It's gonna be a bit off topic, but here goes, maybe someone will be able to help me.
With the announcement that Destiny would have its own settings for Sony headphones, I went ahead and downloaded the app for my Pulse Elites since I didn't even know that there were "preset settings" that you could upload to it. As I was updating my headphones, something happened, and it stopped halfway. What this did was pretty much brick my headphones... Now they won't connect to the Bluetooth thing, and no sound comes from them, other than if I plug them to the controller. Tried resetting the Bluetooth, the headphones, nothing. Also tried bringing back to the factory settings, but again, it'll stop about midway and say that they are off, or disconnected (when they aren't) I am now letting their battery die, and see if that resets the connectivity between them somehow...
Has this ever happened to any of you?