Robot Carnival
was at first which is basically push the payload. was doing good but then got kicked. getting back in now 
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Disconnect after disconnect after disconnect
yeah, got 3 disconnect just at the payload part, but then was smooth for a while before another disconnected right in the middle of the 1st encounter.
All our disconnects have been in the first actual encounter. About 5 hours later and we know how to beat the encounter, we just gotta successfully string it together.
I ended up in another group with Discord and it went better. but we're down on people right now and at still at the first encounter.
the dps check on that 2nd boss is brutal... tried a lot of different loadouts but no dice. team have to call it and might try again tomorrow.
also, contest mode is extended for another day it seems.
so, my kid has picked this back up on Xbox and I have no idea what I need to buy him to get him up to day. I purchased Destiny 2 and may have bought one expansion. I'm not too sure. I know he no longer has access to the light thing due to it being removed from game pass. What would I need to buy him to get him up to date?
Theoretically, just Witch Queen. Although the stasis abilities and some of the exotics from beyond light are also very strong. But for now I’d just say witch queen and probably the current season pass. You can always get the previous expansions when they go on sale, which they do a fair bit.
ah ok, someone was saying that the base of Forgotten light is very important to the game? is this not the case?
If anybody needs a 6th during conteat modifier lmk. I’ve got Caretaler cp and know the encounter, but lfg groups have been worse then awful today
I’d join, I just honestly don’t have a large friends list to fill in 4 other spots.I'm down for it. I'm on that part of the raid also and the group I was on last night decided to call it quits right now after too many fails.
I’d join, I just honestly don’t have a large friends list to fill in 4 other spots.
We called it a night after a few hours on the first encounter. We went in completely blind and figured everything out ourselves (part of the fun). But even though we had the mechanics down we weren't able todo 3 full rounds.
Get Beyond Light (last expansion) + The Witch Queen (most recent as you know). Those are the last two expansions you absolutely need. Get the deluxe edition of Witch Queen as it includes Seasons, my kid has picked this back up on Xbox and I have no idea what I need to buy him to get him up to day. I purchased Destiny 2 and may have bought one expansion. I'm not too sure. I know he no longer has access to the light thing due to it being removed from game pass. What would I need to buy him to get him up to date?
Get Beyond Light (last expansion) + The Witch Queen (most recent as you know). Those are the last two expansions you absolutely need. Get the deluxe edition of Witch Queen as it includes Seasons 16-19.
Destiny 2 is about as alive as an experience can be five years after launch, with a strong, growing player base and an ever-changing, widely expanding world, and The Witch Queen is a fantastic addition to Bungie’s epic. It feels truly like a story and setting that Bungie has been waiting to tell since the original Destiny, and it threads together a ton of storylines and interesting gameplay elements with the continuation of stories that we can only hope are at the core of Lightfall and The Final Shape.
The issues with The Witch Queen are issues that permeate all of Destiny 2, but with enough content through its campaign, world events, and endgame missions, new and existing Destiny 2 players alike have every reason to jump into the experience now.
How do you proc devour on titan. I’m not sure how I’m doing it on my warlock but it’s procced like every 6 seconds.
Definitely liking wells way more than charged with light builds. I have a constant wall of text buffs on the left hand side and even got to dust off my gnawing hunger.
Also do we have a discord.
You can join this discord:How do you proc devour on titan. I’m not sure how I’m doing it on my warlock but it’s procced like every 6 seconds.
Definitely liking wells way more than charged with light builds. I have a constant wall of text buffs on the left hand side and even got to dust off my gnawing hunger.
Also do we have a discord.
That discord isn't bad, it's also not super active at times. That's the discord that got me numerous awful Day 1 experiencesYou can join this discord:
Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang
I think it seems to be pretty active nowadays — I mostly go there for advice on weapons. I have only organized a fireteam there once and it worked out for me.That discord isn't bad, it's also not super active at times. That's the discord that got me numerous awful Day 1 experiences. Way too many youngins who can't help themselves being pricks through my experience there so far.
Just completed the raid. I'm not a big fan of the mechanics. Too many moving parts. I get overwhelmed with so many things going on.
I made many foolish mistakes. It feels bad knowing you're holding your team back.
To be fair all of the symbols have an in-game name and most are easy to understand and remember. It's not like the last wish symbols.I need to take the time to LFG today, and I'm not looking forward to it. I don't enjoy all this symbol crap, hated it in Last Wish, and now with even more Symbols. Final Boss just doesn't seem interesting to me. They got everybody with the hook of the Witness, then the raid is featuring some Fanboy of the Witness that kicks high? I will always say that I enjoyed D1 raids far more then D2. I understand a challenge, but that's why hard mode raids were there too. Everybody has a friend or two that just struggle but want to play the game with you, and these mechanics just flat out make people nope out of playing. It's why the playerbase is not at what it once was, or honestly what it should be. Raids should launch at normal mode and be something where you can take a couple of potatoes with you and HAVE FUN!, not need 6 sweats and not enjoy the experience. Now that the consensus is pretty take it or leave it with this raid...what's going to keep us coming back for the season?
Didn't they double up the amount of mods robo-bitch sells? When I was trying to finish my collection it did seem like there were a lot of repeats. I needed one particular arc warmind mod, and she kept putting out the same solar ones over and over. Could just be RNG, but it felt like at some point they weighed it more heavily towards the more useful mods. Protective Light started showing up all the time, along with Radiant Light and Powerful Friends. I haven't looked at her inventory since I got my last mod a few months ago, which I waited something like 10 months, a friend of mine started playing not long before and he's having an issue with the mods. seems like the mods on sell from Banshee/Ada-1 had not change much. personally I had not pay attention to those mods being sold so I can't say for sure. anyone knows about this?
edit: he's looking for Elemental Well mods mostly
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen expansion reviewed by Travis Northup on PC and Xbox, also available on PlayStation and Stadia.
Bungie's latest expansion to its long-running looter shooter may still neglect its PvP modes, but a great story and an exciting campaign delivers the best version of Destiny yet.
What? You don’t want to run your 751st Wellspring, that is the same as it was on your first run to get the Alloys, Red Guns for Glaives (not worth it), and for the 2 other exotic glance patterns.Still no Ascendant Alloy available from Rahool two weeks in a row, wouldn't be surprised if it was a deliberate attempt to force people to keep grinding the activities for a bit longer
Didn't they double up the amount of mods robo-bitch sells? When I was trying to finish my collection it did seem like there were a lot of repeats. I needed one particular arc warmind mod, and she kept putting out the same solar ones over and over. Could just be RNG, but it felt like at some point they weighed it more heavily towards the more useful mods. Protective Light started showing up all the time, along with Radiant Light and Powerful Friends. I haven't looked at her inventory since I got my last mod a few months ago, which I waited something like 10 months on.
What are you trying to get from VOD?I think both Banshee and Ada-1 are selling 4 mods at a time right now, but accord to my friend they had yet to sell any of the Elemental Well mods so far. hopefully Bungie would do something about this (HA, fat chance).
did another VOD run today and got the exact same drops I got last week, gloves, body, bound and pulse... for crying out loud... sigh...
What are you trying to get from VOD?