Admiral Woofington
Are people already calling for doomsday? Jesus christ.
What is the relevance with this video? In IGN's level 29 Titan video we see it taking several shots to kill really low level baddies. I would hope to slice through everything at that level, but that is not the case.
If Bungie and Acti are planning on this IP to have a 10-year tail on it, do you really think they haven't already charted a ton of monetization options for at least the first few years? There is nothing that anyone is going to say in this thread, or any thread for that matter, that will make them sit up and say "holy shit, we could charge for that. You're right. Great idea!".
I'm happy to see Warframe comparisons coming up in this thread. I felt the same way during beta. Warframe is great, but I'll enjoy Destiny much more because I'll be collecting gear as drops, and not just materials to use in a very demanding crafting process.
Does Destiny have crafting too?
What is the relevance with this video? In IGN's level 29 Titan video we see it taking several shots to kill really low level baddies. I would hope to slice through everything at that level, but that is not the case.
Skimming through thread and not much mention if any. I may have missed it though. I anticipate some issues, but not as many since they did do some testing during beta and alpha as well as have experience from Halo.
I had a feeling it would take about 10 hours to max level and they will expect you to buy new expansion packs to continue on a monthly or bi monthly basis.
Idk what bungie was doing since halo reach.
wait hold the front page?
HOW BIG is the disc install?
Assault Rifles
Reduced the base Damage of all Assault Rifles by 7%
Reduced the base Accuracy ranges by [14% to 25%], modified by weapon stat
Reduced the base Stability ranges by [8% to 80%], modified by weapon stat
Hand Cannons
Increased the base Zoom of all Hand Cannons by 20%
Increased the base Damage per bullet range by [4% to 15%], modified by weapon stat
Increased the base Magazine size range by [8% to 20%], modified by weapon stat
Reduced the base Accuracy range by [75% to 100%], modified by weapon stat
Patch notes
Scout rifles get more of a nerf than assualt rifles? the fuck? only 1% but still. Assault rifles were straight OP in the beta
Patch notes
Scout rifles get more of a nerf than assualt rifles? the fuck? only 1% but still. Assault rifles were straight OP in the beta
Whoa, dude. Anyone 24 is a Bungie employee or has been playing for days already under Friends and Family. Pretty much every stream hit Level 6 after four hours.
damn.....they really buffed the shit out of hand cannons and pulse rifles......finally I can use them because they were so weak in the beta.
Link for Day One patch notes:
Remember that they nerfed some weapons and buffed others. Maybe with this balancing they noticed that a choice wasn't as obvious such as "always use ARs". As long as stability is brought down for long range that's already a huge helpPatch notes
Scout rifles get more of a nerf than assualt rifles? the fuck? only 1% but still. Assault rifles were straight OP in the beta
MOst streams seem to be running through the story missions with ease and there doesn't seem to be a lot of them. I hope thats not the case
Awww yeah. Been waiting for something like this. I love detailed patch notes.Link for Day One patch notes:
MOst streams seem to be running through the story missions with ease and there doesn't seem to be a lot of them. I hope thats not the case
Patch notes
Scout rifles get more of a nerf than assualt rifles? the fuck? only 1% but still. Assault rifles were straight OP in the beta
It's almost like you shouldn't jump to conclusions before you play something.Oh well in that case I did not say anything! Sorry everyone, misunderstanding. I thought that guy said somehit hit lvl 24 in 4 hours. I was like what.
Patch notes
Scout rifles get more of a nerf than assualt rifles? the fuck? only 1% but still. Assault rifles were straight OP in the beta
They nerfed Nova bombs and nova grenades(((((
Crap, they nerfed my razor's edge arc-blade build. Guess they realized it would be oped. They also nerfed the arcbolt grenade too. Time to make adjustments. I hear some people jumping off the hunter train.
I recall mowing down level 2 and 3 fallen like it was nothing with my maxed out level 8. No 1 shots but I could clear out ten of them in seconds.
Link for Day One patch notes:
Removed subclass locking from builds.
Adjusted the unlock order for all subclass trees.
Hand Cannons
Increased the base Zoom of all Hand Cannons by 20%
Increased the base Damage per bullet range by [4% to 15%], modified by weapon stat
Increased the base Magazine size range by [8% to 20%], modified by weapon stat
Reduced the base Accuracy range by [75% to 100%], modified by weapon stat
Spidertank leg health reduced by 16% (base 3000 to 2520) per leg.
Nova Bomb Vortex duration reduced from 5 to 3.5 seconds.
Vortex Grenade linger damage reduced by 50% (base 15 to 10) per tick
Angry Joe who was hyped as fuck for this game said "Scale back your hype"
Destiny seems like a grindfest and has a lot repetitive shoot-outs.
Fuck. Exactly what I feared.
PVP it is.
I will never trust people who rely on clicks to feed them because it's always the same thing:
I think I'll wait a week to take any of these reviews as credible. A lot of these guys are throwing up vids for the hits but the content and journalism just isn't there yet. You can't review a game after playing it for a few hours.
man are you guys serious right now. He's disappointed with the scope of the multiplayer and MMO aspects and essentially praises everything else, even with the caveat that he still hasn't seen much of the singleplayer campaign.This is one game I don't give a shit about reviews and impressions. I've played 40 hours of it already. I know exactly what I'm getting into and why I'm excited for it.
Crap, they nerfed my razor's edge arc-blade build. Guess they realized it would be oped. They also nerfed the arcbolt grenade too. Time to make adjustments. I hear some people jumping off the hunter train.
Link for Day One patch notes:
Oh ok. I gotcha.Yes, Level 2's were easier to kill at Level 8 than they were at Level 2... but if you took the time to look at the damage per shot.. you'd at Level 8 in full Greens you'd do the same damage to Level 2's that you did to Level 3's and 4's. Because there's a maximum amount of damage it uallows you to deal to lower level enemies.
Which makes sense. I was just hoping that supers weren't the only way a Guardian would feel powerful.It's so you can play with your friends without killing everything in 1 shot.
I missed the days of feeling like you accomplished something moving up in MMO. Even though this is a fake MMO.
Didnt they also say they accelerated the speed of leveling up in the beta?
Honestly I'm just really disappointed right now. Wow :/.
Asked a couple pages ago, this thread moves so damn fast I'll try again: has anything changed story-wise from the beta? There was some speculation (okay, personal hopes) that there was some stuff cut for spoiler purposes, cutscenes, dialogue, etc. Any of that?