Hmm? There's instructions on that page to set it up with a PC/Mac, but I linked to the part that tells you how to manually reset it, unless you mean you went through this process:
Resetting the headset
If the headset does not respond when you try to operate it, reset it by doing the following:
With the wireless adaptor connected to the PS3 system, insert a small pin or similar object into the hole for the reset button and press down for at least 1 second. The status indicator will flash repeatedly.
Ensure the headset is switched off. Locate the Mic Mute, Mode & VSS button and hold all three buttons pressed down while switching the headset on. The blue light on the headset will begin to flash as you switch the headset on. If the headset is not connected to a PS3 via USB cable, the light will stay blue when pairing is complete. If the headset is connected to a PS3 via a USB cable the light will flash blue as you switch the power on and will change to red when the pairing complete.