Not if supply remains insanely high. Even if people have hundreds of millions of gold each, competition (which drives down prices on non-rare items) will keep the costs way down. Only the best stuff with the best rolls will command a premium price. The inflation on those items will be insane. We're already at the point where some stuff is absolutely worthless (I've got a 750 DPS bow up for like one wants it. It was worth 100k+ last week) while other stuff is worth so much gold that 99.9% of everyone can't afford it.
The AH and the smith are both a reward for your work; just not the one you're working so hard for.
With no +armor stat that is amazing.
The amount of Blacksmithing gripes makes me wonder how many people played all of D2 without gambling. I mean, yeah, the items from the BS aren't super amazing for their combine cost but at least I'm guaranteed a Rare. Gambling millions of Gold to get like 10 Level 5 +Light Radius blue rings is a goddamn crime; 40k for a guaranteed Rare isn't so bad in comparison :x
Demand will increase as supply increases.
Keep trying!Can't past the " retriving character list " stage at login.
Why ?!!?!
Keep trying!
It's more that Demand is shifting from shitty items (~700 DPS) to less shitty items (~800 DPS) to less shitty items (~900 DPS) and so on. ~900-1000 DPS will soon become the staple and sub-900 on 2H Weapons just won't be looked at, probably.
Wait for 15 seconds, then cancel and try again.Should I wait ? Or keep canceling or login again every 10 sec ?
The amount of Blacksmithing gripes makes me wonder how many people played all of D2 without gambling. I mean, yeah, the items from the BS aren't super amazing for their combine cost but at least I'm guaranteed a Rare. Gambling millions of Gold to get like 10 Level 5 +Light Radius blue rings is a goddamn crime; 40k for a guaranteed Rare isn't so bad in comparison :x
If a Radiant Star doesn't guarantee me 500 DEX on it, I probably wouldn't even think of using it like that lol. That's a ~15M price tag on a guaranteed 50 DEX.
Are +crit damage gems better for late game weapons as a DH than +damage?
It would seem that way to me because of Sharpshooter.
lol so if I'm going to move my 600 dmg/175 int Gidbinn I need to do it now to retain any value?
See I never played D1 or D2 so the smith is pretty cool to me, and I used him early on. Can he be better? Sure, but that doesn't mean he's terrible now. Right now it's just easier to farm for gold/gear and if I don't get an upgrade through gear I go buy what's an upgrade. I know the upgrades are there as I've found +57 resist all, 6x Dex, 6x Vit bracers. Far better than what I'm using and better than what I'm willing to spend in the AH.
I was just using the numbers to reference the scaling back of the gem quality from the numbers they put in when socketed. I am am sure someone good at crunching the numbers would be able to quickly determine a system of setting the min value of the stat associated with the gem when crafting. But the core idea of gem type effecting the crafted item as well as the quality of gem effecting the +value I think is a great idea.
The problem with the Blacksmith is that it's just cheaper to AH things than it is to use him. He has a lot of use at 60, though, especially with the 6 Affix plans (which I need to get to farming for, hm). I've made things with him that sold for 300k+ (hell, a pair of gloves sold for 1.5M and only cost me 43k to make) so it's not like he can't make GOOD items. He can. Level 60 plans will net you a 4 Affix Rare with Inferno mods.
Gambling is gambling. It just sucks that he's not incredibly useful for 1-60 when it's obvious that Blizzard wanted him to be.
Right, and I don't disagree to an extent. Sure finding the loot yourself for an upgrade is a better carrot. However it's not like that doesn't happen. It might not happen as often as we'd like, but it happens. He mentioned that doing X runs without being rewarded was the issue. You are however being rewarded, with a carrot that doesn't taste as good.
These exist? That would make him even better! ... and you can farm specifically for them?!
At least pre-Legendary buff patch lol. Off-hand, I don't know the rest of the stats so I can'ts ay for certain but I wager a lot of people will just skip from a cheap ~500-600 DPS one-hander to the 800-ish DPS ones. Of course, I'm pulling this logic straight out of my ass and anecdotal experience.
The problem with the Blacksmith is that it's just cheaper to AH things than it is to use him. He has a lot of use at 60, though, especially with the 6 Affix plans (which I need to get to farming for, hm). I've made things with him that sold for 300k+ (hell, a pair of gloves sold for 1.5M and only cost me 43k to make) so it's not like he can't make GOOD items. He can. Level 60 plans will net you a 4 Affix Rare with Inferno mods.
Gambling is gambling. It just sucks that he's not incredibly useful for 1-60 when it's obvious that Blizzard wanted him to be.
Yeah, the core idea is great. I was just saying that it needs to be ridiculous at the high-end. I imagine a lot of people will just throw Flawless Squares at it since they're so damn common. Maybe basic Star Gems if the upgrade is worth it.
My ah is locked out with items that won't sell cheap and I only have 500k that should go to a new dps set for act 1 inferno....Gold find is useless when you can make millions flipping crap on the AH, tbh.
The amount of Blacksmithing gripes makes me wonder how many people played all of D2 without gambling. I mean, yeah, the items from the BS aren't super amazing for their combine cost for 1-59 but at least I'm guaranteed a Rare at 60, damn it. Gambling millions of Gold to get like 10 Level 5 +Light Radius blue rings is a goddamn crime; 40k for a guaranteed Rare isn't so bad in comparison :x
The reward is muted and minimal, and really only enables you to gamble once again on the AH - a resource that isn't as much fun (based on his theory - I love the AH).
As far as actually finding loot that we can equip and utilize - outside of normal - and only if you choose not to use the AH - it's an incredibly rare experience.
For myself personally I've found one thing past level 20 that I've instantly equipped on a character. For reference I have at least 200 hrs of play time at this point.
That is so far removed from anything I experience in Diablo 2.
Can you guys tell me if these would fetch a decent amount on the AH? They seem decent except no resist all![]()
That guys ideas are terrible for everyone who cant play diablo as a massive time sink. I dont get many hours of the week to farm for items. But i will be able to buy gold to buy items from the AH.
Play, hit wall, go to AH buy item continue playing
his ideas are
Play, hit wall, farm, farm, farm, continue progressing
Right now im pleased with the game though i am only level 47. I have had some decent drops that i equipped but i would not be having as much fun if i was stuck with gimped gear because i didnt spend hours finding it.
I will probably just try to auction off the couple legendary weapons I have pretty soon anyway. It Seems pointless to pay the premium over magic and rare items when they are buffing them. It is still disappointing that I could get a magic offhand that does close to 1000 dmg more than my Uhkapian Serpent for 1/3 the price. I was thinking that the serpent and Gidbinn would be the premium WD gear to own like Humonculous in D2 was.
That guys ideas are terrible for everyone who cant play diablo as a massive time sink. I dont get many hours of the week to farm for items. But i will be able to buy gold to buy items from the AH.
Play, hit wall, go to AH buy item continue playing
his ideas are
Play, hit wall, farm, farm, farm, continue progressing
Right now im pleased with the game though i am only level 47. I have had some decent drops that i equipped but i would not be having as much fun if i was stuck with gimped gear because i didnt spend hours finding it.
The amount of Blacksmithing gripes makes me wonder how many people played all of D2 without gambling. I mean, yeah, the items from the BS aren't super amazing for their combine cost for 1-59 but at least I'm guaranteed a Rare at 60, damn it. Gambling millions of Gold to get like 10 Level 5 +Light Radius blue rings is a goddamn crime; 40k for a guaranteed Rare isn't so bad in comparison :x
Can you guys tell me if these would fetch a decent amount on the AH? They seem decent except no resist all![]()
Can you guys tell me if these would fetch a decent amount on the AH? They seem decent except no resist all![]()
Define decent? You can either get vendor for them, salvage them, or sell them for more than you would vendor them for. Best bet is to find comparables on the AH and see what they're going for then undercut for a fast sell.
Chest - I'd put it up for 30k starting 50k buyout without looking at other items. Will sell fast.
Bracers - 25k with a 30k buyout.
Move them fast so they're not sitting there for 2 days.
Do you remember D1 or D2? Do you remember how useful gold was? Gambling as well as repair were literally the only things you'd use gold for. Gambling wasn't even technically gambling because you had nothing to lose.
Gold has actual value in D3.
Not going to get much at all, the no resist all kills it.
Because gold was worthless in D2. Gold is far from useless as long as the gold AH exists, and there is no reason to gamble on the very remote possibility of good rares from the blacksmith when you can spend gold on the AH and be guaranteed exactly what you wanted.
To those of you doing Dank Cellar farming, how are you doing it? Someone mentioned getting about 10k per run, I'm lucky to get 1k. Granted I only have 70% GF, but still that shouldn't be a factor of 10 difference. Is it the one northwest of the Old Ruins waypoint, or is there another one with the elite yellow quill field mobs?
Guys, I'm starting to suspect that if my Hydra kills the enemy, then my MF/GF isn't calculated with that kill... tried it out in the cellar, let the Hydra kill everything and got a lot less than I usually get...
My ah is locked out with items that won't sell cheap and I only have 500k that should go to a new dps set for act 1 inferno....
Hold on, let me find it for you.Is there a Blizzard hate thread?
One With Everything lets those resists be +All if they're being stacked. And +100 Armor (from the STR) isn't the worst thing ever. Especially with three sockets and -4% Melee Damage.
If you're doing cellar runs pop out archon modeGuys, I'm starting to suspect that if my Hydra kills the enemy, then my MF/GF isn't calculated with that kill... tried it out in the cellar, let the Hydra kill everything and got a lot less than I usually get...
Retrieving Hero List... for 20 minutes >_>
Is there a Blizzard hate thread?
A very interesting post here, with a gamedeveloper discussing shortcomings of Diablo's item system.
I kinda feel punished trying to play the game multiplayer in an act that I don't have 'on farm' yet. Anyone else feeling that way?