30fps mode was unplayable to me so I had to complete it in that shit performance mode...
square enix had options available to deliver better image quality in this game (taau or even fsr2 would look better than this) but they simply didn't care enough. At least they are active with pro launch.
I discovered something bizarre with both Remake and Rebirth on PS5
This may vary for others, but for me, I found that the 30fps modes are broken when playing on an M.2 SSD expansion. When I moved them to the PS5 built in storage, the 30fps mode in both games were wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy less choppy, and felt really smooth. Night and day difference.
For anyone who can't stand the choppy feeling of quality modes in these games, try moving them to internal PS5 storage.
Rebirth to me still doesn't look great in quality mode, but it doesn't look choppy playing this way at least.