Robot Carnival
Gold Member
so came across this just now. got a good chuckle out of me.
so came across this just now. got a good chuckle out of me.
They've got a fanbase that's willingly farming a 3+ year old strike 50+ times for a hand cannon that they only need because Bungie arbitrarily sunset all of their gear, they can get away with anything at this point.
I'm sorry if this has been posted already, but I've been trying to get into the new season, after getting to rank 150 in the one before it.
I get the gameplay loop: I'm supposed to keep grinding powerful gear until I get to level 1300, after that I have to go for pinnacles to get to 1310.
But other than just grinding for this, what kind of missions of storyline am I supposed to do? I've been playing the battlegrounds but they are starting to get boring; i really shouldn't have played it for 9 times last week just to get the powerful gear.
What kind of advice do you guys have for someone that doesn't play in groups but still wants to experience a lot of what the new season in particular and destiny 2 as a whole can offer? I've played all of the campaigns until now and enjoyed them. In short: what am I grinding for?
Fuck, why do I spend all my time with newbie carries through DSC every weekend, lol
I mean, I don't mind the pinnacle drops from it and I go my EoT on my 6th run, buuuuuut.Good question, I'd say it's because everybody else has already cleared the raid 25+ times and just doesn't want to do it anymore
I raided so much last season trying for the rocket (Still don't have it), that very few clanmates are really gung ho to do the raid 40+ more times this season just to chase a slightly bigger number.
Fuck, why do I spend all my time with newbie carries through DSC every weekend, lol
Lol. You should really run it at some point. It's a fun raid yo run with some cool lookimg weaponsMeanwhile I’m over here approaching the power cap without touching the raid cause I play with one other dude and both of us don’t like looking for groups to do it with lol
Lol. You should really run it at some point. It's a fun raid yo run with some cool lookimg weapons
Fool my once shame on you, fool me 30 times....
I wish I could trust them to fix this game experience, but this isn't new. This is the cycle of hyping people for the next big paid DLC with promises that THIS TIME we are going to focus on PVP and changes. I mean, 3 more months to fix Stasis stuff? I'm finally at the point where I just wish any of the competition would put a playable product to mimic this game cause Bungie just doesn't excite me with their output the last couple of years. After my paid year now I think I'm done for good. I don't care about a seasonal exotic quest and farming Lost sectors to get my new shit.
Ditching sunsetting is almost as dumb as not properly sunsetting the first time. Now I have no reason to get new stuff with all the broken stuff we already have.
You cannot make this shit up.
Also, spent a few hours on the Outriders demo. It makes Destiny 2 look like the pinnacle of modern entertainment.
understandable, even thou I don't share the same feeling as you. I'm not that into PvP so I had been fine with just doing the regular stuff. but on the bright side, at least they're addressing a lot of things with this TWAB and it's at the right direction at least.
for those who's not into reading, here's a little summary with CoolGuy
I don't understand how on earth the bar has been kept so low by D2 that somebody hasn't accidentally released something better. Oh, because they all worry about the cosmetic sales before the core gameplay. I am so bummed about Anthem getting the axe, cause out of all the competition, Anthem actually had gameplay nailed, it was everything else that killed it, along with devs that didn't know how to even make this kind of title.
I only played a few minutes of the demo, I'm gonna dive deeper into it tonight, but things like the FPS during cutscenes is rough since the opening is tons of cutscene story stuff, and TPS is not really my favorite genre, so Outriders is gonna be an uphill battle to gain any traction.
I don't understand how on earth the bar has been kept so low by D2 that somebody hasn't accidentally released something better. Oh, because they all worry about the cosmetic sales before the core gameplay. I am so bummed about Anthem getting the axe, cause out of all the competition, Anthem actually had gameplay nailed, it was everything else that killed it, along with devs that didn't know how to even make this kind of title.
man, trying to do IB and it had been way worse then what I've been through in the past. over 70% of my losses had been mercy and I have no idea what's going on. I mean, sure I suck, but this is getting ridiculous.
Whats going on is that they removed all of the elements of SBMM so every match is just a clusterfuck of whoever is left playing the game at any skill level (I can assume, no casuals still play this cancer of a mode). I played for the bounties on one of my characters, took about 4 hours but in all those games, I'm fairly certain only 3 of them went to time or the final score, every other match was a mercy. IB Control as is doesn't work, the initial rush as a squad determines the game most of the time. You get that first team wipe, you're up 12-2 or so, then heavy spawns (Why heavy spawns anywhere before 4-5 minutes in is beyond me), they get heavy for a few dudes, use heavy to widen lead, then chain supers, by then the score is at the margin where mercy kicks in. Just depends on which side you are on, the rushers or the rushees. I love the first game, this should be IB Zone Control, where points are based off of controlling the zones, not playing for kills.
You won't be able to get the adept hand cannon without going flawless, the regular version will have lower stats across the board making it relatively pointlessso they disabled Trials
That's fascinating, but I'm bad at PvP anyway, just hoping to get the handcannon at some point even if it's by losing 10 matches.
man, trying to do IB and it had been way worse then what I've been through in the past. over 70% of my losses had been mercy and I have no idea what's going on. I mean, sure I suck, but this is getting ridiculous.
Are they any PC centric clans here on gaf? Me, my wife, and a couple friends are trying to find a active but chill clan to run with.
so came across this just now. got a good chuckle out of me.
quick question. how do I reset my valor rank for the Crucible now? I can't find where after they changed it. in game says reset with Lord Shaxx but I can't find the option at all. I still have some of the rewards with him. do I have to claim everything first in order to reset it?
Yes, you need to claim everything in the path to reset...super dumb
I finally got to do a raid in this game! DSC was a ton of fun!
thanks. and yeah it's indeed dumb.
yeah, raids are some the of most fun stuff in the game. I would highly recommend trying Last Wish also. the biggest raid in Destiny ever and it can be somewhat complicated. but it's also very fun to do and the rewards are nice too. Garden of Salvation is ok too, but not as good as some of the other raids. still worth trying it since it have a pretty decent pulse rifle if you're into that.
I’ve wanted to run raids on this ever since leviathan dropped like 4 years ago, but all my raiding buddies from D1 didn’t get D2 so I was SOL. I’m gonna see if my new group will do garden soon cause I want to finish the divinity quest. I also hope the vaulted raids come back at some point too
yeah, out of the old raids, Leviathan and Scourge of the Past are both very fun to play. the 3 mini one are kinda hit and miss but I do like Crown of Sorrow thou.
if you can use Discord and want to do a raid your group is not doing, try out the Bungie fireteam finder. I've been doing all my stuff through it.
Question: In my inventory I unlocked an item in modifications. It showed my hunter cloak in glowing/gold effect. Description was something about matching class or subclass.
I can't remember the details or the name of the item and now I can't find it anywhere.
Last boss for Garden of Salvation is rough. Any tips from those who’ve finished it? We had to call it a night.
Last boss for Garden of Salvation is rough. Any tips from those who’ve finished it? We had to call it a night.