I think part of my paralysis for diving back in has been skipping a large swath of the leveling process; my Hunter is still light level 304.
I got over that by buying the expansion, and spinning up another Hunter. (Keeping my old.)
My Titan didn't take the news well, but he was neglected since The Taken King came out, so it was for the best.
The very first thing that happens in Destiny, after the opening cinematic and as it's loading the first area, is the Happy Horn drops. It's such a very Destiny moment.
I have to admit, I missed this:
The Postmaster had some things for me. 0_0
I'll catch up to you guys around the time Destiny 2 comes out.
I got over that by buying the expansion, and spinning up another Hunter. (Keeping my old.)

My Titan didn't take the news well, but he was neglected since The Taken King came out, so it was for the best.
The very first thing that happens in Destiny, after the opening cinematic and as it's loading the first area, is the Happy Horn drops. It's such a very Destiny moment.
I have to admit, I missed this:

The Postmaster had some things for me. 0_0

I'll catch up to you guys around the time Destiny 2 comes out.