDGE
Temperatures are chilly
Newest NVidia Drivers 388.00
WIN 10
I can't believe they haven't fixed the hitching caused by the hotfix, it's making the game almost unplayable.
Most Probably your Ryzen causing issues, not sure though.
New hotfix is coming:
Anyone know how this would play on my MSI laptop?
specs -
6700 i7 HQ
12gb RAM
3 gig 1060
Using a 1360x768 monitor