"Arthur Gies ‏@aegies:
After about five hours of @DestinyTheGame, @pkollar and I are through the story missions on the earth and the moon, I believe."
Calm down. At least wait until you play the game before you start freaking out.
Uhm yeah I'm not freaking out I've just come back to this thread after a month or something or whenever the beta ended and hoped they improved upon the game following community feedback.
Then I come in here and see they haven't really changed much, added much or have been doing anything with our feedback pretty much. We still have to sit through boring ass load screens, we still have to go back into orbit after a mission etc..Plenty of stuff that is grinding my gears right now.
Listen I have love for Bungie and their games of old. All the way back to the Myth games. But after seeing all of the information that has come out over the last few weeks, my hype has gone from being on the top of the himaleya's to down into a cave.
And especially the video where they said "Hey you guys see that piece of land? I can walk over there RIGHT NOW. It's not a skybox!!", and then when you fully reveal the game there is only one ( small? ) area to actually discover in.
And then in those area's there are not very much diverse missions. If the missions are like they were in the beta I'm going to be snoring through them. I had fun with my first strike but after killing the same boss over and over and over and over again and not even getting any guaranteed weapons or loot after you kill the boss im like whaaaaaaaaat.
I really hope 30 isnt levelcap or at least that 25-30 is a fucking drag. If not then its over after 10 hours and then we wait for DLC.
30 is the level cap.