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Destiny 2 Shadowkeep (OT4) Free Stuff For Everybody!


There is a special place in hell for the idiots a Bungie that somehow thought hunter stasis subclass is even a little bit balanced in PVP. I know they don't care cause most play hunter but jesus dude, at least make it LOOK like they don't prefer hunters.


There is a special place in hell for the idiots a Bungie that somehow thought hunter stasis subclass is even a little bit balanced in PVP. I know they don't care cause most play hunter but jesus dude, at least make it LOOK like they don't prefer hunters.

The hunter bias is legit. Luckily for Bungie, Warlock's are OP as shit rn as well, so it's only titans tgan got fuuucked, lol


The hunter bias is legit. Luckily for Bungie, Warlock's are OP as shit rn as well, so it's only titans tgan got fuuucked, lol

Warlocks are real strong, but Bungo has shown that they enjoy nothing more then nerfing Warlocks. Hell the entire first stasis once over only effected them even though the nades and fragments are the same across all three. I tried to play a game as stasis Titan in IB and was trying to figure out why anybody would do that, cause it sucked. Super is trash in PVP cause team shooting melts, and I could never get close enough for a freeze/slide would even be a thought, oh and that trash shoulder charge. Much better just playing Defender or Skullfort Arc Titan.


Warlocks are real strong, but Bungo has shown that they enjoy nothing more then nerfing Warlocks. Hell the entire first stasis once over only effected them even though the nades and fragments are the same across all three. I tried to play a game as stasis Titan in IB and was trying to figure out why anybody would do that, cause it sucked. Super is trash in PVP cause team shooting melts, and I could never get close enough for a freeze/slide would even be a thought, oh and that trash shoulder charge. Much better just playing Defender or Skullfort Arc Titan.

Yeah, I'm a titan main, so all I feel is pain rn. I've actually toned down my D2 play time each week to give myself more time to play other games on PS5/SerX. I mean, after 3 straight years, I think I've earned the right to slack a lil' bit. I'll unlock stasis on my hunter & warlock soon enough, but I'm mot pressing through the story 2 more times right away. Besides, just by doing IB, I got my Lock & hunter from 1060 to 1250+


Titan stasis super is really good it just has an impossibly high skill ceiling. With catapult jump you can chain the fist lunge and with the momentum do the slam attack that covers pretty much all engagement ranges. It can counter the hunter stasis super and probably beat most roaming supers.

But the entire strength of the class is the slide takes apeing to a whole new dimension. For example the slide shotgun melee combo, the slide is faster and longer and so the shot is more likely to be in range and the melee is now an option select. In range nothing changes out of range can use the fist lunge to kill or charge melee if more damage is needed or used as an escape.
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Thanks man, I don't have any specific questions yet, just would like to read a general overview of the game's systems and tips for getting up and running.

RIP in peace gamefaqs

Ah got ya. If you're just starting out, just focus on running through the campaign for now. Don't worry about min/maxing anything and have fun with it. Once you finish all that, tgen we can talk about the next things to do.


Yeah, outside of Xeno or triumphs, there's no reason to go there anymore

If you can get through it quick dismantling the masterwork is worth 7 Cores and I think 7 Prisms too. Probably still not worth the 40 minutes to an hour, but more fun then grinding high level NFs
If you can get through it quick dismantling the masterwork is worth 7 Cores and I think 7 Prisms too. Probably still not worth the 40 minutes to an hour, but more fun then grinding high level NFs

I used to do it 3 times weekly when the loot was relevant, it was a blast, love PoH, Destiny making fun content irrelevant is one of its biggest issues.


Dawning still sucks.

I like hawkmoon quite a bit. Looking forward to the mission version when it drops. Until then ... I’ve done everything I could do without starting my alts... and I don’t want to do that.

Triumph shit left. Like finding all the dead exos and the eclipse zone secrets. Will raid and of course play trials but the grind is over.

Thank god.

This expansion could’ve matched forsaken if it had a dungeon. It’s still sorta a toss up. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
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Yea there’s penguins hidden in the eclipse zone so they rotate.

Probably just a penguin collectible for your snow base by Exo Stranger.

I wouldn’t do that stuff otherwise but I like having my own home of collectibles. Should be a clan feature


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It seems like I always pick this game up again during the holiday event. Looking forward to seeing it run on my new rig, with everything jacked all the way up.

I haven't played in at least nine months, I think. Is it worth getting the latest expansion or will I have enough to do by merely leveling?


It seems like I always pick this game up again during the holiday event. Looking forward to seeing it run on my new rig, with everything jacked all the way up.

I haven't played in at least nine months, I think. Is it worth getting the latest expansion or will I have enough to do by merely leveling?

Just play what's available first, I feel too many people let their feelings of the original game and better times make them buy the hype of a new expansion and many end up realizing they left for a reason. This newest season is legit pretty light on content to be honest, especially after the sunsetting, and if you are a PVP guy it's the least fun it's been since D2 launched thanks to Stasis being utter cancer in the mode. If you play the F2P stuff and enjoy what you are playing, by all means grab the DLC, but don't reward them because a next gen update happened, it's still the same core game (Not enough loot, boring things to do).


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Just play what's available first, I feel too many people let their feelings of the original game and better times make them buy the hype of a new expansion and many end up realizing they left for a reason. This newest season is legit pretty light on content to be honest, especially after the sunsetting, and if you are a PVP guy it's the least fun it's been since D2 launched thanks to Stasis being utter cancer in the mode. If you play the F2P stuff and enjoy what you are playing, by all means grab the DLC, but don't reward them because a next gen update happened, it's still the same core game (Not enough loot, boring things to do).

Thanks for the advice. It seems like pursuing any of the new items is locked behind the expansion, which, I get. But $40? There better be a lot of content for that kind of money on a game that's already starting to look a little long in the tooth mechanics wise.


Thanks for the advice. It seems like pursuing any of the new items is locked behind the expansion, which, I get. But $40? There better be a lot of content for that kind of money on a game that's already starting to look a little long in the tooth mechanics wise.

That's the crappy part, this is supposed to be or should have been a Forsaken level type DLC size wise, and it isn't even a Shadowkeep size and yet it's way overpriced. Very few new guns, the campaign was good, but way too short, and too much doing the same thing going to the same place every mission. Hawkmoon is back, but it's a bastardized version of it. The raid is great, my favorite D2 raid for the simple reason that it's easy to learn and teach and while has mechanics they aren't so overdone that you can't help players the way previous D2 raids are. It's honestly the closest thing to a D1 raid in those terms and is the only thing about this expansion I look forward to doing each week. In all honesty, if I could have seen the amount of stuff there is to do in the game in it's current state I may have dropped D2, but I bought the full season pass thing with expansion so I guess I'm here, but I'm already max leveled on 1 guardian and just about there on the other two so my reasons to log in daily are pretty much gone now.

The things that kept me playing in D1 were strikes and PVP for grinding rolls, but we lost too many strikes and were left with too few (And most are way too long), and like I said, PVP is no longer about having any gun skill, it's a worse ability spam sim then D1 was now.

It still has the best gunplay of any game out there, but Luke constantly wanting to make this game more MMO then Shooter is really hurting it.


Apparently each week has a single penguin that can be collected for a triumph. Only found the first one, didn't realize they are a weekly thing myself. Gotta timegate the dumbest shit sometimes.

Ah. Alright. I'll just leave it for now. I need to dig into sone PS5/SerX games lol. I'm trying to chill on all the Destiny, lol


I love the Christmas event, I know that's not common but I love the cookies, the music, everything. Very festive.

I try to figure everything out myself on these ones if I can

Got a new ghost skin tonight, simulation seed. Very cool.




Holiday events are usually when I check out. Only the Halloween ones are decent.

Guaridan Games had an exotic.Dawning sucks. At least Valentine’s has Crimson Doubles.

Nice to hear more stasis aspects and fragments are coming thru the year.

In regards to PvP. First week was rough but since the patch stasis and pvp is still awesome. The usual suspects always complain about pvp so i ignore that nonsense.

The pacing changes are nice. More primary gunfights because stasis makes shotgun monkies reconsider being run and gun no skill retards.
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Gotta get me a cold front, sounds pretty great after watching a few videos.

Surplus + all for one seems great.

I also need an ikelos SMG it seems. Sounds like it is pretty great too. I've never really used one before. I assume any build with it needs warmind mods?


Ikelos smg is tremendous. It tears in pve but I don’t think there’s much for damage perks other than surrounded and vorpal weapon. Warmind cell builds combined with charged with light IS the pve meta

Seraph rounds also give hidden range and stability stat on the Ikelos weapons.

CQC shotty with trench barrel is one of my all time favorite pve shotties too. Trench barrel on shotguns seem to have gotten a huge bump over time again. It shreds all bosses to the point where I expect to see a nerf soon. And when that shot gun can spawn warmind cells, with the the wrath of Rasputin damage buff... shhiiiieeetb
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How do you get the Christmas guns? Is there a best way to farm them? Yes, I want the stupid smg

I've also (finally) started a warmind build and holy smokes... It's awesome.

Do you have to use seventh seraph guns or do ikelos work too?
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How do you get the Christmas guns? Is there a best way to farm them? Yes, I want the stupid smg

I've also (finally) started a warmind build and holy smokes... It's awesome.

Do you have to use seventh seraph guns or do ikelos work too?

holiday guns are pure rng when turning in gifts. I’ve gotten 5 total I a ton of package. 1 shit roll Cold front, 2 crap Avalanch, and both fusions were trash.


holiday guns are pure rng when turning in gifts. I’ve gotten 5 total I a ton of package. 1 shit roll Cold front, 2 crap Avalanch, and both fusions were trash.
First fusion (only) I got was surplus and high impact reserves so decent. Nothing else yet but I plan on playing a bunch tonight so that will change


First fusion (only) I got was surplus and high impact reserves so decent. Nothing else yet but I plan on playing a bunch tonight so that will change

best of luck to ya. I’ve already hit the wall that all I care about doing each reset is my 3x Raid and I really just don’t enjoy the rest of what there isto even play. Especially the crap ya gotta do just for the chance for a gift box, then the chance it’s the th you want, then the last prayer it’s not trash. Dawning is a joke of an event and needs to be reimagined or just plain done away with in this form


out of all the pinnacle gears I got on my Warlock this week, 4 or 5 of them are shoes... fucking hell... 🤷‍♂️

I've had that happen multiple times the past 3 weeks. I can count on one raid a week on a character to give me the same pinnacle 3 times through the chests. I can't believe we are in year what 7 of Destiny and they still haven't programmed the game to be smart enough not to double and triple up your pinnacles in a row. It's one of the worst feelings when you are already not enjoying over half the activities that get your a pinnacle.


Finally maxed out my Christmas plane last night and got my first fragment.

I have to complete my next fragment in a strike the needs me to get 10 kills of bosses with stasis abilities but it only seems to count if it's the last blow... Well that is brutal in strikes and has very to do with skill and only luck based.

I grabbed 2 more crucible ones and they are tough too lol. But that is cause I suck in reality.


Finally maxed out my Christmas plane last night and got my first fragment.

I have to complete my next fragment in a strike the needs me to get 10 kills of bosses with stasis abilities but it only seems to count if it's the last blow... Well that is brutal in strikes and has very to do with skill and only luck based.

I grabbed 2 more crucible ones and they are tough too lol. But that is cause I suck in reality.

The strikes one is crap, I'm sitting on one of those too. They are almost undoable just jumping into Nightfalls. You need to find a week with a champion at the beginning and just go in and farm it 10 times.


I figured I’ll rank destiny for 2020.

1) Houndish - he’s more of a reporter I guess... spoils everything but frequent updates

2) My Name is Byf - best loremaster. Upped his production game... always good content.

3) Coolguy - best weapon reviews with proper discussion.

4) Aztecross - often wrong but passionate dude that’s entertaining with how much of a Louisiana hick he is.

Honorable mentions for Ehroar and Myelin games. Ehroar no doubt makes the very best pve builds and reviews. Destiny Community Podcast on YouTube features a great panel called Firing Range feature Fallout, Coolguy, Mercules, Cammycakes and Drewsky and is a fairly serious discussion of the game and its pvp sandbox. Easily the best Destiny podcast of the bunch.

And the worst of the year... Rick Kackis. He’s garbage and takes 3 mins just to get to the point and you know he’s just Playing the YouTube game. Even worse than him however is jerk-off and fellow Queens NY local MesaSean. Does the same scrub behavior as Kackis but likes to report bullshit reddit rumors as leaks and is a clickbait con artist.

Datto’s raid guides are good but think he’s an afterthought these days. Likes to talk about his girlfriend a lot... who’s clearly to good for him. I assume he’s a cuckold honeslty...

merry christmas guardians

PS - best twitch streamers? Gladd for PvE. Frostbolt for pvp ..
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This is probably a stupid question but how do I tell if I own Shadowkeep? I don't remember buying it but I can't see anything in the interface that prompts me to buy it like all the stuff that is asking me to buy Beyond Light. Did they just take that stuff out with the new expansion?

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
realized I still had not done the Gambit and Crucible pinnacle stuff, so hopped on to do some brain dead playing while I work on the phone, getting it done before reset. played some Control and of cause I'm at the bottom of our team that losted. but at least I'm not the rock bottom, which makes me really question who the hell plays so bad that they did worse than a guy who's talking on the phone not paying much attention to pvp. then went to do the Gambit stuff, and boy it's a whole different kinda awful... I saw people depositing 3 or 4 motes at a time. people who just sit behind cover as soon as someone invades us. and generally terrible players. last round of Gambit I was able to deposit 40 motes and killed 6 Guardians yet we still lost. I really feel like maybe it's due to the hours being early morning, but I've never ran into that many terrible people playing the game in the afternoon/night. /shrug

I figured I’ll rank destiny for 2020.

1) Houndish - he’s more of a reporter I guess... spoils everything but frequent updates

2) My Name is Byf - best loremaster. Upped his production game... always good content.

3) Coolguy - best weapon reviews with proper discussion.

4) Aztecross - often wrong but passionate dude that’s entertaining with how much of a Louisiana hick he is.

Honorable mentions for Ehroar and Myelin games. Ehroar no doubt makes the very best pve builds and reviews. Destiny Community Podcast on YouTube features a great panel called Firing Range feature Fallout, Coolguy, Mercules, Cammycakes and Drewsky and is a fairly serious discussion of the game and its pvp sandbox. Easily the best Destiny podcast of the bunch.

And the worst of the year... Rick Kackis. He’s garbage and takes 3 mins just to get to the point and you know he’s just Playing the YouTube game. Even worse than him however is jerk-off and fellow Queens NY local MesaSean. Does the same scrub behavior as Kackis but likes to report bullshit reddit rumors as leaks and is a clickbait con artist.

Datto’s raid guides are good but think he’s an afterthought these days. Likes to talk about his girlfriend a lot... who’s clearly to good for him. I assume he’s a cuckold honeslty...

merry christmas guardians

PS - best twitch streamers? Gladd for PvE. Frostbolt for pvp ..

I agree with you overall. especially on Coolguy. he really IS hands down the best in reviewing the weapons. I would still watch Kackis from time to time, but MesaSean... yeah. Datto I feel is just burnt out on the game after doing it for so many years. glad that he got married and even got that Jez guy and his wife to move in with them (wonder if they got into some orgy/exchange SO kinda deal... lol). they got good chemistry and had some pretty funny (if not a little cringy) moments. for someone that's not on that list, Fallout Plays is pretty good and gets right to the point. he had recently started doing the 1 minute Xur video on Fridays and it's great. plus he sounds pretty nice and fun over all so I would recommend him. and if you want to get better with PvP, CammyCakes Gaming and Pattycakes Gaming both have some great insights and videos on Youtube.
This is probably a stupid question but how do I tell if I own Shadowkeep? I don't remember buying it but I can't see anything in the interface that prompts me to buy it like all the stuff that is asking me to buy Beyond Light. Did they just take that stuff out with the new expansion?

I think the best way to tell is if you can go to the Pit of Heresy dungeon on the Moon? Or if you can do the Garden of Salvation raid? Not sure if those require story progress in Shadowkeep, actually.


Wow, the Shadebinder turnout this weekend for Trials was pretty poor. I think I saw 2 the whole weekend, most people playing Warlock were running top tree Dawnblade, whereas almost every Hunter and Titan was running stasis. I think the complete lack of mobility with Shadebinder and no ability to break crystals are two massive disadvantages.


Warmind.io stats are pretty nutty. Pretty even split across the 3 major platform holders with Xbox actually slightly edging out a lead in playerbase.

Even more interesting, across Xbox, PS and Steam the split for Strikes/Crucible/Raid is 13%, 14% and 18% in raids.

18% of a snapshot of the playerbase in raids is pretty impressive. Granted that’s for Tuesday night refresh but it’s still nice to see.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
in the spirit of the season, here's something a little on the cheerful side.

these guys did a few Halloween ones before too and it's over all a fun watch.



and Datto just uploaded a video on builds and stuff. feels it's pretty useful, especially for new players.

Great, now the 12 people in the world that weren't running a Warmind Cell build can catch up. There is absolutely no variety in the PVE sandbox at this point unless the user is just bored. They really need to steal some talent away from Borderlands about designing weapons cause we ain't got enough
Warmind.io stats are pretty nutty. Pretty even split across the 3 major platform holders with Xbox actually slightly edging out a lead in playerbase.

Even more interesting, across Xbox, PS and Steam the split for Strikes/Crucible/Raid is 13%, 14% and 18% in raids.

18% of a snapshot of the playerbase in raids is pretty impressive. Granted that’s for Tuesday night refresh but it’s still nice to see.

Must be because XBOX people have the least other games to play... HAHAHAHAHAHA... okay... sorry


Great, now the 12 people in the world that weren't running a Warmind Cell build can catch up. There is absolutely no variety in the PVE sandbox at this point unless the user is just bored. They really need to steal some talent away from Borderlands about designing weapons cause we ain't got enough
That's me lol. I literally just started experimenting with warmind cells last week.
Looking for some help. I played a ton of Destiny 1 and got through like half the campaign in D2...haven’t played in like 3 years.

I just booted up the expansion and all of my weapons are saying immune when I try to shoot anything and I’m getting one hit killed. Help!


Looking for some help. I played a ton of Destiny 1 and got through like half the campaign in D2...haven’t played in like 3 years.

I just booted up the expansion and all of my weapons are saying immune when I try to shoot anything and I’m getting one hit killed. Help!

What are you trying to do and what area are you in? If you are trying the new area but you only have gear that is now sunset your LL is only gonna be around 1060 and most of the enemies around Europa and especially activities like strikes will hit real hard until you gear up more.
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