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Destiny 2 Shadowkeep (OT4) Free Stuff For Everybody!


me and Dr. Samuel Hayden would probably be applying back into the Vex Enthusiast clan again. would anyone be able to accept the request once we applied?
Honestly, it'd be easier to make a new one. That clan was me and some old friends D1 clan, and I moved it into a different persons account when I left and have no way to recall the username/password or have any way of getting in touch with them really. Plus I think most of the only people that were left there were console types. Just wanted to give ya a heads up. One of you guys can build up something new, hopefully there are folks who want in this time around.
Honestly, it'd be easier to make a new one. That clan was me and some old friends D1 clan, and I moved it into a different persons account when I left and have no way to recall the username/password or have any way of getting in touch with them really. Plus I think most of the only people that were left there were console types. Just wanted to give ya a heads up. One of you guys can build up something new, hopefully there are folks who want in this time around.
I was thinking that, might just be better to start over since I wasn't here for the first one and it looks like a lot of people in there have been inactive.

I can probably do it, not in a clan right now (left my old one since everyone stopped playing...) but may take a day or two since I'm kinda busy right now.
Ok, found time to make the clan.

Meant to be chill, no communication required, though obviously for higher end content at least in-game text chat would be preferable.

If you wanna join just send a request and post or message me telling me your name.
Ok, found time to make the clan.

Meant to be chill, no communication required, though obviously for higher end content at least in-game text chat would be preferable.

If you wanna join just send a request and post or message me telling me your name.

awesome. applied.


When I left the old neogaf clan I formed a new one with some irl friends, so I’ll probably stay in that one, but if you guys need a hand with anything Im down.


I hate this weeks Trials map. I can handle myself in regular crucible and glory well but Trials (on this particular map) is just another level. Jeez. Out of 20 matches I have like 3 wins.
came across a couple Hoeg Law videos on Destiny, surprisingly. interesting watch if you want to look into the legal side of things in regards to Bungie removing stuff and selling dungeons separately and what not. I have no opinion on them so far, not for or against. but I think it's an interesting point of view to get into.

came across a couple Hoeg Law videos on Destiny, surprisingly. interesting watch if you want to look into the legal side of things in regards to Bungie removing stuff and selling dungeons separately and what not. I have no opinion on them so far, not for or against. but I think it's an interesting point of view to get into.

It's bullshit but I'm well used to Bungie pulling shady shit like this now, have been for a while.

The dungeon thing is getting a ton of backlash though, wouldn't be surprised if they walk it back or somehow make it easier to swallow.

Edit: Oh yeah, I should add. It's stuff like this that has driven practically everyone I knew who used to play this away and refuse to even consider coming back. Whenever I ask them about it they react like I'm insane (probably not unjustifiably... :D)
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This week’s GM Nightfall blows. Snoozefest until the last half of the boss then it turns into a shitshow. Bad loot too. Feels like a one and done for me.


What are the best catalysts to grind out right now? Using the last wish raid method I got 5 or 6 catalysts done tonight I didn't have yet. In PvP everyone is using Lorentz Driver and Vex Mythoclast and then various hand cannons ... Hate getting two tapped from across the map like they're damn sniper rifles so wondering which are the best exotic hand Cannon catalysts to go for too?


What are the best catalysts to grind out right now? Using the last wish raid method I got 5 or 6 catalysts done tonight I didn't have yet. In PvP everyone is using Lorentz Driver and Vex Mythoclast and then various hand cannons ... Hate getting two tapped from across the map like they're damn sniper rifles so wondering which are the best exotic hand Cannon catalysts to go for too?
Welcome to D2 crucible. It’s a legit shitshow in every way. Between the lack of any matchmakimg AT ALL (sbmm still had pvp pretty full in yr3 d1, not sure why they hated that?), the completely terrible maps, 1hk guns from everywhere, LAG galore, and an awful meta…it’s really never been good.

I will say, as gamers, we brought ,any bad elements on ourselves. We begged for cross play, and it’s trash. Now thanks to that, there is more lag then ever before and the door is open to all the cheat filled pc players ruining trials and pvp for console players.

If you want something that the catalyst will improve do Crimson, it’s like baby pvp hand cannon 101 and popping up a lot in my recent attempt to get back into this game.

Wish this place was hopping like the D1 days, with nightly activities being run, cause I can’t take solo play or the hundreds of shitty clans with tons of members but nobody plays with anybody else in them…

Spent a couple hours trying to solo master presage with no deaths and I swear its almost undoable on console, you should legit get two extra minutes. Died to so many bs things in boss room, so giving up tonight. Haven’t raided at all this season, only ran prophecy once in the last two seasons, and haven’t ran a gm nf in 3 seasons. When you have nobody to do these things with, what the hell else is there to do in this game?
Wish this place was hopping like the D1 days, with nightly activities being run, cause I can’t take solo play or the hundreds of shitty clans with tons of members but nobody plays with anybody else in them…

Spent a couple hours trying to solo master presage with no deaths and I swear its almost undoable on console, you should legit get two extra minutes. Died to so many bs things in boss room, so giving up tonight. Haven’t raided at all this season, only ran prophecy once in the last two seasons, and haven’t ran a gm nf in 3 seasons. When you have nobody to do these things with, what the hell else is there to do in this game?
Well, you can post your info or join the new clan, we can try and play sometime although not sure if I'll have much time for it this week.
Freelance solo trials was nice. Feel like they wont keep it though because of population issues. Went flawless once before flawless pool and once after. I actually tried a handful more cards before but lost twice at the lighthouse game. I found the card in the flawless pool easier for some reason.

Too bad this week is the sword lol
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Cox communications has had severe connection issues for a couple weeks now. If you Google it tons of people are complaining about the same issues all over the US. Download speeds are fine but upload speeds are non existent causing constant disconnects. Because of this I can't even play any multiplayer games right now and it's driving me crazy.
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I’ve said it from the very start, making a pc version was never a good idea for this franchise. Ruined Destiny with the cheating and many exploits that they aren’t able to keep up with
blink-182 wtf GIF

If anything the game would be better if it was a PC exclusive. How are these PC exploits hurting your console experience anyway? You think people are 'cheating' when you matchmake with them in the Vanguard Strikes playlist? I don't get it.


blink-182 wtf GIF

If anything the game would be better if it was a PC exclusive. How are these PC exploits hurting your console experience anyway? You think people are 'cheating' when you matchmake with them in the Vanguard Strikes playlist? I don't get it.
Considering console players HAVE to have cross play on for trials, it extremely ruins our experience, and since this was a console only game for the first five years, and bungie the,selves weren’t interested in a pc version (since they don’t have the manpower or skill to fight the cheaters/hackers/exploits) it very much hurts the experience for the MAJORITY of the playerbase which is still on consoles.
Considering console players HAVE to have cross play on for trials, it extremely ruins our experience, and since this was a console only game for the first five years, and bungie the,selves weren’t interested in a pc version (since they don’t have the manpower or skill to fight the cheaters/hackers/exploits) it very much hurts the experience for the MAJORITY of the playerbase which is still on consoles.
Dude you're seeing ghosts:

Crossplay in the context of Trials just means Playstation/Xbox/Stadia all play together. You're only in PC lobbies if you party up and queue with someone that's on PC.


Dude you're seeing ghosts:

Crossplay in the context of Trials just means Playstation/Xbox/Stadia all play together. You're only in PC lobbies if you party up and queue with someone that's on PC.

That doesn’t say anything about people solo queuing in the playlist though. If you are solo player queuing into trials how does that effect who you match make with. I mean, bungie would never tell us one thing and either intentionally or unintentionally do another right? I haven’t been able to play much of any pvp this season to test due to health issues, but have watched enough streams of the nonsense to want no part of the toxic cheating that is readily happening on the pc side of this game mode.

I will point out another issue with cross play that doesn’t get any address from bungie, but trying to lfg with pc players is beyond annoying for console players cause the pc side just doesnt seem to understand that we all don’t have PCs hooked up right next to our TVs to use discord chat (which I find awful anyways) and will boot you or refuse to play using the in game chat.
That doesn’t say anything about people solo queuing in the playlist though. If you are solo player queuing into trials how does that effect who you match make with. I mean, bungie would never tell us one thing and either intentionally or unintentionally do another right? I haven’t been able to play much of any pvp this season to test due to health issues, but have watched enough streams of the nonsense to want no part of the toxic cheating that is readily happening on the pc side of this game mode.
Nah it's crystal clear. Like sure Bungie has misstated things plenty of times... but it works just as they described it. Sorry about your health issues hope you get better soon though.
I will point out another issue with cross play that doesn’t get any address from bungie, but trying to lfg with pc players is beyond annoying for console players cause the pc side just doesnt seem to understand that we all don’t have PCs hooked up right next to our TVs to use discord chat (which I find awful anyways) and will boot you or refuse to play using the in game chat.
Well you're still not really losing anything, just use your platform's LFG tools. Discord is just way better than the chat options on PSN and Xbox, not sure why you find it awful. If MS/Sony actually cared about the players they would prioritize integrating Discord as a party chat option in their platforms but this is big business warring over active users.

Presumably you could just use Discord through your phone in a pinch.

I'm stuck using the Xbox App on my PC more often than I'd like when I'm cross-playing with friends.

In-game chat is even worse than Xbox party chat so you can't be shocked nobody is interested in using it. Mine's muted and completely forgotten about.

If it was PC only... it wouldn't be alive right now.
If in the alternate universe Destiny launched as a PC exclusive it would be a different game, it would have a far more efficient interface, you'd have more buttons so stuff like Charged with Light wouldn't have to proc on its own, and maybe lower production budget... Like sure, if Destiny launched as a PC only game in the same state it launched on console it probably wouldn't have made it. But that comes down to the quality of the product rather than PC's ability to sustain an online game.


Yeah they should let us focus tokens/engrams like you can with trials and other stuff. lame that it's all random and usually junk.


maybe its rose tinted glasses. but i sure enjoyed Iron banner in D1 more than D2

It's not Rose tinted at all. D1 IB was at least 1000% better then D2 IB.

1.) The Mode changed each IB so it didn't get stale like this awful lockout Control which makes people play like dipshits constantly flipping spawns so that you have to play to the super aggressive way your team is.

2.) Each Banner was for 1-2 Weapons, and same with armor, and Saladin or Efferdite? sold usually a god roll of each armor and close to god roll on 1 of the guns. This allowed you to play a TON if you wanted a specific gun type or armor type without getting a million pieces of gear you didn't want.

3.) Post game rewards>>>>>Tokens Remember that sweet screen? Cause Bungo doesn't. Not just the cool screen, but you were SHOWERED in loot in D1 IB, so you didn't care if you juts got pub stomped cause you probably just got 1 of the IB guns anyway, making it much easier to get a god roll since you'd get a drop at least every other match, if not a piece of gear TOO.

4.) There was SOME type of matchmaking in D1, believe it was ELO/SBMM based off the highest player in your Fireteam but I may be wrong, in the dumb attempt to appease the 1% who don't want to sweat every match, we all get to sweat every single match. There's a reason that like 60% of games are mercies (That might be low).

5.) Could have went with the loot point, but the armor was ALWAYS must have cause it was sexy. I can't recall a single IB armor set I've cared to collect and keep. The art team they have working on armor in this game is pretty trash TBH. Hell we just had the cool Dino gear, but if you really look at the gear, the only pieces that seemed to get any effort were the Helmets and some of the boots. Otherwise Raid armor is the only one that sometimes is good, but also can be awful (Looking at you Eater of Worlds/Spire of Stars/Last Wish/Whichever one had Tarrabah).

Too many, and I am one of them D1 was just an overall better game/experience. D2 improved on some things, but lost too much of what made D1 a game that kept bringing back a large population even when there wasn't shit going on in game. If they remastered the first game and the only thing they brought over was mantling it'd be twice as populated as D2 (Assuming Trials/IB come with it)


So is there just no player base anymore? Or have they fucked with matchmaking if you don’t have cross play turned on to punish you? Twice today at different times I’ve sat in a que for Mayhem for 10+ minutes before just giving up on it. Had the same iss with 1290 MM NF yesterday, would take half the NF to get a second or third player. Hard to enjoy the game when I can’t even load into certain activities.


New games are out this fall.... B4B/COD/BF/Halo D2 finally has competition again. I haven't touched D2 since COD VG came out and was just talking about that fact with my son this morning. I'm still only base light level 1326 i think? He's 1328 and i almost caught up to him but stopped playing again haha
So is there just no player base anymore? Or have they fucked with matchmaking if you don’t have cross play turned on to punish you? Twice today at different times I’ve sat in a que for Mayhem for 10+ minutes before just giving up on it. Had the same iss with 1290 MM NF yesterday, would take half the NF to get a second or third player. Hard to enjoy the game when I can’t even load into certain activities.

I think that MIGHT be the crossplay matchmaking, but I don't think PvP does crossplay unless invite no? what are you on? console? PC?

edit: Proving Ground is still still a bitch to run in GM. tried a few times and still unsuccessive. probably gona do a few more tries over the weekend and call it if no wins. also, some people are just brain dead. talked to them over voice chat and they said once tanks are out, let's take out the right side Barrier Champ first. ok sure. so we're all on the right side and I'm shooting at the champ, and the 2 guys are shooting at all the other adds. why even said focus down the Barrier Champ ASAP if you're not going to do it? I put down a well and all so it's not like you'll die from just normal add's fire.
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finally cleared Proving Ground so now I don't need to set foot in there ever again. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

literally spent the whole day today, from 10am to 6pm sitting there trying to clear it on pick up groups. even came close a couple times. there was one time we pop the boss's last bubble and the other 2 in the team died with no rez and I'm the only one alive. so after baiting the boss left and right at the tunnel for about 25~30 minutes, I finally got it down to a silver of HP. but then I got greedy and got hit by a double shoot from the boss and wiped. was so pissed off at myself. finally got another group and we ended up doing the same thing but this time with me and another team mate left. was able to grind the boss down and clear it finally. now I can rest easy having finally cleared this trash of a nightfall and no go in ever again.

edit: also, did learn a few things, including that the first boss before you go into the tank, Valus Ozysas, doesn't have a stomp. so after the bubble popped, u can just gang up on him and keep meleeing him to avoid him shooting at you with missiles and bullets.
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did solo flawless Prophecy. was one of the more rewarding experiences in Destiny. highly recommended.

was something i wanted to do but was waiting for Ada to sell the Protective Light mod which she finally did last week.

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big changes for abilities in PvP for the most part. recharge time and damage changes, shoulder charge and shatterdive charges, more focus on gunplay instead of abilities. all sounds pretty interesting. I don't play PvP enough to tell if it'll be bad for good, but at least they're changing PvP and PvE separately, so over all PvE actually got a buff.

good first reaction and some analysis on the TWAB by Cool Guy and Fallout.


did solo flawless Prophecy. was one of the more rewarding experiences in Destiny. highly recommended.

was something i wanted to do but was waiting for Ada to sell the Protective Light mod which she finally did last week.


Nice!! I’m working on Pit of Heresy solo flawless right now. It’s tough. I’ll turn my attention to prophecy after lol


I still haven't done Pit of Heresy normally. I just did the part necessary for Xenophage. Is the solo very difficult?

It’s kinda tough. The part I keep getting hung up on is this ball dump room right after the maze where you get xenophage. Most of the ads are weak but there’s tons of them. Boomer knights too every time you dunk an orb. You gotta dunk 6 and they spawn in 3 points of the room and you gotta kill a knight to get it.
Problem is there’s also an annihilation totem that wipes you when it reaches 10 stacks and you stand under it to cleanse it.
So it’s start encounter, kill ads while standing on plate until knight spawns, kill knight. Stand on plate to get the counter down. Dunk orb, more ads, boomer knights up top. Repeat.

I’m running devour warlock with necrotic grips so the ads aren’t really the issue. But the timing is, especially with those boomer knights peppering the battlefield.
Sounds intense. Also, I like any good excuse to run Necrotic Grips.

I think the thing that makes me apprehensive is doing the beginning part of the dungeon over and over. It’s kinda fun and cool the first time but I feel like it’s not a repeat friendly encounter. Maybe not as bad as the beginning of Shattered Throne but, eh.


This 30th anniversary thing has just unfortunately proven my belief that if you don’t have a core to play with, this game just is not designed for you anymore. Within an hour of it being out every lfg post I see is kwtd…I hate ghally being tied to the new dungeon, I can’t solo this shit, so fuck me I guess?
You can easily get a group for the new dungeon. I will run it with you if you want. It's a great dungeon. Not sure how repeatable it is but it's really cool the first time around.
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Completed the dungeon solo. Probably my favorite in terms of encounter variety and aesthetic. Really loved it. I wont be attempting flawless though. Not until I get that raid sparrow, Always on Time, at least. The sparrow part in this dungeon is just way too up to chance on a normal sparrow. Maybe someone will find the perfect route but as of now attempting flawless runs only to possibly get instantly deleted at the sparrow part does not sound fun.

I need to do the dungeon again for the Gjallarhorn catalyst though so if anyone wants to run it today, I'm down.

Overall, this update is fantastic. The only part I don't care for is the silly Xur game show stuff. The 6-man encounter itself is quite good, it's just the gameshow theme is... eh.
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