Rocco Schiavone
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To my eye it seems the TLoU2 Pro mode looks like its running something similar to CAS from AMD when compared to the base PS5. That may be one of the reasons it looks sharper than base Fidelity.I wonder whether sharpening is doing most of the work in bringing detail out.
This...... is just sad.But what really amuzes me is there are people defending passionately this...we didnt want a Pro, we need more games like this Ratchet and Clank that really push our current PS5. Nothing else. Sony and the Pro sellers/defenders can go F* themselves.
- No 60 FPS Fidelity Mode.
- Newer artifacts due to PSSR.
- Differences noticeables with 2X to 4X zoom, not so much when you are actually playing, and better if you put it against base PS5 perf mode.
- No disc drive and $700.
The only real solid added value PS5 Pro has so far is the 2TB SSD...
But what really amuzes me is there are people defending passionately this...we didnt want a Pro, we need more games like this Ratchet and Clank that really push our current PS5. Nothing else. Sony and the Pro sellers/defenders can go F* themselves.
- No 60 FPS Fidelity Mode.
- Newer artifacts due to PSSR.
- Differences noticeables with 2X to 4X zoom, not so much when you are actually playing, and better if you put it against base PS5 perf mode.
- No disc drive and $700.
The only real solid added value PS5 Pro has so far is the 2TB SSD...
But what really amuzes me is there are people defending passionately this...we didnt want a Pro, we need more games like this Ratchet and Clank that really push our current PS5. Nothing else. Sony and the Pro sellers/defenders can go F* themselves.
Some third parties would actually love to have marketing tied to their game and wouldn't require money. These things push game sales for new Pro owners as much as it pushes the actual Pro sales. They chose some of their own games because it's very likely that a large portion of existing PS5 owners already own those games, thus garnering interest in the upgrade. What they should have done though is done it for an upcoming big game. I suspect they actually planned this with Activision considering their complaints during trial but things changed due to the acquisition. Now it seems CoD has Pro enhancements but they're kept under wraps and Activision aren't allowed to advertise it openly.It's dumb that Sony chose to advertise the pro with their own titles, but that's probably because they'd have to pay for the rights to use 3rd party games in marketing, and the current leadership seems to be stingy AF.
1. We the Major part of PS5 users who wont migrate to this nonsense. No worries, time and numbers will tell if im wrong.![]()
And who the fuck is this "we" you talking about? I got 2 Pro's on pre-order and couldn't be happier. I've been waiting for the Pro since day 1 when I booted up my launch day PS5 and was forced to choose between fidelity and performance modes on games like Demon's Souls and Spider-Man Miles Morales. There is never going to be any perfect solution for everything, but the Pro is definitely the solution that will do the job of giving us a good marriage of performance and fidelity modes in many games. I look forward to gaming on it for the remainder of the gen until the PS6 shows up.
Our base PS5 consoles aren't gonna magically explode or get worse because the Pro exists, just like the base PS4 didn't suffer for the PS4 Pro existing. Enjoy your PS5, it'll continue to get great games for many years to come.
you're punchin way above your level of knowledge... settle down billy boy1. We the Major part of PS5 users who wont migrate to this nonsense. No worries, time and numbers will tell if im wrong.
2. Guess what Mr. 2 Pros, youre gonna have to choose anyway between modes, just with the "perk" of better visual quality on perf mode, mostly noticeable with 4X ZoomOr do you really think Pro is gonna be capable to run everything 60 fps/4K? Hahahaaha isnt even doing it with this Ratchet, which is an amazing game and a tech powerhouse, but its a LAUNCH game from 4 years ago. How come still few games can reach this quality on our PS5? How come still most part of our catalogue are still pumped up PS4 games? No wonder what is gonna happen with GTA VI and games alike.
3. I had a PS4 Pro, and at least that leap made more sense. It has a reasonable price, we were switching to 4K TVs anyway...and you know what? Even that kinda ruined the gen leap when i upgraded to PS5, because i was actually used to see PS4 games on higher res.
4. Congratulations for your Pros, gladly most of the consumes arent like you!
1. We the Major part of PS5 users who wont migrate to this nonsense. No worries, time and numbers will tell if im wrong.
2. Guess what Mr. 2 Pros, youre gonna have to choose anyway between modes, just with the "perk" of better visual quality on perf mode, mostly noticeable with 4X ZoomOr do you really think Pro is gonna be capable to run everything 60 fps/4K? Hahahaaha isnt even doing it with this Ratchet, which is an amazing game and a tech powerhouse, but its a LAUNCH game from 4 years ago. How come still few games can reach this quality on our PS5? How come still most part of our catalogue are still pumped up PS4 games? No wonder what is gonna happen with GTA VI and games alike.
3. I had a PS4 Pro, and at least that leap made more sense. It has a reasonable price, we were switching to 4K TVs anyway...and you know what? Even that kinda ruined the gen leap when i upgraded to PS5, because i was actually used to see PS4 games on higher res.
4. Congratulations for your Pros, gladly most of the consumes arent like you!
1. We the Major part of PS5 users who wont migrate to this nonsense. No worries, time and numbers will tell if im wrong.
2. Guess what Mr. 2 Pros, youre gonna have to choose anyway between modes, just with the "perk" of better visual quality on perf mode, mostly noticeable with 4X ZoomOr do you really think Pro is gonna be capable to run everything 60 fps/4K? Hahahaaha isnt even doing it with this Ratchet, which is an amazing game and a tech powerhouse, but its a LAUNCH game from 4 years ago. How come still few games can reach this quality on our PS5? How come still most part of our catalogue are still pumped up PS4 games? No wonder what is gonna happen with GTA VI and games alike.
3. I had a PS4 Pro, and at least that leap made more sense. It has a reasonable price, we were switching to 4K TVs anyway...and you know what? Even that kinda ruined the gen leap when i upgraded to PS5, because i was actually used to see PS4 games on higher res.
4. Congratulations for your Pros, gladly most of the consumes arent like you!
Does it at DLSS level? What we are seeing on DF takes are noticeable artifacts due to reconstruction. Yes, better than FSR, but still not as staggering as they want us to see. BTW, im in Latin América, so what "Billy Boy" means?you're punchin way above your level of knowledge... settle down billy boy
PSSR makes the infamous 4k/60 point, null.
Hahahahaha1. No reasonable person on this Earth is expecting the majority of PS5 owners to migrate to the Pro, especially no one at Sony. The PS4 Pro was meant to cater to the user who desired more than what the base console could offer and served as an option to prevent that type of user from switching to PC around the mid-point of the gen. That's Sony's stated reason for the PS4 Pro existing. Stands to reason that the PS5 Pro is being built for the same reason. Personally my guess is that just a bit more users will eventually pick up a PS5 Pro compared to those who picked up a PS4 Pro.
2. I know, which is why I said, "many games" instead of, "all games". I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm already very satisfied with the results of the small amount of games we've seen so far as a sample of how things will go initially. All of us can only speculate what the difference will be on titles a year down the road or 2 years or 4 years.
3. I loved my PS4 Pro and while it was a great leap over the base console, it didn't ruin the generational leap to the PS5 for me because that generational leap included things like instant loading, 3D audio, DualSense support, ray tracing and graphical fidelity that the PS4 and PS4 Pro could never hope to achieve. There was more than enough on day 1 to clearly show me the generational leap the moment I loaded up a game like Demon's Souls.
4. No, most consumers are not like me and as I pointed out above, no one is expecting most consumers to be like me - at least no reasonable person is. The base PS5 will always be the workhorse to appeal to the masses and the Pro will always be the niche console for the user who desires that extra gooey goodness. I'm overjoyed that these options exist for both types of users. You're utterly miserably over the choice existing, and your misery is giving me even more joy, so it's win-win for me![]()
Im in.3 months of gold he has one by 11-7-2025, any takers?
Miserable? Youre the one wasting your $700 on that. How can that make me or anyone miserable, dude?
Thing is, i could give zero fucks about what you or anyone here particulary purchase or not, but sadly corporations just understand the languaje of numbers, and if people massively goes into this thing, they'll understand is good to sell overpriced stuff with lazy upgrades. I dont how you or anyone can defend paying more? Dont you value your money? Good for you, but thing is, again, if enough people bite the bait, its going to become a trend for them on future systems.
On the jump from PS4 Pro to PS5, i just agree on the DualSense and Demon's Souls point. Also how come 4 years later we have very few games on that visual level on PS5? In regards to Tempest 3D, i have them...and if im honest, just on Astros Playroom i've had a surprisingly kinda "next gen" experience. On most games they dont seem too much different from the former gen headsets. I use them more often as regular headphones on my PC, because they have great sound even for listening to music though.
As i've said on others PS5 Pro threads, just time will tell who was right. But i can tell you that there is more negative feedback for this PS5 Pro than the fewdback it was back in the day for PS4 Pro.
At this point this is just gold begging.3 months of gold he has one by 11-7-2025, any takers?
A little palate-cleanser PSSR footage, when not dealing with debatable sharpening choices:
Looking immaculate in the full screen shots.
Youre free to have all the joy you want with the product that brings that to you. No one is denying that! In fact, i have a similar mindset, thats why i have, for example, an OLED TV (LG B4, im in Latin América so had to go with the OLED entry level, which is also expansive here anyway). But what really bothers me on this gen is that we still are playing crossgen stuff and instead of more proper "next gen" games, Sony wants us to pay again for newer hardware to improve even further PS4 tech stuff like GT7 (i have and love that game and should look georgeus even on base PS4, but come on), TLoU 2, FF VII (which is still UE 4) and Horizon. So Pro feels like what OG PS5 should have been on the first place.Keep bringing me that joy!
I value my money and I value my entertainment time. This product will increase the joy I get out of my entertainment time and I am happily willing to part with my valuable money to increase the value in my entertainment time.
Also you're confusing Tempest 3D in the PS5 with the Pulse 3D headset. 3D audio works with pretty much any headset. I originally had the Pulse 3D and now I'm using the InZone H7 headset. I also use the Pulse Explores when streaming on the Portal. If Sony ever has Audeze make a higher end headset than the Pulse Elite then I'll probably look into picking that up.
As they say in 7:26 games with lower resolution input will be really interesting, so far we know about AW2 and AC Shadows with lower than 1080p resolutions (~800p for both).
I expect that temporal instability to become all the more glaring especially with all the small environmental detail in Alan Wake 2.
I really feel like I owe Mike Fitzgerald an apology after all I've said in this Thread.
Comparisons have luckily been conducted in a fair manner and turned out very flattering to PSSR even with the erased sharpening pass, and thanks to this tasteful move game is looking absolutely amazing now.
Clean as hell when seen in full screen like on this video, but especially, and surprisingly, naturally razor-sharp on my panel for an extremely pleasing pre-rendered aesthetic, much more than before and in comparison with sharpening applied even at higher resolutions.
Looking great. It's not the maxed out PC version graphically, but a very good looking version of the game nonetheless.